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Rodolfo Carrera, Editor
WEEK OF JANUARY 20, 2025 [No. 1611]
High-fidelity long molecular entanglement demonstrated:
researchers at Durham in Durham have used rotationally magic-wavelength optical
tweezers to create a controlled stable environment that supports long-lived (≈ 1
s) coherence between entangled ultracold polar molecules. They prepared
two-molecule Bell states, using dipolar spin exchange and directed microwave
excitation, with fidelities 0.924 (+0.013/-0.016) and 0.76 (+0.03/-0.04),
respectively, limited by detectable leakage errors. When correcting for these
errors, the fidelities were 0.976 (+0.014/-0.016) and 0.93 (+0.03/-0.05),
respectively. This despite the Hz-scale interactions at their 2.8 μm particle
spacing. They have shown that the second-scale entanglement lifetimes are
limited solely by these errors. The speed and fidelity of their Bell-state
preparation may be improved by changing the confinement of the molecules to
access smaller separations. Transferring the molecules into a magic-wavelength
optical lattice should give access to sub-µm separations and increased molecular
confinement, resulting in increased interaction strengths with reduced noise.
For more information: Nature, January 15 (2025) page 827;,
January 15 (2025).
252Rf nucleus produced and decay measured:
researchers at the GSI in Darmstadt have discovered the shortest-lived
superheavy nucleus, from the most neutron deficient 104Rf isotope, at
the boundary of the stability island in the sea of unstable superheavy nuclei.
They report the discovery of 252Rf with ground state fission
half-life 60(+90 / −30) ns, shorter than the previous minimum for spontaneously
fissioning nuclei, thus, expanding the range of half-lives of the known
superheavy nuclei by about 2 orders of magnitude. The researchers utilized an
isomeric state with inverted fission stability for the measurement. The results
here confirm a smooth onset of decreasing ground-state spontaneous fission
half-lives in the neutron-deficient Rf isotopes toward the isotopic border of 10
fs (boundary determined as the time needed to form an atomic shell). The island
of stability predicted in the 60's has been confirmed with the observation of
increasing half-lives in the heaviest currently known nuclei as the predicted
next magic number of 184 neutrons is approached. The short-lived
252Rf was synthesized in a gas recoil separator and guided to the
detection system in its high-K isomeric state 252mRf (for which they
measured a half-life of 13(+4 / −3) μs) taking advantage of inverted
fission-stability where excited states are more stable than the ground state.
The researchers used an intense pulsed beam of 50Ti available at the
GSI/FAIR UNILAC accelerator to fuse Ti nuclei with 204Pb nuclei on a
target foil. They used four different beam energies that resulted in excited
254Rf, that emits either one neutron to leave 253Rf or two
neutrons to leave 252Rf. These isotopes were separated in the
TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus TASCA. After a flight of 3.5 m
(flight-time ≈ 0.6 µs), those were implanted into a Si detector that registered
their implantation as well as their subsequent decay. The large beam energies
used here favored the production of 252Rf over 253Rf. In
total, 27 atoms of 252Rf decaying by fission with half-life 13 µs
were detected. The electrons emitted after the implantation of the isomer
252mRf in its decay to the ground state, were detected using a
home-made fast digital data acquisition system. In all the three registered
cases, a subsequent fission followed within 250 ns. From these data, a half-life
of 60 ns was deduced for the ground state of 252Rf, making it the
shortest-lived superheavy nucleus currently known. It was determined that almost
all the 13-µs span belonged to the decay of the excited isomeric state in the
252Rf nucleus whose existence allowed the measurement of the 60-ns
ground-state fission because the excited state survived the time-of-flight of
the separator *so the ground state appeared and decayed in the detector rather
than in the separator). In future experimental campaigns, the researchers plan
the measurement of isomeric states with inverted fission stability in the next
heavier element 106Sg to further map the isotopic border of the
stability island.
For more information:, January 15 (2024); Physics, January
14 (2025); Phys. Rev. Lett., January 14 (2025) page 022501.
WEEK OF JANUARY 13, 2025 [No. 1610]
Fractional excitons observed:
researchers at Brown University in Providence, RI have observed excitons in the
fractional quantum Hall regime. They used a bilayer graphene sandwiching an
insulating hBN layer to control the movement of electrical charges and generate
excitons under a high magnetic field. Some of the excitons arise from the
pairing of fractionally charged particles and have non-bosonic properties that
are different from fermions and anyons as well. The researchers present
transport signatures of excitonic pairing in the fractional quantum Hall effect
states. By probing the composition of these excitons and their impact on the
underlying wavefunction, they discovered two new types of quantum phases of
matter. One of those can be viewed as the fractional counterpart of the exciton
condensate at a total filling of 1, whereas the other involves a more unusual
type of exciton that obeys non-bosonic quantum statistics. The researchers will
next study how these fractional excitons interact and whether their behavior can
be controlled.
For more information: Nature, January 8 (2025) page 327;,
January 8 (2025).
Proximity ferroelectricity detected:
researchers in Penn State University at University Park, PA have detected
proximity ferroelectricity in a non-ferroelectric polar material induced by one
or more adjacent ferroelectric materials (wurtzite ferroelectric
heterostructures). Proximity ferroelectricity enables polarization reversal in
wurtzites without the chemical or structural disorder that accompanies elemental
substitution. They had previously developed a ferroelectric material,
Mg-substituted ZnO thin films. The ZnO has desirable properties, but it is not
ferroelectric by itself. Adding Mg makes the material ferroelectric but degrades
properties like heat dissipation during device operation and the ability to
transmit light over very long distances. Using proximity ferroelectricity, the
researchers found they could turn pure ZnO ferroelectric by stacking it with a
ferroelectric material like the Mg-substituted ZnO thin films. The ZnO here can
exhibit polarization reversal in its pure state. The ferroelectric layer can be
just 3% of the total volume of the stack, meaning the vast majority is material
with the most-desired properties. The ferroelectric, or switching layer, can be
placed on the top or bottom or as an isolated internal layer. The researchers
observed proximity ferroelectricity in oxide nitride and combined nitride-oxide
systems, suggesting that there is a generic mechanism involved. The
non-ferroelectric layers here are AlN and ZnO, whereas the ferroelectric layers
are Al1−xBxN, Al1−xScxN and
Zn1−xMgxO. The layered structures include nitride–nitride,
oxide–oxide and nitride–oxide stacks that feature two-layer (asymmetric) and
three-layer (symmetric) configurations. Ferroelectric switching in both layers
is validated by polarization hysteresis, anisotropic chemical etching, second
harmonic generation, piezo response force microscopy, electromechanical testing
and atomic resolution polarization orientation imaging in real space by STEM.
The researchers present a physical switching model in which antipolar nuclei
originate in the ferroelectric layer and propagate towards the internal
non-ferroelectric interface. The domain wall leading edge produces elastic and
electric fields that extend beyond the interface at close proximity, reducing
the switching barrier in the non-ferroelectric layer, and allowing complete
domain propagation without breakdown. DFT calculations of polymorph energies,
reversal barriers and domain wall energies support this model.
For more information: Nature, January 8 (2025) page 574;,
January 8 (2025).
Time-domain oscillations between distant on-chip spins
researchers at TU Delft in Delft have demonstrated coherent interaction between
two semiconductor electron spin qubits 250 μm apart, using a superconducting
resonator coupled to two gate-defined double dots. The separation is several
orders of magnitude larger than for the commonly used direct interaction
mechanisms in this platform. The researchers here demonstrate the time-domain
control of a dot–resonator–dot system and realize two-qubit iSWAP oscillations
between distant spin qubits. The two qubits are encoded in single-electron spin
states and they are coupled via a 250-μm-long superconducting NbTiN on-chip
resonator. The resonator is also used for dispersively probing the spin states.
They demonstrate operations on individual spin qubits at the flopping-mode
operating point and characterize the corresponding coherence times. They realize
iSWAP oscillations between the two distant spin qubits in the dispersive regime.
They study how the oscillation frequency varies with spin–cavity detuning,
spin–photon coupling strength and frequency detuning between the two spin
qubits, and compare the results with theoretical simulations. The researchers
operate the system in a regime in which the resonator mediates a spin–spin
coupling via virtual photons. Their observations are consistent with iSWAP
oscillations between the distant spin qubits, and suggest that entangling
operations are possible in 10 ns. The fabricated device was characterized by
recording the microwave transmission from the input port via the resonator to
the output port. The researchers initialized one spin in the ground state and
the other in the excited state. When they activated the interaction between
these spins, the two qubits transferred their quantum states back and forth.
When one spin transitions to the ground state, the other simultaneously
transitions to the excited state, and vice versa. After previous spectroscopic
measurements relying on coherent spin-photon interactions, the researchers
observed time-domain oscillations here. The researchers plan to increase the
quality factor of the oscillations and study time-domain oscillations between
each of the spins and real photons in the resonator in the form of vacuum Rabi
For more information: Physics, January 7 (2025); Nat. Phys., December
9 (2024).
WEEK OF JANUARY 6, 2025 [No. 1609]
No electronic correlation at twist angle 4.4° in
dichalcogenide bilayers:
an international group lead by researchers at the University of Groningen in
Groningen has used nano-ARPES to investigate structural relaxation in small
angle twisted bilayer WS2 and found electronic behavior inconsistent
with theory predictions of collective behavior. They present here a systematic
nano-ARPES investigation of bulk, single-layer, and twisted bilayer samples with
a small twist angle (4.4°). The experimental results are compared with
theoretical calculations based on DFT along the high-symmetry directions. The
electronic band structure measurements suggest a structural relaxation occurring
at twist angle 4.4° and the formation of large, untwisted bilayer regions
replacing most of the twisted area with the twisted bilayer partially reverting
to a lower-energy, untwisted configuration.
For more information:, December 30 (2024); Phys. Rev. Mat.,
December 26 (2024) page 124004.
Spin-orbit coupled superconducting electrons:
researchers at the University of Minnesota have proposed that in certain
materials, pair spin–orbit interaction (PSOI) is strong enough to engender
unconventional superconductivity. They analyzed the PSOI arising from Coulomb
interaction in a class of materials that exhibit spin–orbit coupling associated
with a strong Rashba effect. This effect has been studied for decades, owing to
the possibility of creating spin-polarized currents of electrons without the
need to apply a magnetic field. The Rashba effect can arise in a crystal lacking
inversion symmetry, where spin-up and spin-down electrons split into different
conduction bands. PSOI can induce p-wave superconducting order without
the need for attraction mediator. Depending on the sign and strength of the PSOI
coupling, two distinct superconducting phases emerge in 3D systems, analogous to
the A and B phases observed in superfluid 3He. In contrast, 2D
systems exhibit order parameter like px ± iqy,
leading to time-reversal-invariant topological superconductivity. A sufficiently
strong PSOI can induce ferromagnetic ordering. It is associated with a
deformation of the Fermi surface, which eventually leads to a Lifshitz
transition from a spherical to a toroidal Fermi surface, with a number of
experimentally observable signatures. In pure Rashba materials, ferromagnetism
and p-wave superconductivity may coexist. This state resembles the
A1 phase of 3He, yet it may avoid nodal points due to the
toroidal shape of the Fermi surface. Their calculations show that the PSOI is
strong in the considered Rashba materials and can induce electrons to pair up
and produce a superconducting state. Although the pairing symmetry differs in 2D
and 3D, in both cases it has odd parity, meaning that the system would be an
unconventional superconductor. Such a state would be disrupted by modest
concentrations of impurities and could be detectable in ultrapure samples at
100's mK.
For more information: Physics, January 2 (2025); Phys. Rev. B,
January 2 (2025) page 035104.
WEEK OF DECEMBER 30, 2024 [No. 1608]
Single-stage laser-wakefield electron accelerator operated at
10 GeV:
researchers of the BELLA Center at LBNL in Berkeley, CA
and the University of Maryland in College Park, MD have demonstrated
compact, laser-driven, controllable electron bunches accelerated at
energies close to 10 GeV by combining plasma-wakefield particle
acceleration with guided laser propagation in channels created by a
laser in plasma. The system here is a matched guiding and controlled
injection in dark-current-free, 10-GeV-class, channel-guided
laser-plasma accelerator. The researchers achieved matched guiding by
using hydrodynamic optical-field-ionized (HOFI) plasma channels. HOFI
channels are created by a short-pulse laser that heats the plasma’s
electrons and induces a hydrodynamic shock, causing a rapid expansion of
the plasma. The expansion produces the radially varying electron density
needed for matched guiding. Recent work showed that this method works
for plasma densities relevant to laser-wakefield schemes, it offers good
tunability, and it supports a wider range of channel parameters than
other techniques. BELLA’s Pw-laser facility is well suited to this
approach, with a first beam line producing the main beam for wakefield
acceleration and a recently installed second beam line providing the
J-level, short pulses required for creating the guiding plasma channels.
A 1.3-J channel-forming beam creates a guiding structure in a sheet of
supersonic gas (HOFI channel). The channels guide the 21.3-J drive beam
that enables the acceleration of electrons up to 9.2 GeV. Using 21.3Â J
of laser energy, and triggering localized electron injection, they
observed electron bunches with single, quasi-monoenergetic peaks up to
9.2Â GeV with charge extending beyond 10Â GeV. Earlier this year,
acceleration to 10 GeV of electron bunches with a charge up to 0.34 pC,
was demonstrated using 118 J of energy in each laser drive pulse without
a plasma channel and through a complex combination of acceleration
mechanisms. The researchers here used 21.3 J in the drive pulse to
obtain electron bunches of similar energies with higher charge (~ 3 pC).
Here a single acceleration mechanism is involved making it easier to
control. This system provides single, all-plasma, laser-driven
plasma-wakefield acceleration stage, demonstrated here at 1 Hz (the
plasma-channel approach has already been demonstrated up to 1 kHz and
BELLA is set to be upgraded to that frequency). The system is suitable
for higher rates as the plasma channels are renewed with each pulse, and
the remaining heat can be efficiently transported away. The researchers
here measure the high-intensity laser propagation throughout m-scale,
channel-guided laser-plasma accelerator by adjusting the length of the
plasma channel on a shot-by-shot basis, showing high-quality guiding of
500 TW laser pulses over 30 cm in a H plasma of density n0 ≈
1×1017  cm−3. They observed transverse energy transport of
higher-order modes in the first ≈ 12  cm of the plasma channel, followed
by quasi-matched propagation, and the gradual, dark-current-free
depletion of laser energy to the wake. They quantify the laser-to-wake
transfer efficiency limitations of currently available Pw-class lasers
and demonstrate via simulation how control over of the laser mode can
improve beam parameters.
For more information: Physics, December 18 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett.,
December 18 (2024) page 255001.
GHz-strobe, IR-laser, phase-resolving imaging of spin waves
researchers at the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill, NC have developed a method for imaging spin waves in
magnetic materials. They have used strobe intensity variations in a CW
IR laser beam at 1550 nm with intensity modulated at GHz by an EOM
(matching the frequency of spin waves and spin rotation rate). Thus,
capturing the spin wave motion at specific moments in time, directly
capturing the amplitude and phase of the spin waves. They
spectroscopically studied the phase-resolved spin dynamics in a bilayer
of Permalloy and Y3Fe5O12 (YIG), and
spatially imaged the backward-volume spin-wave modes of YIG in the
dipolar spin-wave regime. Using the strobe light probe, the detected
precessional phase contrast can be directly used to construct the map of
the spin wave’s wavefront, in the CW regime of spin-wave propagation and
in the stationary state, without needing any optical reference path. By
selecting the applied field, frequency, and detection phase, the
spin-wave images can be made sensitive to the precession amplitude and
phase. The researchers generated spin waves in a sample and imaged them
over a rectangular region (~ 1 mm2). Their maps show how the
wavelength increases as the drive frequency increases. This behavior was
expected, as the velocity of spin waves is not constant (they move
faster at higher frequencies). They previously used this technique to
measure phase shifts at fixed points in a material, and they have
adapted it here. The researchers scan the modulated laser beam on a
sample's surface and record a similar polarization shift as in
pump–probe spectroscopy. To set the timing of the flashes, they drive
the EOM with the same electronic signal used to excite the sample's spin
wave so the flashes arrive at well-defined moments in the wave’s
progression, allowing both the amplitude and the phase of the wave to be
measured. The researchers studied composite samples made of YIG / NiFe
Permalloy, measured the propagation speed of spin waves of various
wavelengths, and recorded the spin-wave behavior at the boundaries
between different materials.
For more information: Physics, December 20 (2024); Phys. Rev. App.
December 20 (2024) page 064081.
WEEK OF DECEMBER 23, 2024 [No. 1607]
Detection of atom leakage in quantum processor:
researchers at SNL in Albuquerque, NM have developed a circuit-based
leakage-to-erasure conversion in a neutral-atom in a Cs quantum
processor with 93.4% accuracy. The method non-destructively detects the
loss of an atom without disturbing its quantum state. It thus
demonstrates a practical data-qubit-coherence-preserving way to detect
atom-loss-type leakage errors for neutral atom platforms. It allows
researchers to flag and correct errors, including knowing whether they
can trust the result of a computation, and then it leads to a way of
correcting errors by filling in detected gaps. The researchers have
demonstrated a proof-of-principle circuit-based conversion of a leakage
error to erasure via leakage-detection units (LDUs), which
nondestructively map information about the presence or absence of the
qubit onto the state of an ancilla. They benchmark the performance of
the LDU using a three-outcome low-loss state-detection method and find
that the LDU detects atom-loss errors with ~ 93.4% accuracy, limited by
technical imperfections of their apparatus. They compile and execute a
swap LDU, wherein the roles of the original data atom and ancilla atom
are exchanged under the action of the LDU, providing free refilling of
atoms in the case of atom loss. This circuit-based leakage-to-erasure
error conversion is a key component of a neutral-atom quantum processor
where the quantum information may significantly outlive the lifetime of
any individual atom in the quantum register. They also demonstrate that
LDUs may also be used to handle other forms of leakage errors where
population moves to states outside of the computational subspace. An LDU
maps the information about the presence or absence of a data atom onto
the state of an extra ancilla atom without impacting the internal state
of the data atom. They describe and demonstrate a variation of the LDU
where the roles of the original data and ancilla atoms are exchanged
after the LDU. This variation could allow for simultaneous detection of
atom-loss errors and effective cooling of the quantum register by
replacing old hot atoms with fresh reservoir atoms. The issue of
detecting atom loss is that researchers cannot look at the atoms they
need to preserve during computation. The operation falls apart if
researchers do anything at all to observe the state of a qubit while it
is working. Initially, the researchers here were debugging a small bit
of quantum computing code. The code diagnoses the entangling interaction
by repeatedly applying an operation and comparing the results when two
atoms interact versus when only one atom is present. When the atoms
interact, the repeated application of the operation makes them switch
between entangled and disentangled states. In this comparison, they
observed a key pattern. Every other run, when the atoms were
disentangled, the outcome for the two-atom case was markedly different
from the solo-atom case. Without trying, they had found a subtle signal
to indicate a neighboring atom was present in a quantum computer without
observing it directly. They could detect if the atom was there or not
without damaging the information in it. They went to work formalizing
the idea into a set of code tailored to detect atom loss. It would use a
second atom, not involved in any calculation, to indirectly detect
whether an atom of interest is missing. They need to test not only their
ability to detect an atom, but to detect an atom that starts in many
different states. And then, check that it does not disturb that state of
the first atom. They have tested the new routine and verified its
results by comparing them to a method of directly observing the atoms.
LDUs map the bit of information specifying whether a data atom is within
the qubit subspace, or not, onto the 0-1 states of an ancilla qubit, and
do so without disturbing the information in the data qubit in the case
of no leakage. Circuit-based approaches to leakage errors have been
previously demonstrated in other hardware such as trapped ions and
superconducting qubits. The objectives of an LDU are: detect whether or
not some data atom is present and in the computational subspace, and do
so in a way that preserves the information in that data atom. Here the
qubit states are the clock-state Zeeman sublevels in the hyperfine
ground-state manifold of Cs atoms in optical tweezers. For hyperfine
ground-state qubits in alkali atoms, there are three major pathways for
the atom to leak out of the computational space. The first is atom loss
from the trap due to background gas collisions, heating after many gates
or movement operations, and failure of recapture after the traps are
turned off during entangling operations. The second is Rydberg leakage,
where the population is unintentionally left behind in a Rydberg state
after entangling operations, either due to coherent over-rotations or
blackbody-induced transitions to nearby Rydberg states. The third
leakage mechanism is hyperfine leakage into nonqubit Zeeman sublevels of
the hyperfine ground manifold due to decay from excited states. The
researchers demonstrated the detection of leakage via these three
pathways with a circuit that preserves the coherence of the data atom.
The nondestructive detection of atom-loss errors is a key tool for
quantum information to survive longer than any single atom in a
neutral-atom quantum processor.
For more information:, December 18 (2024); PRX Quantum,
December 16 (2024).
Laser excitation of 229Th nuclear transition
demonstrated in thin-film target:
researchers at JILA in Boulder, CO and UCLA In Los Angeles have created PVD
229ThF4 thin films from 229Th-doped crystals
(fabricated at the University of Vienna) as 229Th spectroscopy
targets consuming just mg of 229Th material. As they worked to
observe the nuclear transitions in the 229Th-doped crystals, in
parallel they worked to make the nuclear clock safer and more cost-effective by
developing 100-nm thin film coatings by PVD to reduce the amount of radioactive
Th needed for its fabrication. They selected SaF and MgF as substrates for their
UV transparency to excite the nuclear transition. They reliably reproduced thin
films, with up to three orders of magnitude smaller radioactivity than typical
229Th-doped crystals, that could be tested for potential laser
nuclear transitions. After five decades of searching, the VUV 229Th
nuclear isomeric transition has recently been directly laser excited in
229Th-doped -crystals and measured with high spectroscopic precision.
Unlike in a crystal, the thin films produced variations in Th environments,
shifting their energy transitions and making them less consistent and not easily
accessible to laser combs. After preparing the thin films, JILA researchers sent
them to UCLA, where they used a high-power laser with a large spectral width to
test the nuclear transitions even if the observed nuclear decay signal linewidth
was broader than previously obtained with crystals.
For more information: Nature, December 18 (2024) page 603; Phys,org, December
18 (2024).
WEEK OF DECEMBER 16, 2024 [No. 1606]
Semi-Dirac fermion observed:
an international group lead by scientists from Columbia University in New York,
NY and Penn State in University Park, PA has used Landau level magneto-IR
spectroscopy to observe semi-Dirac fermions inside bulk topological semi-metal
ZrSiS crystals at 4 K under high in-plane magnetic fields (at the HMFL in
Tallahassee, FL). In contrast to the conventional expectation of 2D electrons at
the surface or interface of a layered material, the observed semi-Dirac fermions
here reside within planes perpendicular to the atomic layers of ZrSiS and
originate from the vicinity of points where nodal lines cross in momentum space.
The data indicated that the electron energy levels did not have mass dependence
and their Landau level transitioning and cyclotron energy have B2/3
scaling. The researchers did ab initio calculations and theoretical modeling to
pinpoint the observed semi-Dirac spectrum to the crossing points of nodal lines
in ZrSiS. Crossing nodal lines exhibit a continuum absorption spectrum but with
singularities that scale as B2/3 at the crossing. The crossing point
of nodal lines in ZrSiS offers a generic platform for realizing semi-Dirac
fermions through the merging of three Dirac points.
For more information:, December 10 (2024); Phys. Rev. X, December 5
(2024) page 041057.
Bound-state βb decay of 205Tl81+
measured for use in solar neutrino spectroscopy:
an international group of researchers at the E121 and LOREX (Lorandite
Experiment) Collaborations has used the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) at GSI
in Darmstadt to generate an intense and pure 205Tl81+ ion
beam, store it, and measure the bound-state beta decay of an electron-free
205Tl81+ nucleus into a hydrogen-like
205Pb81+ ion through the creation of a bound electron and
thus, determine the solar neutrino capture cross section of
205Tl81. In βb decay, a neutron transforms into
a proton, and an electron is created in a bound atomic state instead of being
emitted to a continuum, and thus, a monochromatic electron antineutrino is
produced in a free state. The
205Tl81-205Pb81 pair is known since
1976 to have the lowest threshold energy for νe capture (50.6 keV).
It was then proposed to search for natural deposits of lorandite ores (TlAsS2)
containing 205Tl81 (natural abundance 70.5%) and measure
the amount of created 205Pb81, to determine the solar
neutrino flux Φ(νe) averaged over the age of the ore. The Lorandite
Experiment (LOREX), proposed in the 1980s, aims at obtaining the longtime
averaged solar neutrino flux by utilizing natural deposits of Tl-bearing
lorandite ores. To determine the νe capture cross section, it is
required to know the strength of the weak transition connecting the ground state
of 205Tl81+ and the 2.3 keV first excited state in
205Pb81. The capture of solar neutrinos transforms the
stable 205Tl81 atom (ground state, Ix
=1/2+) via the (νe,e-) reaction into
205Pb81, where the first excited state (E* =2.3  keV,
Ix =1/2-, T1/2 =24.2(4)  μs) is
predominantly populated due to the nuclear selection rules. This state promptly
decays via internal conversion to the ground state of
205Pb81 (Ix =5/2-,
T1/2=17.0(9) Myr), making the measurement of its weak
decay unfeasible. At this time, the only direct method to determine the nuclear
matrix element of this weak transition is the measurement of the bound-state
βb decay of fully ionized 205Tl81+ to
205Pb81+. Solar neutrinos interact with Tl atoms, present
in the lorandite mineral (TlAsS2), and convert them into Pb atoms. The isotope
205Pb81 is considered here due to its long half-life time
of 17 Myr, making it essentially stable over the 4 Myr timescale of the
lorandite ore. As it is currently not feasible to directly measure the neutrino
cross-section on 205Tl81, the researchers exploited the
fact that this quantity, the nuclear matrix element, also determines the
bound-state beta decay rate of fully ionized 205Tl81+ to
205Pb81+. The 205Tl81+ ions were
produced using nuclear reactions in GSI/FAIR's Fragment Separator (FRS) and then
stored long enough for its decay to be observed and measured in the storage
ring. After three decades of preparation, they measured the half-life of
205Tl81+ beta decay to be 291 (+33/-27) days. The measured
βb-decay half-life is longer than previous theoretical estimates, 122
days and 52.43Â days. By using the new estimated rate, the solar-neutrino capture
cross section has been calculated, resulting in a correspondingly lower value
than previously anticipated. This has severe consequences on the geochemical
neutrino experiment LOREX, which aims to determine the averaged solar neutrino
flux over the past 4.31(2)Â Myr. Taking the estimated concentration of 14(4)
solar-neutrino induced 205Pb81  atoms/g, a total of about
5677(1622) 205Pb81 atoms are expected in the entire
available lorandite sample of ~ 405.5Â g, which corresponds to a
signal-to-background ratio of only 3.5σ (assuming detection efficiency of 100%).
Overall, this makes any statistically significant determination of
205Pb81 concentration due to solar neutrinos highly
unlikely. The sensitivity might be boosted by collecting significantly larger
lorandite samples, preferably at higher paleo depths to reduce cosmic and
geology related systematic uncertainties.
For more information:, December 11 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett.,
December 2 (2024) page 232701.
WEEK OF DECEMBER 9, 2024 [No. 1605]
Collective quark-gluon entanglement observed:
an international group lead by researchers at BNL in Upton, NY has analyzed
data from past high-energy e-p collisions providing strong evidence of
entanglement among the proton's sea of quarks and gluons. They
investigate the differential rapidity-dependent entanglement entropy
within the proton and its connection to final-state hadrons, aiming to
elucidate its QCD evolution. Their analysis reveals a strong agreement
between the rapidity dependence of von Neumann entropy, obtained from
QCD evolution equations, and the corresponding experimental data on
hadron entropy. They have used quantum information techniques to map out
how the distribution of stable particles that emerge at various angles
from e-p collisions (after quarks and gluons liberated in the collisions
coalesce to form these new composite particles) are influenced by
quantum entanglement inside the proton. The results reveal that quarks
and gluons are subject to quantum entanglement. The entanglement occurs
in the fm scale and the sharing of information extends over all the
quarks and gluons in that proton. It has been theoretically predicted
that whether the quarks and gluons are entangled, it can be revealed
from the collision's entropy. According to the calculations, protons
with maximally entangled quarks and gluons (high degree of entanglement
entropy) should produce many particles with a high degree of entropy
distribution. For a maximally entangled state of quarks and gluons,
there is a simple relation that predicts the entropy of particles
produced in a high energy collision. The researchers here started by
analyzing data from p-p collisions at the LHC in CERN, and e-p
collisions from the H1 in HERA. They cataloged detailed information from
H1 data recorded in 2006–2007, including how particle production and
distributions varied and a wide range of other information about the
collisions that produced these distributions. When they compared the
HERA data with the entropy calculations, the results matched the
predictions well. These analyses, including the latest ROPP results on
how particle distributions change at various angles from the collision
point, provide strong evidence that quarks and gluons inside protons are
maximally entangled. Maximal entanglement inside the proton emerges as a
consequence of strong interactions that produce a large number of
quark–antiquark pairs and gluons. This study shows that some outcomes of
high-energy proton collisions, like the entropy of the particles
emerging, are determined by the entanglement within the protons before
they collide.
For more information:, December 2 (2024); Rep. Prog. Phys.,
December 2 (2024) page 120501.
Atomic relaxation in cuprates analyzed:
researchers at SLAC in Menlo Park, CA have determined how atomic relaxation
changes in the presence of the charge density wave (CDW) and superconductivity
quantum states that intertwine in high-Tc cuprate superconductors.
They measured small spontaneous atomic lattice fluctuations in underdoped
YBa2Cu3O6+y (y = 0.67, YBCO) samples on
quasi-static timescales (ks) through XR photon correlation spectroscopy,
observing sensitivity to both superconductivity and CDW. The atomic lattice
shows faster relaxational dynamics upon approaching the superconducting
transition at Tc ≈ 65 K. By tracking the momentum dependence, they
showed that the intermediate scattering function almost monotonically scales
with the relaxation distance of atoms away from their average positions above
Tc and in the presence of the CDW state, while this trend is reversed
for other temperatures. These observations are consistent with an incipient CDW
stabilized by local strain. They show that coherent XR can be used to measure
slow, subtle fluctuations of the atomic lattice in
YBa2Cu3O6+y, giving information on quantum
phases generated by the coupling between electrons and the crystal lattice. They
measured the response of these fluctuations to both superconductivity and CDW to
understand how superconductivity, CDW, and the lattice are coupled on
quasi-static timescales. They studied the superconductivity and CDW interaction
through quasi-static lattice fluctuations. They used the Coherent Hard XR
Scattering beamline (CHX) at the National Synchrotron Light Source II at BNL.
They found that atomic relaxation took ~ 1,000 s in the cuprate they studied.
Atoms meandered farther away from their average positions and relaxation slowed
down in the presence of CDWs; while relaxation accelerated, as the cuprate
approached its superconducting state. By illuminating a heterogeneous sample
with coherent XR, interference from objects compatible with the wavelength (here
~ 1 Ã…) produces speckle with a coherence area set by the transverse coherence
length of the source. A speckle pattern thus, acts as a fingerprint of the
spatial arrangements of the domains. By tracking the evolution of the speckle
pattern in the diffuse scattering near a lattice Bragg peak, they study the
temporal dynamics of atomic relaxation caused by local strain. In the cuprates,
relaxational atomic fluctuations can respond to the CDWs, because the diffuse
scattering underlying the XR speckle is driven by CDW-related atomic
distortions. In YBa2Cu3O6+y, the researchers
identified an especially fast response near the superconducting transition
Tc, and report on the momentum dependence of atomic relaxation, which
supports an incipient CDW state stabilized by local strain. The work here
demonstrates how measuring lattice fluctuations with bright, coherent XR beams,
spatially resolved details about the correlation physics in complex materials
can be obtained.
For more information:, December 5 (2024); PNAS, December 4
WEEK OF DECEMBER 2, 2024 [No. 1604]
Record-long nuclear spin coherence time for a levitated system:
researchers in Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris have
performed an NMR experiment with a levitating diamond microparticle
(size 10-20 µm) containing thousands of NVCs. They observed nuclear spin
coherence time ~ 120 µs (> 1000x than before for levitating objects).
This technique helps in the cooling of a small floating object by
coupling the object’s motion to its magnetic spins. Repeatedly aligning
the spins causes them to absorb more and more energy from the motion,
gradually cooling the object. Throughout this process, the spins must be
coherent. The researchers used a green laser light to polarize the
electronic states in the NV centers. Then, they leveraged the hyperfine
interactions between electronic and nuclear spins using dynamic nuclear
polarization (DNP). This method allowed them to transfer the
polarization from the electronic to the nuclear spins, enabling the
manipulation of the nuclear spins and thereby, the quantum state of the
system. The researchers levitated the microdiamond in an electric field
and aligned the electronic spins of the NVCs with the laser. Then, they
used DNP to manipulate and detect the nuclear spins of the N atoms in
the NVCs and bring the nuclear spins into alignment with the optically
aligned electronic spins. They observed NMR within the levitating
microdiamond using the nuclear spins of 14N atoms. By tightly confining
the angular degrees of freedom of the diamond in a Paul trap, they
obtained efficient hyperfine interaction between the optically polarized
electronic spins of NVCs and the 14N nuclear spin, allowing nuclear spin
polarization and quantum state readout. They obtained nuclear spin
coherence duration could be long enough for the microdiamond to be
cooled to ultralow temperatures through many cycles of nuclear-spin
alignment. The researchers believe that this coherence time could be
further extended using higher-quality microdiamonds than those used
For more information: Physics, November 25 (2024);, December
13 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett., November 21 (2024) page 213602.
Vortex optical pumping of electronic quantum Hall states:
an international group lead by researchers in the
University of Maryland at College Park, MD has used vortex light beams
to cause electrons in graphene to gain and lose angular momentum,
transporting them across the sample and generating a measured current.
The researchers present a mechanism for orbital angular momentum
transfer from optical vortex beams to electronic quantum Hall states.
They identify a robust contribution to the radial photocurrent, in an
annular graphene sample within the quantum Hall regime, that depends on
the vorticity of light. This phenomenon can be interpreted as an optical
pumping scheme, where the angular momentum of photons is transferred to
electrons, generating a radial current, and the current direction is
determined by the vorticity of the light. The researchers increased
electron interaction by making them occupy more space and their size
approach the wavelength of the pumping light. By cooling a sample of
graphene sample down to ~ 4 K and subjecting it to a strong magnetic
field, electrons that are ordinarily free to move around become trapped
in cyclotron orbits. As the field gets stronger, the orbits become
tighter and tighter until many circulating electrons are packed in so
tightly that no more can fit. Although the orbits are tight, they are
still much larger than the electron orbitals in atoms. They wired up the
sample with electrodes, one in the middle of the sample, and another
made a ring around the outer edges. Earlier theoretical work by the
researchers suggested that electrons circulating in such a sample could
gain angular momentum in chunks from incoming light, increase the size
of their orbits and eventually get absorbed by the electrodes. The idea
here was to change the size of the cyclotron orbits by adding or
subtracting orbital angular momentum from the electrons, thus
effectively moving them across the sample and creating a current. The
researchers observed a robust current that survived under a wide range
of experimental conditions. They hit their graphene sample with light
carrying orbital angular momentum that circulated clockwise and observed
the current flowing in one direction. Then, they hit the sample with
light carrying counterclockwise orbital angular momentum and found that
the direction of the current flipped. When they flipped the direction of
the applied magnetic field, the current flipped direction as well. They
changed the voltage across the inner and outer electrodes and continued
to see the same difference between currents generated by clockwise and
counterclockwise vortex light. In all cases, the current only appeared
in the presence of light carrying orbital angular momentum, and the
direction of the current was correlated with whether the light carried
momentum that spun clockwise or counterclockwise.
For more information:, November 26 (2024); Nat. Phot.,
November 26 (2024) page 213602.
WEEK OF NOVEMBER 25, 2024 [No. 1603]
Neutron quark flavor separation:
CLAS12 Collaboration researchers at the Jefferson Lab in Newport News, VA have
studied deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) on the neutron using a
polarized electron beam from the CEBAF accelerator and the Central
Neutron Detector (CND) built by the IJCLab at the Paris-Saclay
University in Orsay installed at the Experimental Hall B. Measuring
deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) on the neutron is one of the
necessary steps to understand the structure of the nucleon in terms of
generalized parton distributions (GPDs). Neutron targets play a
complementary role to transversely polarized proton targets in the
determination of the GPD E. This poorly known and poorly constrained GPD
is essential to obtain the contribution of the quarks’ angular momentum
to the spin of the nucleon. DVCS on the neutron was measured by
selecting the exclusive final state by detecting the neutron, using the
Jefferson Lab longitudinally polarized electron beam, with energies up
to 10.6Â GeV, and the CLAS1212 detector. The extracted beam-spin
asymmetries, combined with DVCS observables measured on the proton,
allow a clean quark-flavor separation of the imaginary parts of the
Compton form factors â„‹ and â„°.The researchers have studied before DVCS in
protons extensively using the CLAS12 detector (the CEBAF Large
Acceptance Spectrometer at 12 GeV beam energy), but neutrons involved in
DVCS are more difficult to detect because they tend to scatter 40° up
from the beamline, an area that the CLAS12 cannot access. The CND was
built for that range and collected data between 2019 and 2020 for the
study here. While it was able to cover the necessary angles to detect
neutrons, the researchers encountered proton contamination during data
analysis. The detector was designed to discard charged, non-neutron
signals. However, they found that the part of the detector responsible
for vetoing protons had dead zones, allowing protons to sneak in and
contaminate the neutron measurements. They cleaned the data using
machine learning (ML) techniques to discriminate fake signals from real
neutrons. Using ML techniques with the Central Neutron Detector
permitted the first measurements of DVCS on the neutron that directly
detect the neutron participating in the reaction. Many processes can
occur between a beam electron and a nucleon target; directly detecting
the neutron gives the researchers confidence that they are indeed
detecting DVCS. The neutron measurements from this experiment allowed
the researchers to access GPD E (generalized parton distributions E)
transforming measurements from the scattering experiments here into
information about the distribution of partons. The researchers extracted
an asymmetry that depends on the spin of the beam, from the data. With
this asymmetry, they extracted GPD E with high precision and then got
information about the spin structure of nucleons. When combined with
other GPDs, GPD E will be used later on to quantify how much constituent
quarks contribute to the total spin of the nucleon. Combining
measurements of DVCS on the neutron with previous measurements of DVCS
on the proton allowed the researchers to separate the imaginary parts of
the GPDs E and H by quark flavor. Separating the distributions for up
and down quarks will help to understand how different flavors of quark
contribute to nucleon spin.
For more information:, November 22 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett.,
November 20 (2024) page 211903.
Fast quantum gas generation:
researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have used
electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) to achieve quantum degeneracy
with high efficiency. They trapped Rb atoms in a 3D optical lattice created by
laser interference and employed EIT along with adiabatic expansion to rapidly
cool the atoms with ~ 100% efficiency and ~ 100x faster than evaporative
cooling. After just 10 ms of cooling, they verified the phase transition from a
thermal to a quantum gas by adiabatically transferring the atoms to optical
dipole traps. In a 1D optical trap, they observed the emergence of a stable and
strongly correlated quantum gas. They observed the collapse of atoms in 3D
traps, as in a quantum gas with negative scattering length. The formed quantum
gas in 3D traps collapsed with atoms colliding and emitting a large quantity of
atomic jets, forming a shell-like structure.
For more information:, November 18 (2024); Nat. Phys.,
October 28 (2024) page 036601.
WEEK OF NOVEMBER 18, 2024 [No. 1602]
Quantized vortex observed in a dipolar supersolid state:
a group lead by researchers at Universität Innsbruck in
Vienna has observed induced microscopic vortices in a 2D supersolid as
response to rotation showing irrotational superfluid flow, thus
providing further confirmation that supersolids can be considered as
superfluids with a crystalline structure. The group had previously
created (2021) a long-lived 2D supersolid in an ultracold gas of Er
atoms. Then, the researchers developed techniques to generate vortices
in dipolar gases and supersolids with 2D crystalline order. They report
here on the theoretical investigation and experimental observation of
vortices in the supersolid phase. They have used magnetostirring to
rotate a BEC made of magnetic 164Dy atoms, causing the atoms
to rotate (spin rotation ~ 50 Hz) by rotating the magnetic field. They
formed vortices in the supersolid phase, then melted the material back
into a superfluid in order to image the vortices with higher contrast.
As the group increased the field’s rotation rate, they observed vortices
spontaneously forming in the condensate and migrating to density minima
(vortices are density zeroes so less energy is needed to locate in a
density minimum than in a density peak). The order that the vortices
assume is largely imparted by the crystalline structure and their
distance is dependent on the repulsion between vortices. When the
researchers imposed a rotation on the supersolid it slowed it down; then
at some point the vortices unpinned and they observe glitches in the
rotational frequency (sudden changes in rotation speed). They observed
differences between the dynamics of vortices in supersolids and
unmodulated quantum fluids. The group is now measuring the rotational
speed of the vortices to fully corroborate theoretical predictions, and
plan to investigate how the vortices form, migrate and dissipate. They
also want to replicate the glitches, to show how an avalanche of
vortices might prompt a supersolid to speed up its spin.
For more information: Physicsworld, November 11 (2024); Nature,
November 6 (2024); Quanta, November 6 (2024);, November 6
Controlled atom transfer between optical tweezers:
researchers at the Technion-IIT in Haifa have used a linear array of
three optical tweezers to demonstrate controlled adiabatic transfer of
ultracold atoms using coherent tunneling between optical tweezers. In
spatial adiabatic passage (SAP, observed in electromagnetic waves with
light in photonic waveguides) a wave packet is transferred between two
uncoupled localized modes by adjusting the tunneling coupling to an
intermediate third mode in a counterintuitive sequence. The researchers
here demonstrate this quantum interference effect using massive
particles that tunnel between three micro-optical traps (optical
tweezers). They prepared ultracold fermionic atoms in low vibrational
eigenstates of one trap, followed by manipulating the distance between
the traps to execute the SAP protocol. They observe a smooth and
high-efficiency transfer of atoms between the two outer traps, with a
very low population remaining in the central trap. By changing the
distances between each pair of adjacent tweezers, they dynamically
controlled the tunneling rate of atoms between them. By controlling the
tunneling rate, they efficiently transferred atoms between the two outer
tweezers. The researchers showed that although the atoms move between
both sides of the chain, the likelihood of finding them in the middle
tweezer is very low. The atomic waves interfere destructively in the
middle trap, making it impossible to find the atoms there. In a
two-level system coupled by an external field, continuously changing the
drive frequency across the transition resonance leads to population
inversion (adiabatic rapid passage). In a three-level system stimulated
Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) allows the transfer of population
between two of the three states by coupling them to an intermediate
state with two driving fields. The sequence of the driving fields keeps
the system in a dark state involving only the initial and final states
(helpful in atomic systems where the intermediate state has fast
radiative decay). In STIRAP involving three localized spatial modes that
are coupled by tunneling, it is possible the transfer of a wave packet
initially centered at the first mode to the third mode, with negligible
population at the second mode throughout the process, despite the fact
there is no direct coupling between the first and third modes. The
researchers here arrange three optical tweezers in a line, with the
atoms confined to only one of the external tweezers. They investigate
the tunneling rate between two adjacent tweezers and the relation
between the tunneling coherence time and the SAP process fidelity. They
use fermionic 40K atoms prepared in the lowest vibrational
states of one of the optical tweezers. The tweezers are generated using
a 1064-nm laser beam that passes through an acousto-optical deflector
(AOD), giving independent control over each trap’s position and
potential depth. An optical objective focuses these tweezers to a
Gaussian waist w0 = 1.15 μm. The initially occupied tweezer
is loaded from a Fermi gas with a temperature of T/TF ≈ 2,
where TF is the Fermi temperature. The relative depths
between the tweezer and the larger optical trap containing the Fermi gas
ensure a nearly unit probability of occupying the lowest vibrational
eigenstates of the tweezer. After loading the tweezer, they release the
reservoir Fermi gas, and the magnetic field is adjusted to a point where
the two relevant spin states of 40K are noninteracting. To
eliminate atoms in high-energy states, they reduce the tweezer’s
intensity while simultaneously applying a magnetic field gradient. This
procedure provides precise control over the average atom number within
the tweezer. They turn on two additional tweezers, which remain
unoccupied. During the SAP sequence, a magnetic gradient is applied to
effectively nullify the average magnetic and gravitational forces
experienced by the spins. The number of atoms and their position is
determined by recording the fluorescence signal generated by two
resonant, counterpropagating probe beams. They study tunneling between
adjacent tweezers by preparing one tweezer with a small number of atoms
and then gradually turning on a second empty tweezer at a distance
d0 over a 0.5 ms duration. After a certain waiting time Δt,
they move the traps away to a distance of 40 μm and then measure the
relative population. Slowly decaying coherent oscillations between the
tweezers are observed. The decay is probably due to the involvement of
multiple eigenstates, although tweezer intensity and position
fluctuations may also contribute. They find an optimal distance
d0 = 1.5 μm (~ 1.3 w0). The tunneling frequency
decreases as the distance increases but they observe a weak dependence
on the distance that deviates from numerical evaluation using the 1D
Schrödinger equation for the ground state wave function. This
discrepancy could be attributed to deviations in the shape of the
tweezer from an ideal Gaussian, the influence of 3D tunneling effects,
and the population of higher vibrational states. The researchers did
tunneling measurements with varying initial numbers of atoms. The
tunneling frequency is almost independent of the number of atoms for
just a few atoms. The key advantage of adiabatic control schemes like
SAP is robustness to experimental imperfections and fluctuations in
parameters. The findings indicate that the fidelity of the SAP process
is ultimately limited by the coherence time of the tunneling dynamics.
The potential depths of each tweezer vary depending on its distance to
other tweezers. Here all atoms start localized in the same tweezer and
are transported in parallel and in a similar manner to the destination
tweezer. More generally, different atoms could be initially localized in
different tweezers, and the adiabatic process could be engineered to
transfer each to a different final state. If the atoms are
noninteracting and start in orthogonal states, then they remain in
orthogonal states throughout the adiabatic process. Thus, they are
transparent to one another, allowing for a high level of parallel
For more information:, November 11 (2024); Science Advances,
October 12 (2024).
WEEK OF NOVEMBER 11, 2024 [No. 1601]
Yoctosecond imaging of nuclear triaxiality:
the STAR Collaboration researchers at BNL in Upton, NY have used high energy
collisions in the RHIC accelerator to do ys imaging of nuclear
structures including triaxility measurement. The researchers introduce
the collective-flow-assisted nuclear shape-imaging method, which images
the nuclear global shape by colliding them at ultrarelativistic speeds
and analyzing the collective response of outgoing debris. This technique
captures a collision-specific snapshot of the spatial matter
distribution within the nuclei, which, through the hydrodynamic
expansion, imprints patterns on the particle momentum distribution
observed in detectors. They benchmark this method in collisions of
ground-state U238 nuclei (known for their elongated,
axially-symmetric shape). The findings show a large deformation with a
slight deviation from axial symmetry in the nuclear ground state,
aligning broadly with previous low-energy experiments. Since these
high-energy collisions occur on timescales much shorter than typical
nuclear processes, it allows a more detailed snapshot of nuclear shape
than conventional spectroscopic and low-energy scattering approaches.
The researchers reconstructed the properties of the 3D structure of the
smashed nuclei by analyzing the entire collection of images from many
different collisions (emission trajectories and energies). By measuring
the variation in the flow patterns from collision to collision in
head-on collisions of oblong U nuclei and comparing them to collisions
of near-spherical Au nuclei, the researchers extracted the information
on the shape of the U nuclei. Those collisions produced a quark-gluon
plasma (QGP, life time ~ 10 ys) with various shapes and sizes that drove
distinct expansion patterns leading to different distributions of
emitted particles as determined by the shape of the colliding nuclei.
The shape and size of each QGP blob directly affects the pressure
gradients generated in that blob of plasma, which in turn influences the
collective flow and momentum of particles emitted as the QGP cools. They
analyzed the flow and momentum of particles emerging from collisions and
compared them with models of hydrodynamic expansion for different QGP
shapes to arrive at the shapes of the originally colliding nuclei. They
compared central collisions of Au nuclei (from low energy studies,
believed to be close to spherically shaped) with central collisions of U
nuclei (of oblong shape). Because the Au nuclei are nearly spherical,
there should not be much variation from collision to collision in the
flow patterns of emitted particles. Central collisions of Au nuclei
produce a circular, fixed size QGP that expands evenly in all
directions. The oblong U nuclei can collide in a wide range of
orientations, generating droplets of QGP with various shapes and sizes
so the researchers expected central collisions of U to exhibit much more
variability in the flow patterns. By comparing measurements between U-U
and Au-Au collisions, and fitting those results to hydrodynamic models
that have described well other characteristics of the QGP, the
researchers inferred a quantitative description of the shape of the U
nucleus. Their results include a determination of the relative lengths
of the three principal axes of the U nucleus. Rather than observing only
the expected known distortion in the one principal axis that leads to
prolate elongation, they found differences in all three axes. The
results from both types of analyzed collisions aligned well with
established findings, validating the precision of the introduced
high-energy method.
For more information: Nature, November 6 (2024) page 67;,
November 6 (2024); Physicsworld, November 19 (2024).
Control of RT skyrmion motion demonstrated:
researchers at the KRISS in Daejeon have directly generated and
controlled RT magnetic skyrmion motion by ultra-low current density in
FGaT flakes. The samples were of pure, with no 3d metal doping, FGaT
(Fe3GaTe2), a 2D van der Waals material where RT
ferromagnetism has been recently discovered with TC = 350 -
380 K and where even few nm-thick, RT samples exhibit high saturation
magnetization and strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. They applied
a voltage and magnetic field to the sample, to create skyrmions and used
a current to induce motion on them. The experimental results showed that
the power consumption for controlling skyrmions in 2D was ~ 1/1000 of
the power needed in 3D systems; the skyrmion sizes were smaller than in
3D systems by over an order of magnitude. The researchers analyzed the
magnetic properties using a Quantum Design MPMS SQUID system. They
utilized high-resolution magnetic transmission soft XR microscopy (MTXM)
to image the magnetic domain structure and the skyrmions. The
field-dependent magnetic domain structure evolution was confirmed using
both MOKE microscopy and MTXM. They demonstrated the generation of
magnetic skyrmions through electrical current pulse injection under an
external magnetic field. They used electrical pulses, to analyze the
conditions for skyrmion generation and concluded that skyrmions are
thermally generated in consistency with the analysis of the
characteristic time scale.
By adjusting the external magnetic field, they manipulated the
polarity and density of the skyrmions. They induced and observed
current-driven magnetic skyrmion motion using electrical pulses ~
109 A/m2 at RT. The detected threshold current
density for magnetic skyrmion motion in FGaT was two orders of magnitude
smaller than in similar 2D ferromagnetic materials such as
Fe3GeTe2. They measured the speed of skyrmions at
a few mm/s under electrical pulses ~ 109 A/m2.
They found that the speed of skyrmions can be modulated by controlling
the density of skyrmions and the electrical pulse amplitude.
For more information: Phys,org, November 6 (2024); Adv. Mat., January
25 (2024).
WEEK OF NOVEMBER 4, 2024 [No. 1600]
Kagome magnetism arises from localized electrons:
an international group lead by scientists at Rice University in Houston, TX
has studied FeSn thin films and observed
persistent flat band splitting even at elevated temperatures,
concluding that localized electrons drive magnetism in the sample, not
the mobile electrons as thought to date. They also observed strong
selective band renormalization with some electron orbitals showing
stronger interactions than others. The researchers used MBE/ARPES to
synthesize samples and probe their electronic structure. They identified
the exchange-split kagome flat bands, with splitting persisting above
the magnetic ordering temperature, indicative of a local moment picture.
Such local moments in the presence of the topological flat band are
consistent with the compact molecular orbitals predicted in theory. They
observed a large spin-orbital selective band renormalization in the Fe
spin majority channel reminiscent of the orbital selective correlation
effects in the Fe-based superconductors. They explored the nature of
magnetism in kagome lattice materials by comparing the experimental data
with DFT calculations and identified the Dirac crossings and flat bands,
in the presence of magnetic splitting in the A-type antiferromagnetic
(AFM) phase. By varying the temperature from 20 K to above the Néel
temperature (TN = 370 K), they observed the temperature
evolution of the band structure qualitatively consistent with the
exchange splitting between spin majority and spin minority bands, but
with a significant persistent splitting above TN. This
suggests the nature of the magnetism to be dominated by the presence of
local moments rather than Stoner instability. While most of the data
show reasonable match with DFT, they discovered a strong band
renormalization in a subset of the band structure. They observed that
the renormalized bands only inhabit the spin majority channel,
suggesting a strong spin and orbital selective correlation effect in a
magnetic kagome system. The researchers here observed phenomena related
to band topology and electronic correlation in the kagome magnet FeSn.
They identified the topological flat band resulting from the destructive
interference in the AFM phase of FeSn. The observation of the flat bands
is consistent with the expected location of the spin majority kagome
flat band from DFT calculations for the AFM phase, suggesting that the
DFT estimation of the exchange splitting in the AFM phase is reasonable.
However, the spin-split flat bands were found to remain split above
TN. This is consistent with the behavior of magnetism driven
largely by local moments, in contrast to the Stoner-type flat band
magnetism. The topological nature of the kagome flat bands prohibits the
representation of the electronic states using localized atomic Wannier
orbitals, contrasting the finding of the coexistence of local moments
and topological flat bands. This may be consistent with the treatment of
the compact molecular orbitals that effectively could act like local
moments in analogy to the atomic local moments. The researchers
discovered a strong selective band renormalization in a particular spin
and orbital channel. The selective renormalization together with the
rapid depletion of the spectral weight of the renormalized bands with
increasing temperature is reminiscent of the orbital-selective
correlations observed in multiorbital systems. The obtained data
indicate the absence of Van Hove singularities (VHS) near EF
in the AFM FeSn thin films. The results here suggest that electron
correlations effects are non-negligible in Fe-based and, likely,
Mn-based kagome magnets.
For more information:, October 30 (2024); Nat. Comm, October
30 (2024).
Coherent ergotropy increases with coherence in a single spin
researchers at the University of Science and Technology
in Hefei have manipulated a NVC’s single spin, to investigate the
coherent ergotropy in a single spin system and confirm the theoretical
prediction that the more coherent the system is, the more work can be
extracted from it. They measured ergotropy using an ancillary qubit
extracting both the coherent and incoherent components of the ergotropy
for the nonequilibrium state. The increase in ergotropy induced by the
increase in the coherence of the system was confirmed by experiments
varying the coherence of the state. The amount of energy that can be
gained from a quantum system is not given by the energy of the system.
The physical origin of this counterintuitive fact is that the second law
of thermodynamics, in the formulation of Kelvin and Planck, prevents the
cyclic extraction of work from thermal equilibrium states. Thermal
states are for this reason often called passive. The maximum amount of
work than can extracted in a cyclic (unitary) process is given by the
nonpassive part of their average energy. The difference between the mean
energy of the state and the corresponding passive state defines its
ergotropy. In systems without coherence, the incoherent ergotropy
depends only on the population's distribution of energy levels. The
coherent ergotropy, appears in the presence of coherence between energy
levels, and it is non-negative (coherence can enhance the work
production capacity of the system). The researchers here studied the
solid-state qubit formed by the single electron spin of a NVC in a
diamond crystal with long spin coherence at RT. Coherent superpositions
of states of the qubit were prepared by inducing Rabi oscillations
driven by microwave pulses. The average energy of the electron spin was
measured by coupling the spin to an ancillary qubit (an adjacent nuclear
spin). For short evolution times, the average energy of the electron
spin could be mapped onto the state of the nuclear spin, and then read
out using laser pulses. The ergotropy of the electron spin state was
then evaluated by calculating the difference of the results of two
energy measurements: the mean energy of the initial state and the mean
energy of the state after work extraction. The incoherent and the
coherent ergotropies were determined from the prepared system states in
the experiment. The amount of coherence was characterized with the
relative entropy of coherence (that vanishes for a classical state and
monotonically increases with growing quantum coherence). By varying the
amount of coherence, the researchers demonstrated the coherent ergotropy
increase as the electron qubit is made more coherent, as predicted by
For more information: Physics, October 28 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett.,
October 28 (2024) page 180401.
Scalable ion motion control on a 2D interconnected-trap
researchers at Quantinuum in Broomfield, CO have
demonstrated scalable controlled motion of multispecies ions in a linear
Paul trap grid that uses low-bandwidth control electrodes with RF
potential to provide confinement. They experimentally demonstrate the
transport operations for sorting qubits using C2LR transport (center to
left or right). This enables independent control of the well trajectory
in each grid leg using a single digital control signal per site and a
fixed number of analog signals independent of grid size. C2LR can be
combined with global shifts and rotations to implement higher-level
operations required for a full qubit-sorting algorithm (site-dependent
swapping of qubit pairs between adjacent legs through their shared
junction and site-dependent reordering of ion crystals). They
characterize the work in the context of transport operations that sort
and reorder multispecies ion crystals. Site-dependent operations can be
achieved using a fixed number of analog voltage signals and a single
digital input per site, by combining cowiring of control electrodes at
translationally symmetric locations in each grid site with the ability
to exchange the voltages applied to two special electrodes gated by a
binary input. They characterize the conditional intrasite crystal
reorder and the conditional exchange of ions between adjacent sites on
the grid, in two separate experimental systems containing nominally
identical grid traps with two-ion crystals, one using
171Yb+ - 138Ba+ and the
other 137Ba+ - 88Sr+. They
measure subquanta motional excitation averaged across a multisite region
of interest, in the axial in-phase and out-of-phase modes of the
crystals following these operations at exchange rates of 2.5Â kHz. They
show that these crystals remain in their motional ground state at swap
rates exceeding 2.5  kHz. In this initial demonstration with software
logic controlling the voltage exchange, the applied signals mimic a
hardware implementation using crossover switches. This technique can be
extended to implement other conditional operations in the QCCD
architecture such as gates, initialization, and measurement. Trapped-ion
quantum computers have the ability to entangle any pair of qubits by
physically moving them together. This has been costly in terms of
sorting time and the number of analog signals required to transport the
ions around the trap. The researchers here realize robust,
low-excitation transport throughout an ion trap using an architecture
where sorting is more efficient than in previous 1D geometries. A
critical component of the transport scheme is a strategy to generate a
site-dependent shift of the ions to the left or right along the grid
rows, and up or down along the grid columns. This shift depends solely
on how two voltages are mapped onto two control electrodes, and hence
can be controlled by a simple binary input. This conditional shift can
realize transport operations such as swapping between sites and crystal
reordering. All zones receive the same voltage set and only a fixed
number of analog signals are required regardless of grid size:
high-quality transport and arbitrary sorting capabilities are preserved.
This scheme can increase the qubit count of trapped ion quantum
computers with a minimal increase in the resources required for ion
transport, both in terms of sort time and control equipment. The
researchers have demonstrated the building blocks for scaling ion
transport in a grid-based Paul trap, that is, the conditional exchange
of crystals between sites and the reorder of crystals within a site,
both requiring only a fixed number of analog signals independent of the
grid size and one digital input per site. The basic transport C2LR being
a shift whose direction in a given site can be reversed with the
exchange of voltages applied to two particular electrodes. Incorporating
C2LR with global transport operations realizes the conditional transport
operations presented here, but C2LR could also be combined with
location-dependent control fields, such as focused lasers, to realize
conditional qubit operations such as initialization, measurement, and
gates. The transport operations here attain subquanta motional
excitation at 3  m/s speeds across multiple sites in the trap and with
crystals of different composition, confirming that the necessary control
for multispecies junction transport can be realized despite the
restrictions imposed by extensive electrode cowiring.
For more information: Physics, November 1 (2024); Phys. Rev. X,
November 1 (2024) page 041028.
WEEK OF OCTOBER 28, 2024 [No. 1599]
Non-reciprocal Hall effect observed:
researchers at Penn State in University Park, PA and MIT in Cambridge, MA have
detected RT transverse non-reciprocal transport with a quadratic I-V
characteristic and divergent non-reciprocity. This effect is observed in
microscale Hall devices fabricated from Pt deposited by a focused ion beam on Si
substrates. The transverse non-reciprocal Hall effect arises from the
geometrically asymmetric scattering of textured Pt nanoparticles within the
focused-ion-beam-deposited Pt structures. The non-reciprocal Hall effect
generated in focused-ion-beam-deposited Pt electrodes can propagate to adjacent
conductors such as Au and NbP through Hall current injection. This pronounced
non-reciprocal Hall effect facilitates broadband frequency mixing. Electrons
asymmetrically scatter from the textured nonsymmetrical Pt nanoparticles,
inducing a voltage that runs perpendicular to the current applied to the Si
semiconductor with V ~ I2 and no magnetic field applied to the
sample. The conventional Hall effect with V ~ I occurs only in electrical
conductors or semiconductors in the presence of a magnetic field. Unlike the
conventional Hall effect, which is driven by a force induced by the magnetic
field, the nonreciprocal Hall effect arises from flowing conduction electrons
interacting with the textured Pt nanoparticles. This process results in a
violation of Ohm's law that sets the Hall voltage to be zero in the absence of a
magnetic field.
For more information:, October 24 (2024); Nat. Mat., October
21 (2024).
IR µmolar sensitivity:
researchers at MPI-Light in Erlangen have used femtosecond fieldoscopy
(field-resolved detection of the impulsively excited molecules in the liquid
phase) to measure micromolar level liquid quantities, with record sensitivity in
the IR region. They demonstrate near-PHz electric field detection of a few fs
pulses with 200 as temporal resolution and sub-fJ detection sensitivity; plus,
temporal isolation of the response of the target molecules from those of the
environment and the excitation pulse. In a proof-of-concept analysis of aqueous
and liquid samples, they demonstrate field-sensitive detection of weak
combination bands in H2O and CH3CH2OH at 4.13
µmol concentrations. Stimulating the molecular composition of a sample with
phase-coherent fs excitation pulses leads to temporal gating of the molecular
response from the excitation pulses. This gating allows the detection of
different phases of matter at weak resonance frequencies in a single measurement
with high detection sensitivity, dynamic range and temporal resolution. The as
temporal precision of the measurements allows precise access to the subcycle
electric field of light and decomposition of the short-lived liquid molecular
response from the long-lived ambient gas responses; and, it allows the real-time
resolution of both molecular and electronic dynamics within matter. By using an
ultrashort laser pulse, the molecule's signal is separated from the laser pulse
itself, making it easier to detect the vibrational response in a background-free
manner. Here an ultrashort pulse of light excites liquid molecules surrounded by
water vapor at specific NIR wavelengths. The transmitted pulse captures the
sample's combined response and the environment. A second ultrashort light pulse
converts this pulse to higher optical frequencies, producing a time-dependent
output in a crystal. This output reveals the initial pulse and the delayed
responses from the liquid sample (lasting ps) and the surrounding water vapor
(lasting 10's ps). The short-lived liquid and long-lasting gas responses can be
separated by analyzing the data. The researchers generate high-power ultrashort
light pulses using photonic crystal fibers filled with gas. These pulses,
compressed to nearly a single cycle of a light wave, are combined with
phase-stable NIR pulses for detection. They use electro-optic sampling (EOS), to
measure these ultrafast pulses with near-PHz detection bandwidth, capturing
fields with 200 as temporal resolution. Field-resolved detection allows the
direct measurement of light–matter interactions with as precision in a subcycle
regime, capturing both amplitude and phase information. For decades, as
streaking was the sole method to probe the electric field of light with a
bandwidth approaching the PHz range, in vacuum. Recently developed EOS has high
detection sensitivity in the near-PHz field-resolved detection of light in
ambient air. In EOS, a short probe pulse is employed to resolve the cycles of
the electric field of light by up-converting its spectral bandwidth to higher
frequencies, so Si detectors can be used for broadband NIR detection. The
combination of bright ultrashort pulses and heterodyne detection allows higher
detection SNR and higher detection sensitivity, leaving the shot noise of the
probe pulse as the primary source of noise. The researchers have developed a
laser source delivering broadband pulses with carrier-to-envelope phase (CEP)
stability, which were intrinsically synchronized to near-single-cycle pulses at
MHz repetition rates. This allowed direct electric-field detection of CEP-stable
few-cycle pulses with high detection sensitivity and dynamic range via EOS with
as temporal resolution. Few-fs phase-coherent pulses were utilized for both
broadband molecular excitation and the near-PHz electric-field detection of
their response. They conducted field-resolved detection of water vibration modes
in both gas and liquid phases in the NIR region. Bright, intrinsically
synchronized CEP-stable 15 fs pulses at 2 μm and 4.8 fs pulses at 1 μm were
generated for impulsive excitation and probing of the molecular response via
EOS. Using the MHz ultrashort laser pulses, they demonstrated the ambient air
field-resolved detection of fs pulses with sub-fJ energy and a 104
detection dynamic range in the electric field at near-PHz frequencies. The
source’s MHz repetition rate augments both the SNR and detection sensitivity,
while the signal up-conversion alleviates the bandwidth constraint inherent in
Si-based detectors. Employing probe pulses with shorter temporal duration
extends the detection bandwidth of EOS up to visible frequencies, constrained by
the absorption of the gate pulses in ambient air. The high repetition rate of
the source allows the tracking the sample’s dynamic temporal evolution on a time
scale of 100's ms. Capturing spectrograms with exceptional temporal and spectral
resolution provides information similar to that of multidimensional
spectroscopy. This helps analysis of liquid samples that feature broad
bandwidths and intricate spectral resonances.
For more information:, October 22 (2024); Nat. Phot.,
October 21 (2024).
WEEK OF OCTOBER 21, 2024 [No. 1598]
Ferromagnetism emergence at onset of Kondo breakdown in moiré
researchers in Cornell University at Ithaca, NY have used magneto-transport and
magneto-optical spectroscopy to observe emergence of ferromagnetism at the onset
of a density-tuned Kondo lattice regime breakdown in semiconductor angle-aligned
MoTe2/WSe2 moiré bilayers. At a critical density, they
observe a heavy Fermi liquid to insulator transition and a nearly concomitant
emergence of ferromagnetic order. The observation is consistent with the
emergence of a ferromagnetic Anderson insulator and suppression of the Kondo
screening effect below the critical density. A moiré lattice emerges in the
material studied here because of the 7% lattice mismatch between
MoTe2 and WSe2 so no twist angle is required to create the
moiré superlattice potential. The MoTe2 and WSe2 moiré
Kondo lattice hosts local magnetic moments and a gas of itinerant carriers,
respectively. The Kondo destruction transition (Kondo lattice break down,
usually under varying external parameters like doping density, magnetic field
and interaction strength) occurs at the critical density where ferromagnetic
correlations and ordering are observed. The researchers here built on their
previous realization of an electrically tunable moiré Kondo lattice system (with
the fabrication of a tunable moiré artificial Kondo lattice using moiré
semiconductors MoTe2/WSe2 moiré bilayers), and observation
of gate tunable heavy fermions. They have studied now the fate of the heavy
fermions by continuously tuning the density of the itinerant carriers in the
system (which tunes the effective Kondo coupling strength). They observed a
destruction of the heavy fermions and the simultaneous emergence of a
ferromagnetic Anderson insulator, near a critical density. The researchers
fabricated dual-gated Hall bar devices that allow independent control of the
total doping density in the material as well as the relative partition of doping
densities in each transition metal dichalcogenide layer. Thus, they prepared the
sample in the Kondo lattice regime, which allowed the study of the Kondo
destruction transition continuously as it occurred. They measured the anomalous
Hall response and the spontaneous circular dichroism in the material to
demonstrate the emergence of a ferromagnetic Anderson insulator. They examined
the temperature and magnetic field dependent transport properties to show that
the ferromagnetic Anderson insulator emerges near the Kondo destruction
transition. As the material approached the density-tuned Kondo destruction
transition, they observed a near simultaneous occurrence of a metal-to-insulator
and a magnetic quantum phase transition. Both transitions involve different
degrees of freedom (charge and spin, respectively), so the occurrence of the two
transitions at nearly the same critical density was unexpected. When the sample
approached the Kondo destruction transition, they observed ferromagnetic
correlations contrary to normally observed antiferromagnetic magnetic
correlations and ordering on other known Kondo destruction transitions. The
researchers plan to push the Kondo destruction transition to occur at higher
critical densities by engineering the material's twist angle. They expect much
less impact from disorders at higher critical densities, thus allowing the study
of the quantum phase transition in a more intrinsic manner with possible
observations of quantum spin liquids and non-Fermi liquids.
For more information:, October 17 (2024); Nat. Phys.,
September 9 (2024).
Large increase of magnetization lifetime in atomic array induced:
an international group lead by researchers at Delft University of Technology at
Delft has shown that a short chain of Fe atoms can be coaxed into a junction
point (JP), whose effect is to drastically lengthen the time the chain spends in
one antiferromagnetic state or the other (magnetization lifetime x
103). They demonstrate the manifestation of JPs through the spin
dynamics of nanomagnets by assembling Fe atoms into chains on
Cu2N/Cu(100) using an STM operating at ~ 1.3  K. Adjusting chain
length and interatomic spacing allows them to tailor the spin-spin interactions
and engineer JPs in a controlled manner. When tuning the direction and strength
of the external magnetic field near a JP, they observed an increase of
magnetization lifetimes. Measuring magnetization switching in an Fe atomic chain
under a tuned transverse magnetic field, they observe a nonmonotonic variation
of magnetization lifetimes around a JP. Near JPs, local environment effects
causing quantum tunneling of magnetization (QTM) are efficiently suppressed.
Adjusting interatomic interactions further facilitates multiple JPs. The energy
of an antiferromagnetic spin chain vs. the strength of the applied magnetic
field has the shape of two inverted cones (the ground state is the
upward-pointing cone and the first excited state is the downward-pointing cone)
touching at the JP where the two states are degenerate. Scaling magnets down to
where quantum size effects become prominent triggers QTM. In the vicinity of the
JP, characterized by two metastable magnetization states separated by an energy
barrier, QTM between these states is suppressed due to destructive interference
among separate tunneling paths. Manipulation of magnetic atoms with a STM allows
for the assembly of quantum nanomagnets with controllable energy barriers
ranging from 100  μeV to 100 meV. The lifetime of magnetization states in these
magnets can be determined by monitoring the spin-polarized current through one
of the magnet’s atoms over time. When the magnetic anisotropy barrier exceeds
the thermal energy, the lifetime is dominated by through-the-barrier transitions
(QTM, resulting from hybridization between quantum states on either side of the
barrier). The researchers positioned 5 Fe atoms on a CuN surface at cryogenic /
UHV conditions. A magnetic field applied parallel to the surface had just the
right value to create almost degenerate ground and first excited states. By
measuring the spin of the middle atom using a STM, they found that, at the JP,
the antiferromagnetic pattern flipped every ~ 10 s. By varying the parallel
field and applying an additional perpendicular field, they mapped conditions
away from the JP. At the greatest distance, the flipping time shrank by 3 orders
of magnitude with a high sensitivity of the flipping time to the local magnetic
field. The researchers demonstrated that the switching rate between the two
lowest energy levels can be precisely controlled through tailored transverse
magnetic fields, which suppresses QTM. This suppression emerges as a consequence
of dehybridization of the lowest lying spin states near an avoided level
crossing, which, in the case of Fe chains on Cu2N, results in strong
enhancement of lifetimes. While effects of JPs have been observed previously in
single molecule magnets through ensemble measurements, the researches here have
shown that JPs in quantum magnets can be manipulated and designed by tailoring
the interaction of individual atomic spins on surfaces.
For more information: Physics, October 16 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett.,
October 15 (2024) page 166703.
WEEK OF OCTOBER 14, 2024 [No. 1597]
Entangled optical clock demonstrated:
researchers at JILA in Boulder, CO have used some 100 entangled Sr atoms trapped
in a lattice pattern to make an optical atomic clock beating the standard
quantum limit (SQL) in certain conditions. They set and use a family of
multi-qubit Rydberg gates to generate Schrödinger cat states of the
Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) type with up to 9 optical clock qubits in a
programmable atom array. In an atom-laser comparison at sufficiently short dark
times, they demonstrate a fractional frequency instability below the SQL using
GHZ states of up to four qubits. However, because of their reduced dynamic
range, GHZ states of a single size fail to improve the achievable clock
precision at the optimal dark time compared with unentangled atoms. Thus, they
simultaneously prepare a cascade of varying-size GHZ states to perform
unambiguous phase estimation over an extended interval. The researchers
generated the entangled state by exciting the electrons in the Sr atoms, thus
making a strong interaction of electrons possible. The entangled pair of
electrons increase their decay rates. They experimented with creating optical
clocks that included a combination of individual atoms and entangled groups of
two, four and eight atoms with four clocks ticking at four rates in one system.
They found that, at least under certain conditions, entangled atoms have lower
uncertainty in their decay emissions than the atoms in an unentangled optical
atomic clock. They could only run the entangled optical clock effectively for ~
3 ms before the entanglement between atoms faded away, causing the atomic decay
rate to become chaotic.
For more information: Nature, October 9 (2024) page 315;,
October 9 (2024).
Continuous operation of 1,200-atom quantum register shown:
researchers at the MPI Quantenoptik in Garching have set up a register of 1,000
to 1,247 atoms in an optical lattice and kept it in continuous operation for 1
hr. The scheme relies on a continuously operated storage zone in an optical
lattice, which is periodically replenished from a loading zone and a MOT. Using
a bichromatic combination of loading and storage arrays, they achieve spatial
control over the loading zone, strongly suppressing loading of sites in the
storage register. Loading about 130 new atoms for each cycle, they grow and then
continuously maintain an array of atoms in an optical lattice with more than
1,000 atoms. The researchers demonstrate a method to circumvent the scaling size
problem of assembled neutral-atom arrays trapped in optical lattices (that
preparation times increase with system size), by recycling atoms from one
experimental run to the next, while continuously reloading and adding atoms to
the array. Compared to directly assembling the large number of atoms thought
possible using the technique here in a single experimental cycle, continuous
loading moves only the newly loaded atoms for each cycle, thus reducing both
move-induced losses as well as the resorting time overhead. The researchers
generate densely packed arrays with > 1.000 atoms stored in an optical
lattice, continuously refilled with a 3.5Â s cycle time and about 130 atoms
reloaded during each cycle. They continuously maintain such large arrays by
reloading atoms that are lost from one cycle to the next without affecting the
atomic array already present in the system. Until now, arrangements of this size
have been difficult to maintain due to unavoidable atomic losses. The larger the
neutral atom register, the more atoms are lost or heated, thus making the system
more prone to errors over time. Until now, the entire register of atoms needed
to be replenished regularly, which severely limits the size a system can attain.
The researchers here have integrated a real-time reloading zone into their Sr
experimental setup, They are now working on maintaining the coherence of qubits
during the reloading step. An improvement of the experiment here would be to
move the position of the MOT slightly away from the storage array. This would
mitigate the need to empty the storage array from accidentally loaded atoms,
allow parallel MOT and storage array operation, and reduce the small effect of
unwanted off-resonant scattering from MOT light on the storage atoms.
For more information:, October 9 (2024); Phys. Rev. Res.,
July 25 (2024) page 033104.
WEEK OF OCTOBER 7, 2024 [No. 1596]
Coherent coupling of Andreev pair qubits demonstrated:
an international group lead by researchers at the
University of Basel in Basel haS performed photon-mediated long range
coupling of two Andreev pair qubits each localized in a semiconducting
nanowire. They demonstrate coherent remote coupling between two Andreev
pair qubits mediated by a microwave photon in a superconducting cavity
coupler. The coupler hosts two modes that are engineered to have very
different coupling rates to an external port. The strongly coupled mode
is used to perform a fast read-out of each qubit, while they use the
weakly coupled mode to mediate the coupling between the qubits. When
both qubits are tuned into resonance with the weakly coupled mode, they
find excitation spectra with characteristic avoided crossings. They
identify two-qubit states that are entangled over a distance of 6 mm.
The researchers here coupled the two Andreev pair qubits (size ~ 100 nm)
at a macroscopic distance (~ 6 mm) from one another at the two ends of a
long, superconducting microwave resonator. This allows the exchange of
microwave photons between the resonator and the qubits. They combine
three quantum systems so that they can exchange photons between each
other. The microwave resonator can be used in two different ways. In one
mode, the qubits can be read out via the resonator, providing
information on their quantum state. A second mode is used to couple the
two qubits to each other, allowing them to communicate without losing
microwave photons. The two qubits are then no longer independent of one
another but rather share a new quantum state. The experimental results
here agree with theoretical models.
For more information:, October 3 (2024); Nat. Phys., October
3 (2024).
Microwave control of diamond SnVC spin qubit:
a group led by researchers at KIT in Karlsruhe has shown how Sn vacancy
centers (SnVC, Sn atom on an interstitial site with two neighboring
vacancies) in diamonds can be precisely controlled using microwaves.
They demonstrate that the SnVC r electron spin can be very efficiently
controlled, including optical readout and stable spectral properties of
qubits and achieving long coherence times, with superconducting
waveguides to direct microwave radiation to the defects without
generating heat. They characterize the negatively charged SnVC regarding
its magneto-optical properties and determine the relevant components,
such as the orbital quenching factors from a full fit of the electronic
spin Hamiltonian. They explain the properties of the ground and excited
states under strain, the relevant qubit transitions, and the influence
of an external magnetic field. They demonstrate coherent control of the
electron spin for 10Â ms by using standard dynamical decoupling
sequences. Recent work has shown spin control of strained emitters using
microwave lines that suffer from Ohmic losses, restricting coherence
through heating. The researchers here utilize a superconducting coplanar
waveguide to measure SnVCs subjected to strain. They analyze the SnVC
electron spin Hamiltonian based on the angle-dependent splitting of the
ground and excited states. They demonstrate coherent spin manipulation
and obtain a Hahn echo coherence time of up to 430 μs. They explore how
the spin properties behave under different magnetic field directions.
And demonstrate that manipulating electron spins is easier in strained
diamonds, as the electron spin is more responsive to an alternating
magnetic field. The researchers precisely controlled the electron spins
of SnVC qubits using microwaves. They used dynamical decoupling, that
largely suppresses interference, to increase the coherence times of the
diamond SnVC to 10 ms (a sixfold improvement over earlier works).
Group-IV color centers in diamond are promising candidates for quantum
networks due to their good optical qualities including
symmetry-protected optical transitions that connect to coherent spin
levels. Their inversion symmetry leads to a dominant zero-phonon line
and reduced sensitivity against electrical noise. However, the presence
of two orbital ground states opens a decoherence channel for the spin
levels via phonon scattering. In this respect, the SnVC offers
advantages due to its large ground-state splitting of more than 800Â GHz,
such that phonons at this frequency can be frozen out at comparably high
temperatures greater than 1Â K. Reported dephasing times for all-optical
control range from 1.3  μs to 5  μs at 2 K, with coherence times
ranging from 0.3 ms using all-optical control to 1.6 ms for microwave
control, respectively. However, direct spin control by microwave fields
is hampered by orthogonal orbital contributions to the Zeeman states.
Recently, it has been shown that by introducing strain, orbital mixing
can be induced and high-fidelity microwave control becomes possible. The
negatively charged SnVC possesses long electron spin lifetimes due to
its large spin-orbit splitting. However, the magnetic dipole transitions
required for microwave spin control are suppressed, and strain is
necessary to enable these transitions. The researchers here demonstrate
extended control over the optical and magnetic levels of the SnVC
electron spin. They show how to incorporate strain into the diamond to
allow for microwave control. They measure 2D rotation maps of the
optical transitions under varying magnetic field orientations to
determine the SnV axis with less than 1° uncertainty. They develop a
fitting procedure for the optical and microwave transitions to the
Hamiltonian of the electron spin, using the explicit doublets for each
total angular momentum, allowing for a qualitative determination of the
orbital quenching factors.
For more information:, October 4 (2024); Phys. Rev. X,
August 27 (2024) page 031036.
WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 [No. 1595]
Trapped ion qubit controlled with no neighboring qubits perturbed:
researchers at the University of Waterloo in
Waterloo, ON have demonstrated how to mid-circuit measure and reset (in
the middle of coherent dynamics) a trapped ion qubit to a known state
without disturbing neighboring array qubits at µm distance (this
inter-atomic separation is comparable to the optical resolution), that
is, the preserving of a qubit during state-destroying operations on an
adjacent qubit. They have demonstrated the feasibility of in-situ
state-reset and state-measurement of trapped ions, achieving
 probability of accidental quantum measurement
PAQM < 1 × 10−3 of the asset qubit while
resetting the process qubit placed at a distance of 6 μm, and
PAQM < 4 × 10−3 while applying detection light
on the process qubit for detection times of 11 μs. These low
PAQM correspond to the preservation of the quantum state of
the asset qubit with fidelities > 99.9% (preserving an asset
ion-qubit while a neighboring process qubit is reset) and 99.6%
(preservation fidelity while applying a detection beam for 11 μs on the
same neighbor at a distance of 6 μm) for the reset and measurement
processes, respectively. Their measured low PAQM is enabled
by low relative intensity crosstalk of
IX < 1 × 10−4 (IX defined as the
ratio of the intensity of the probe beam on the asset qubit
I1 to that on the process qubit I2) that is
maintained across a large spatial region of  > 400 μm, suitable to
address  > 50 ions. This is achieved through precise wavefront
control of addressing optical beams and using a single ion as both a
quantum sensor for optical aberrations and an intensity probe with  >
50 dB dynamic range. The researchers used programmable holographic beam
shaping technology to manipulate and destroy one qubit (in 2021). They
have now destroyed any selected qubit while maintaining the quantum
information in the other qubits around. Trapped ion qubits are measured
with laser beams tuned to specific atomic transitions. The target ion
scatters photons in all directions during this process. Even with
perfect control over light, there is still a risk that these scattered
photons could disturb the quantum states of nearby qubits. The crosstalk
measurement scheme here employs temporal separation of probe light
illumination and detection of an ion qubit and hence overcomes
sensitivity limitations due to unwanted background scattering of
resonant light from optics leaking onto photon detectors, and thus
allows measurement of crosstalk over a large dynamic range. Ions are
localized to < 100 nm at typical laser-cooling temperatures and trap
frequencies, making it possible to characterize aberrations with the ion
sensor for larger numerical aperture (NA) systems. With large NA, the
beam waist w decreases, thus the ion separations can be decreased
without increasing PAQM to achieve higher qubit-qubit
interaction strengths. The demonstrated high fidelity over a FOV ~
450 μm corresponds to ~ 50 ions in a linear chain for typical harmonic
trapping parameters (radial trap frequency ~.2π × 5  MHz and axial trap
frequency ~ 2π × 30  kHz). The slight decay of fidelity away from the
center of FOV can be compensated by recalibrating aberrations away from
the center. However, even without extra calibrations, fidelity can be
maintained over the entire chain, as inter-ion separation away from the
center of an ion chain also increases in a harmonic trap (from 6 μm at
the center becoming  15 μm near the edge for parameters above). For
typical RF ion traps NA > 0.5 is accessible for photon collection
simultaneously with NA ~ 0.3 (in a perpendicular direction) for optical
addressing, allowing for independent optimization for photon collection
and addressing. While high quantum efficiency detectors and negligible
dark counts make  ~ 10 μs detection time possible, less-expensive PMT
tubes can also allow ~ 20 μs detection time under otherwise identical
conditions for maintaining high asset qubit preservation fidelities of
 > 99.2%. While the asset qubit coherence is limited by intensity
crosstalk, the inter-ion-scattering set PAQM
fundamental limit, P*AQM for state detection may be
suppressed even further with the proper choice of the local magnetic
field. For 171Yb+Â , it is possible to suppress the
intensity of π light scattered from the process qubit in the direction
of the asset qubit by aligning the magnetic field along the ion chain,
maximizing fidelity. The optimal orientation of the magnetic field for
state reset is perpendicular to the ion chain.
For more information:, September 23 (2024); Nat. Comm.,
August 3 (2024).
Thermal effects in current-driven antiferromagnetic order
switching measured:
researchers at the University of Urbana -
Champaign in Urbana, IL have developed a technique to directly measure
the thermal contribution to current-driven antiferromagnetic-order
switching as related to next-generation spintronic devices. The currents
required to do this are so large that device temperatures rise to the
point where thermal effects impact spin structure in addition to
electromagnetic effects. Although the switching mechanisms can be
explained by spin dynamics induced by spin torques, demagnetization
above the Néel temperature due to Joule heating might be critical for
switching. The researchers have developed a systematic method to
quantify the thermal contribution due to Joule heating in
micro-electronic devices, focusing on current-driven octupole switching
in the non-collinear polycrystalline antiferromagnet, Mn3Sn.
They focused their work on spin–orbit-torque-assisted octupole switching
with an adjacent heavy-metal layer. The results consistently show that
the critical temperature for switching remains relatively constant above
the Néel temperature, while the threshold current density depends on the
choice of substrate and the base temperature. They provide an analytical
model to calculate the Joule-heating temperature, which quantitatively
explains the experimental results. From numerical calculations, they
explain the reconfiguration of magnetic order during cooling from a
demagnetized state. In the experimental method here thermal effects are
deduced from how a device heats substrates with different thermal
conductivities. The researchers prepared antiferromagnetic samples on
SiO2 substrates with different thicknesses. Antiferromagnets on thicker
samples have higher temperatures when the same electric current is
applied. If device heating is important for the spin structure changes,
then there will be a difference across devices on different substrates.
They found that heating had a significant effect. Since non-collinear
antiferromagnets, such as Mn3Sn and Mn3Ge, have
relatively low Néel temperatures TN ≤ 430 K, Joule heating
can play a critical role in switching. Although the electrical octupole
switching might be primarily driven by the collective spin rotation
induced by the spin–orbit torque and an in-plane magnetic field, heat
might be critical as switching occurs around the Néel temperature. This
is relevant in spintronics, where current densities are often close to
device breakdown. The technique here allows to systematically compare
the role of heating to that of electric current. The researchers varied
the effective thermal resistance independently from the electrical
resistance of the device, allowing to identify the role of thermal vs.
electrical effects. Using W/Mn3Sn films on Si/SiO2
substrates with different SiO2 layer thicknesses, they
obtained the threshold current density for octupole switching which
depends on both the SiO2 thickness and the base temperature,
T0. They identified the heating temperature at the threshold
current density, Tth, and consistently showed that
Tth > TN in all cases. Their analytical model
for calculating the Joule-heating temperature quantitatively describes
the experimental results. From numerical simulations, they show the
reconfiguration of the magnetic octupoles from the demagnetization
state. The results demonstrate the significant role of Joule-heating in
current-driven octupole switching in Mn3Sn. They show that
the threshold current density for switching depends on both the
substrate choice and T0, while the switching temperature
remains essentially constant above the Néel temperature.
For more information: Phys,org, September 24 (2024); APL Mat., August
14 (2024) page 081107.
WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 23, 2024 [No. 1594]
Cuprate disorder analyzed using 2D ARTHz spectroscopy:
an international group lead by researchers at
MPSD in Hamburg has measured spatial disorder induced by interlayer
tunneling in the opaque cuprate HTS
La1.83Sr0.17CuO4 using the isolated
Josephson echo in angle-resolved 2D Terahertz spectroscopy (THz
frequency is where collective modes of solids resonate). They measures
Josephson plasmon echoes from an interlayer superconducting tunneling
resonance in a near-optimally doped cuprate. The technique allows to
study the multidimensional optical response of the interlayer Josephson
coupling in the material and disentangle intrinsic lifetime broadening
from extrinsic inhomogeneous broadening for interlayer superconducting
tunneling. They find that inhomogeneous broadening persists up to a
substantial fraction of Tc, above which this is overcome by
the thermally increased lifetime broadening. Measurements of the
electronic properties of cuprates using STM reveal disorder of the
superconducting gap on nm length scales; the variations are correlated
with the distribution of dopant atoms. The presence of co-existing and
competing orders complicates the assignment of observables to
superconductivity. Techniques based on tunneling from a superconducting
tip can isolate the superconducting response limited to sampling
surfaces amenable to tip-based techniques and temperatures below that of
LHe. The researchers here probed the inhomogeneous cuprate
superconductivity and followed the evolution in the transport properties
of the cuprate's chemical-doping-induced disorder up to its
superconducting Tc with good sensitivity. They sequentially
excited the sample with multiple intense THz pulses including
non-colinear pulses and isolated specific THz nonlinearities by their
emission direction. They observed that superconducting transport in the
cuprate was revived after excitation by the THz pulses and how these
Josephson echoes revealed that the disorder in superconducting transport
was lower than the corresponding disorder observed in the
superconducting gap measured by spatially resolved techniques (like
STM). Disorder near Tc remained stable up to ~ 0.7
Tc. Previous applications of 2D THz spectroscopy have all
implemented a collinear geometry, in which the excitation fields and
nonlinear signal emission all have identical wavevectors. A collinear
geometry cannot isolate specific nonlinearities and precludes study of
opaque materials. The researchers here implement a non-collinear
excitation geometry with which different peaks in the 2D spectrum are
emitted in unique phase-matched directions. By measuring the THz
Josephson echo, the researchers observed an interlayer tunneling
response that is largely immune to the underlying electronic disorder,
which remains true even as temperature approaches the phase transition
For more information:, September 16 (2024); Nat. Phys.,
September 16 (2024).
Laser-triggered ps ion source demonstrated:
researchers at TU Wien in Vienna have efficiently generated keV proton
pulses with width < 500 ps from ultrafast electron-stimulated
desorption (UESD). They accelerated fs photoelectron pulses emitted from
focusing a UV laser onto a LaB6 cathode to trigger UESD from
adsorbates on a SS target under UHV conditions. The expelled ions are
filtered and directed to form an ion pulse. The UESD technique here
provides a ~ 20 cm long proton beam line for pump-probe experiments. The
researchers have demonstrated the generation of ps ion pulses (400 ps
time width, 103 H+ / s at 100Â kHz laser
repetition rate) utilizing ultrashort electron pulses. While direct
photoionization of atoms to form well-timed ion pulses can suffer from a
large starting volume, in the method here a 2D starting solid plane of
ions is defined with nm precision. The ion species produced in the setup
here are determined by the residual gas adsorbed on the last drift tube
of the utilized UEBIS (Ultrafast Electron Beam Ion Source ). The
technique, demonstrated for proton ion pulses here, is extensible to the
generation of pulses of other positive and negative ions and neutral
atoms by switching the atoms adsorved into the SS film surface and the
filters subsequently used. Sub-ps ion beam pulses could be similarly
produced by using specially shaped alternating electromagnetic fields to
slow down the initial ions in the pulse and accelerate the rest. The
researchers use the ultrafast photoelectrons generated at low optical
power densities of 109–1010 w/cm2 to
drive a Franck-Condon transition upon impact on a surface. This
transition can shift the ground state of adsorbed particles from the
surface into repulsive excited states. As such, the excited particles
are pushed away from the surface and can desorb. Distinct constituents,
including positively and negatively charged ions, as well as neutral
particles are created. To make use of short ion pulses for time-resolved
surface studies (ions as pump, laser as probe), three major criteria
must be fulfilled: (a) ion pulses must be significantly shorter than the
lifetime of the process under investigation (1 ps - 10 ns); (b) the ion
pulses must be well synchronized to a pulsed laser for the pump-probe
scheme with a laser-ion time jitter of less than the ion pulse duration;
(c) the solid surface must allow many ion impacts before it degrades too
much, still showing a large-enough response to the ion impact to be
probed by the laser. The method here can produce ion pulses of many
different ion species in consistency with (a) and (b). The method allows
an ion transport from point of ionization to the pump-probe interaction
spot over several cm making it possible to fit standard material samples
and optical equipment for flexible measurement strategies addressing
(c). The researchers used a miniaturized UEBIS from D.I.S. Germany GmbH
where the standard thermal cathode is replaced by a LaB6 photocathode
(Kimball Physics, ES-423E-9015, flat tip apex). The cathode emits pulsed
photoelectrons by illumination with 280 fs - 259Â nm laser pulses. The UV
laser pulses are produced by IR fourth harmonic generation utilizing two
consecutive β -barium oxide (BBO) nonlinear crystals. The UV laser beam
is guided through a half-wave plate (HWP) and polarizer, followed by a
second HWP to freely adjust the power and polarization. Finally, the UV
laser beam is focused on the cathode (FWHM ∼50 µm) by a lens with 50 cm
focal length. For all experiments with pulsed ions, the UV laser
repetition rate is set to 100Â kHz with pulse energy ~ 31 nJ. In standard
operation of an EBIS ~ 1/1000 of photoelectrons impact the drift tubes
in front of the ion collector contributing to a blind current. The
researchers here make use of these stray electrons to drive UESD at the
surface of the last drift tube. Positioning of the UV laser beam at the
cathode is done by first measuring the black-body radiation intensity
from ohmic heating the LaB6 crystal after a collimator and
guiding the laser beam on the same path with the help of two irises. The
surface of the mirror in the vacuum chamber is Au coated to avoid
charging effects influencing the passing ion pulse. Desorbed ions from
the last drift tube are immediately accelerated by applying a positive
potential to the last drif tube, collimated by the electron collector
and repeller, and are time-stamped using the MCP assembly in coincidence
with a fixed trigger signal from a photo diode (PD, Femto,
FWPR-20-IN-FST) picking up part of the initial IR laser intensity. The
rate at which particles desorb from the surface scales linearly with the
intensity of impinging electrons and the abundance of the specific
adsorbed entities present on the surface. In here, thermal desorption
can be excluded due to the low (CW-equivalent) pulsed electron current.
The setup was designed with a long flight distance (~ 20 cm) to make the
alignment easier. This distance can be reduced in future designs to
minimize the pulse broadening of ions. A reduction by ~ 10 cm would
reduce the dispersion by ~ 90 ps so this needs to be considered for
heavier species. For H the estimated dispersion by the initial kinetic
energy spread is ~ 19 ps in this setup, thus the system size is not the
limiting factor for shorter pulses. The initial position spread of the
desorbed H+ could be narrowed down by decreasing the diameter
of the electron focal spot on the metallic plate and narrowing the
collimator formed by the collector and repeller electrodes. UESD is
suitable for integration into ultrafast SEM, where a few nm focus of
ultrafast pulsed electrons is available and would then allow a nm
precise ionization point in 3D space from which ion pulses with ultimate
timing performance could be formed. Ions are detected on a 2" MCP
without spatial resolution. Different ionization points at the last
drift tube lead to different trajectories through the collector and
different impact points on the MCP. Using a position-resolved MCP
detector would allow significantly shorter pulses by further geometric
filtering. RF compression can effectively reduce pulse duration at the
cost of introducing a broad spectrum of kinetic energies within the
compressed pulse (RF imparts different energy changes to particles at
different positions within the pulse).
For more information:, September 17 (2024); Phys. Rev. Res.,
September 16 (2024).
WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 16, 2024 [No. 1593]
Nucleus - electron spin interaction controlled:
researchers at Delft University of Technology in Delft have caused a
47Ti nucleus spin interaction with the spin of one of the
outermost electrons (which can be manipulated and read out through a
STM). They studied the coherent evolution between the nuclear spin and
the electron spin in a single atom by using ESR and STM to control
nuclear spins of single atoms on a surface even with the nuclear weak
coupling to the tunneling electrons. Using pump-probe spectroscopy, they
revealed the collective coherent dynamics of the internal spin dynamics
inside a single atom. The magnetized STM tip functioned here as a
control knob to locally tune the nature of the dynamics with the STM
permitting to address individual electron spins in ESR experiments (with
sub-nm resolution). By fine-tuning the electronic Zeeman energy using
the local field of the probe tip, they identified a parameter space
where electronic and nuclear spin states hybridize. They then probe the
free coherent evolution of the coupled system by electric DC pump-probe
experiments. They reveal an emerging beating pattern, that originates
from multiple quantum oscillations with different frequencies at the
points of hybridization. The very weak hyperfine interaction here
requires a very small, precisely tuned magnetic field. The researchers
used a commercial low-temperature STM equipped with high frequency
cabling to send both RF signals and ns DC pulses down to the tip. The
sample system consists of 47Ti atoms deposited on bilayer MgO
islands grown on Ag(100), that become hydrogenated by residual H. For
all measurements, they use spin-polarized tips that are created by
picking up co-deposited Fe atoms onto the tip apex. They studied
individual Ti adsorbed onto the O sites of MgO, well-isolated from
neighboring spins using atom manipulation. They focused on
47Ti isotopes, that carry a nuclear spin with magnitude
I = 5/2. Once all experimental conditions were met, the researchers used
a voltage pulse to push the electron spin out of equilibrium, after
which both spins wobbled together for ~ 1 µs. The experiment resolves
the ns coherent dynamics of a hyperfine-driven flip-flop interaction
between the spin of an individual nucleus and that of an orbiting
electron. They use the unique local controllability of the magnetic
field emanating from the STM probe tip to bring the electron and nuclear
spins in tune, as evidenced by a set of avoided level crossings in
ESR-STM. They polarized both spins through scattering of tunneling
electrons and measured the resulting free evolution of the coupled spin
system using a DC pump-probe scheme. This revealed a complex pattern of
multiple interfering coherent oscillations. Excellent agreement with
theoretical calculations was obtained.
For more information:, September 12 (2024); Nat. Comm.,
September 11 (2024).
Entangled photoionization electrons controlled:
researchers at the MPIK in Heidelberg have shown emission control of
entangled electrons in photoionization of a H2 molecule. They
demonstrate sub-fs control of the phase between entangled states in
molecular H2 by few-photon dissociation and coincident
detection of all participating particles. They have achieved ultrafast
steering of entangled electrons from the dissociative photoionization of
H2 using IR and XUV laser pulses with variable delay. They
demonstrate optical control of the emission direction of the
photoelectron with respect to the outgoing neutral fragment. Depending
on the relative delay between the two laser fields, adjustable with
sub-fs time resolution, the photoelectron is emitted into the same
hemisphere as the H-atom or opposite. This emission asymmetry is a
result of entanglement of the two-electron final-state involving the
spatially separated bound and emitted electron. Normally, the emission
direction of a photoelectron is symmetric relative to the ejected H
atom, with no preferred direction, if the parity of the electron wave
function is maintained during the process. However, when the
H2 molecule is set in a superposition of states with opposite
parities, an asymmetric electron emission pattern emerges. In the
experiment, the researchers demonstrate the asymmetric emission in the
photoelectron/ion system by detecting them in coincidence while they are
spatially separated; and, they steer their relative emission direction
using the delay between XUV and weak IR pulses. An analysis of the
resulting entanglement of ions and photoelectrons is presented. The
researchers found that the emission direction of electrons with respect
to the protons can be modified by delaying as pulses with respect to the
maxima and minima of a laser light wave on a time-scale < 1 fs. The
emission direction of a photoelectron relative to the remaining bound
electron is controlled here by the time interval between two laser
flashes on ~ 100's as. The adjustable emission asymmetry is based on the
entanglement between the bound electron and the spatially separated
emitted electron. These states, can be modified by as delays between the
XUV and the IR laser pulses. This effect is different from the
localization of the bound electron on one of the nuclei in the
laboratory frame using a spatially asymmetric strong laser field during
dissociation. In those experiments, only the proton (deuteron) is
detected and its ejection direction with respect to the laser
polarization is controlled by the phase of the light field irrespective
of the direction of the ejected photoelectron. The work here measures
both photo-electrons and protons in coincidence, assessing the emission
direction in the molecular frame. In contrast to experiments where the
lab-frame asymmetry was analyzed under the condition that ions appear
with large kinetic energies (this is indicative of a fragmentation
mechanism that involves the decay of doubly-excited states in the
molecule), the study here focused on ground-state fragmentation via
coherent superpositions of mixed-parity states. This approach is
applicable to experiments using weak IR fields that do not introduce
lab-frame asymmetry; they observed no lab-frame asymmetry for either
photoelectrons or ions. The work here achieves entanglement control by
manipulating the relative phases between the different pathways from
outside, achieving control over molecular frame asymmetry at a sub-fs
scale. They demonstrate active steering of the asymmetric electron
emission by using a few-photon interaction with different colors in
combination with the control of their relative delay. They determine the
emission asymmetry from the angular distribution of the photoelectron
with respect to the ejected H containing the bound electron after the
photon dissociation by detecting the electron and proton in coincidence
using a reaction microscope, where the H is ejected opposite to the
direction of the proton. The spectrometer here includes
position-sensitive detectors for electrons and ions. The researchers
obtain the momentum components of the ion and the electron using
time-of-flights and hit positions on the detectors. They use a fs laser
with central wavelength 1030 nm and pulse duration 50 fs. The beam is
split into two with the main part used to produce a comb-like XUV
spectrum of odd harmonics with energies up to 40 eV (using high-harmonic
generation). Both pulses interact with a H jet in the reaction
For more information:, September 12 (2024); Sci. Rep.,
August 23 (2024).
WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 [No. 1592]
Solid-state optical nuclear-clock operated:
an international group lead by researchers in JILA at the University of
Colorado Boulder in Boulder, CO has operated a nuclear clock prototype
using crystal-embedded 229mTh nuclei with a VUV laser exciter
/ frequency comb. They have measured the frequency ratio of the
229mTh nuclear isomeric and the 87Sr atomic
transitions, demonstrating 106 times the precision over the
atomic clock. With his set up, they have realized quantum-state-resolved
spectroscopy of the 229mTh isomer and established a direct
frequency connection with existing atomic clocks. The researchers used
the VUV frequency comb to directly excite the narrow 229Th
nuclear clock transition in a solid-state CaF2 host material
and to determine the absolute transition frequency. They stabilized the
fundamental frequency comb to the JILA 87Sr clock and
coherently upconverted the fundamental to its seventh harmonic in the
VUV range by using a fs enhancement cavity. This VUV comb was used to
establish a frequency link between nuclear and electronic energy levels
and allowed to directly measure the frequency ratio of the
229Th nuclear clock transition and the 87Sr atomic
clock transition. The researchers measured the nuclear quadrupole
splittings and extracted intrinsic properties of the isomer.
For more information: Nature, September 4 (2024) page 63;,
September 4 (2024).
Edge state observed in a cloud of ultracold atoms:
researchers at MIT in Cambridge, MA have observed edge state in a cloud
of ultracold atoms and captured images of atoms flowing along the
boundary without resistance. They report the observation of chiral edge
transport in a rapidly rotating quantum gas. They demonstrate the
injection of chiral edge modes in a rapidly rotating bosonic superfluid
confined by an optical boundary. By tuning the wall sharpness, they
reveal the smooth crossover between soft wall behavior in which the
propagation speed is proportional to wall steepness and the hard wall
regime that exhibits chiral free particles. From the skipping motion of
atoms along the boundary they infer the energy gap between the ground
and first excited edge bands, and reveal its evolution from the bulk
Landau level splitting for a soft boundary to the hard wall limit. They
demonstrate the robustness of edge propagation against disorder by
projecting an optical obstacle that is static in the rotating frame.
They have studied the behavior of ultracold atoms in a setup that mimics
the physics of electrons in a solid sample under a magnetic field. In
their setup, the same physics occurs in atoms, but over ms / µm space /
time scales, rather than fs / nm. They worked with a cloud of ~
106 Na in a laser-controlled trap, and cooled to nK. They
manipulated the trap to spin the atoms around. The trap pulls the atoms
inward, balanced by a spinning centrifugal force. Due to the Coriolis
effect, atoms are deflected when moving in a line. So the atoms behave
as if they were electrons in a magnetic field. The researchers then
introduced an edge, in the form of a ring of laser light, which formed a
circular wall around the spinning atoms. As they took images of the
system, they observed that when the atoms encountered the ring of light,
they flowed along its edge, in just one direction with no friction.
There was no slowing down, and no atoms leaking or scattering into the
rest of the system. There was just coherent flow. Those atoms were
flowing free of friction for 100's µm. This frictionless flow held up
even when the researchers placed an obstacle in the atoms' path in the
form of a point of light, which they shone along the edge of the
original laser ring. Even as the atoms came upon the flow obstacle, they
did not slow their flow or scatter away, but instead glided right past
without feeling friction. The researchers sent in a large, repulsive
green blob, and the atoms did not bounce off it; instead they found
their way around it, went back to the wall, and continued flowing in
their way. The researcher's observations in atoms here document the same
behavior that has been predicted to occur in electrons in edge
For more information:, September 6 (2024); Nat. Phys., June
17 (2024).
WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 2, 2024 [No. 1591]
Atomic Sisyphus-type cooling technique developed:
researchers at NIST in Boulder, CO have developed a sub-recoil
clock-line-mediated Sisyphus cooling technique that should improve the
precision of atomic clocks. They demonstrate subrecoil Sisyphus cooling
using the long-lived 3P0 clock state in
alkaline-earth-like Yb. A 1388-nm optical standing wave nearly resonant
with the 3P0→3D1 transition
creates a spatially periodic light shift of the
3P0 clock state. Following excitation on the
ultranarrow clock transition, they observe Sisyphus cooling in this
potential, as the light shift is correlated with excitation to
3D1 and subsequent spontaneous decay to the
1S0 ground state. They observe that cooling
enhances the loading efficiency of atoms into a 759-nm magic-wavelength
1D optical lattice, as compared to standard Doppler cooling on the
1S0→3P1 transition. The
researchers engineered the energy shift of their excited clock state
following a periodically modulated pattern. This allows to precisely
control the location where a clock line excitation happens within the
Sisyphus cooling process. They configure the excitation condition such
that it occurs preferably at the position corresponding to the bottom of
the periodic potential landscape. Once excited, atoms lose their kinetic
energy by climbing the potential and preferentially exit the potential
landscape away from the potential's minimum. The cooling is realized
after repetitively climbing the energy potential. The researchers
demonstrated their Sisyphus cooling scheme by leveraging the
ultra-narrow transition of an Yb-based optical lattice clock. However,
the same approach should theoretically be applicable to other systems
with narrow linewidth transitions. For the last two decades, the goal of
realizing high precision clock spectroscopy of neutral atoms has been
best achieved by creating identical trapping conditions for atoms in
both the ground state and the excited clock state. This is done by
engineering a trap formed by lasers into a standing wave and that
operates at a magic-wavelength. In this situation, a difference in the
trapping potential felt by the atoms in the two atomic states works
against the realization of a high-precision clock spectroscopy. In
trying to minimize the trap potential difference between the ground
state and excited clock state, the researchers here focused on enhancing
the cooling of samples before carrying out the high precision clock
spectroscopy. They momentarily introduced an engineered spatially
dependent excited state shift, which introduced more trap potential
difference for the two clock states. Doing so allowed them to realize
the Sisyphus cooling mechanism, which in turn improved the sample
condition later for better clock spectroscopy with less trap potential
difference. The cooler temperatures helped them to use shallower traps
on the atoms (where unwanted trapping effects are even smaller), which
also reduced this difference. This additional cooling allows the
creation of atomic ensembles with more uniform conditions inside the
magic-wavelength standing-wave laser trap; and thus, to more precisely
characterize small effects of the trapping laser on the clock frequency.
Sisyphus cooling (pulsed or continuous), yields T < 200Â nK in the
weakly confined, transverse dimensions of the 1D optical lattice. These
lower temperatures improve optical lattice clocks by facilitating the
use of shallow lattices with reduced light shifts while retaining large
atom numbers to reduce the quantum projection noise.
For more information:, August 29 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett.,
July 31 (2024) page 053401.
Edge supercurrents analyzed in Weyl superconductor:
researchers at Princeton University in Princeton, NJ have shown that
edge supercurrents reveal interaction between condensates in a Weyl
superconductor. And that the superconducting edge currents in the
topological material MoTe2 can sustain large changes in the
potential that keeps the superconducting electrons paired. They show
that, when supercurrent is injected into the superconducting Weyl
semimetal MoTe2 from Nb contacts, the invasive s-wave pairing
potential from Nb is incompatible with the intrinsic Cooper pair
condensate in MoTe2. This incompatibility leads to strong
stochasticity in the switching current and an unusual anti-hysteretic
behavior in the I-V loops. There is also an asymmetry in the edge
oscillations where, as the magnetic field crosses zero, the phase noise
switches from one with a noisy spectrum to one that is noise free. Using
the noise spectrum as a guide, they track the anomalous features to
field-induced switching of the device gap function between s-wave
symmetry and the unconventional symmetry intrinsic to MoTe2.
They conclude that the behavior of the gap function along the edges is
different from that in the bulk. When MoTe2 becomes
superconducting, the supercurrent oscillates in a magnetic field. The
edge supercurrent oscillates more rapidly than that in the bulk, showing
up as a characteristic modulation of the bulk response. To enhance the
pairing potential in MoTe2 and with Nb having a stronger pair
potential, the researchers deposited Nb on top of it. Thus, the Nb pair
potential affects MoTe2 and the electrons in MoTe2
are temporarily subject to the stronger potential. This leakage
strengthens the supercurrent oscillations but also reveals
incompatibility between the Nb and the MoTe2 pair potentials.
The two cannot seamlessly merge and the wavefunction guiding the edge
electrons switches between the Nb and the MoTe2 pair
potential, according to which potential prevails. The choice made by the
edge electrons is reflected in the oscillations. These are noisy when
the edge pair potential differs from that of bulk MoTe2, and
almost noise free when the two are the same. The work here confirms the
existence of edge supercurrents and shows that they can be used to
monitor the behavior of superconducting electrons in topological
For more information:, August 26 (2024); Nat. Phys., January
11 (2024) page 261.
WEEK OF AUGUST 26, 2024 [No. 1590]
9Be3+ nuclear magnetic moment measured
with record precision:
researchers at MPINP in Heidelberg have
used atomic spectroscopy in a Penning trap to determine the
9Be nuclear magnetic moment with 40 times higher precision
than before. They focused on 9Be (allows for comparisons
between different charge states available for high-precision
spectroscopy in Penning traps) to test theoretical calculations obscured
by nuclear structure. They performed high-precision spectroscopy of the
1s hyperfine and Zeeman structure in H-like 9Be3+.
They determined the effective Zemach radius with uncertainty ~ 500 ppm,
and the bare nuclear magnetic moment with uncertainty ~0.6 ppb. The
researchers compared their measurements with the measurements conducted
on 9Be+, thus allowing the testing of calculation
of multi-electron diamagnetic shielding effects of the nuclear magnetic
moment at ppb level. Then, they tested the QED methods used for the
calculation of the hyperfine splitting (HFS). The researchers here
trapped the 9Be3+ ion (considered theoretically
here as a two-body system) using the electron used as antenna to measure
the nuclear magnetic moment. The trapping magnetic field is obtained
from the ion cyclotron frequency measurement. Measurements of the 1s-HFS
interval in H-like systems are the most sensitive to the Zemach radius
and serve as ideal references to evaluate the nuclear structure effects
in other HFS intervals and QED. However, for low nuclear charge Z, these
measurements exist only for the H isotopes and 3He; for high
Z, tests of the HFS lack accurate experimental values of the nuclear
magnetic moments. Their previous high-precision Penning-trap measurement
of the Zeeman and HFS of 3He+ allowed the
researchers to directly measure its Zemach radius and nuclear magnetic
moment, simultaneously providing both parameters needed for precise
predictions of other HFS intervals. An accurate value of the atom
magnetic moment allows absolute magnetometry with hyperpolarized
3He. However, this requires transferring the measured nuclear
magnetic moment from the H-like system to the neutral system, which
involves the theoretical calculation of diamagnetic shielding
parameters. In the past, inadequate calculations of these parameters
have led to several discrepancies in precision physics. In those
studies, the required nuclear magnetic moments were obtained from
measurements using systems with complex electronic structures and
calculations of shielding parameters relying on quantum chemistry codes
that frequently provided underestimated uncertainties. For systems such
as H-like and neutral 3He, these issues are manageable due to
their simple electronic structure, that allows for diamagnetic shielding
calculations using non-relativistic QED methods. In the work here, the
diamagnetic shielding parameters are calculated by perturbation
analysis, and the estimated uncertainties are an order of magnitude
better than in the experimental value of the 3He nuclear
magnetic moment. Improvements to the non-relativistic QED theory value
(at the same level as the experimental uncertainty) have been obtained
recently, so experimental verification and benchmark for diamagnetic
shielding calculations are now required. 9Be serves well to
test the diamagnetic shielding calculations and to introduce an accurate
reference for nuclear structure contributions in the hyperfine
interaction. The low nuclear charge permits high accuracy calculations
in the H-like system and probing the Zeeman and HFS using spectroscopy
in a Penning trap for 9Be+ and
9Be3+ charge states. The high accuracy of
theoretical calculations possible in H-like 9Be3+
allows for good determinations of the Zemach radius and the magnetic
moment of the bare nucleus. The researchers here do a comparison between
the experimental hyperfine and Zeeman splitting of
9Be+ and 9Be3+, and use it
to eliminate the nuclear structure-dependent terms. This allows for
testing of QED (using HFS specific differences) and for testing
calculations of multi-electron diamagnetic shielding parameters at the
ppb level.
For more information:, August 19 (2024); Nature, August 14
(2024) page 757.
Kagome metals host wave-like Cooper pair
an international group lead by researchers at
the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen and the
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg in Würzburg has experimentally
proven that Cooper pairs display wave-like distribution within the
sublattices in kagome metals (sublattice modulated superconductivity
with each star point containing a different number of Cooper pairs) as
previously proposed (by some group members). This overturns the
conventional assumption that Kagome metals could only host uniformly
distributed Cooper pairs. They detected chiral kagome superconductivity
modulations with residual Fermi arcs in KV3Sb5 and
CsV3Sb5 using normal and Josephson STM at 30 mK
with resolved electronic energy difference at the µeV level. They
identify a superconducting order featuring spatial pair modulations on
the kagome lattice subject to on-site Hubbard U and
nearest-neighbor V interactions. Within their functional
renormalization group analysis, this state appears with a concomitant
d-wave superconducting (SC) instability at zero lattice
momentum, where it distinguishes itself through intra-unit-cell
modulations of the pairing function thus breaking the discrete space
group symmetry. The relative weight of the sublattice modulated
superconductor and d-wave SC is influenced by the absolute
interaction strength and coupling ratio V/U. Parametrically
adjacent to this domain at weak coupling, they find an intra-unit-cell
modulated vestigial charge density wave and an s-wave SC
instability. They observed a U-shaped superconducting gap with flat
residual in-gap states. This gap shows chiral 2a × 2a spatial
modulations with magnetic-field-tunable chirality, which align with the
chiral 2a × 2a pair-density modulations observed by Josephson tunneling.
These findings demonstrate a chiral pair density wave (PDW) that breaks
time-reversal symmetry. Quasiparticle interference imaging of the
in-gap, zero-energy states reveals segmented arcs, with high-temperature
data linking them to parts of the reconstructed Va d-orbital states
within the charge order. The detected residual Fermi arcs can be
explained by the partial suppression of these d-orbital states through
an interorbital 2a × 2a PDW and thus serve as candidate Bogoliubov Fermi
states. The researchers differentiate the observed PDW order from
impurity-induced gap modulations. Initially, their theoretical research
on Kagome metals focused on the quantum effects of individual electrons,
which, although not superconducting, can exhibit wave-like behavior in
the material. Their initial theory (a kagome Hubbard model) on electron
behavior with charge density waves (CDW) was experimentally confirmed
two years ago . The results indicated that at ~ 80 K, the electrons in
the material reorganize and distribute in waves. At ~1 K, Cooper pairs
condense into a quantum fluid that spreads in waves through the
material, enabling resistance-free superconductivity with this wave-like
distribution transmitted from electrons to Cooper pairs. The finding
here is that these pairs can be distributed not just evenly, but also in
a wave-like pattern within the Kagome metal (sublattice-modulated
superconductivity). The presence of PDWs in KV3Sb5 is due to the
wave-like electron distribution at ~ 80 K. The direct measurement of the
Cooper pairs' distribution here utilized a STM with a single-atom
superconducting Josephson tip.
For more information: Nature, August 21 (2024) page 775;,
August 23 (2024); Nat. Phys. Rev. B, July 1 (2024) page 024501.
WEEK OF AUGUST 19, 2024 [No. 1589]
Fermi level meV-tuning by fast ion implantation:
researchers at MIT in Cambridge, MA have demonstrated ultra-fine carrier
doping and Fermi level (meV) tuning on 3D TaP , a topological Weyl
semimetal (WSM), using accelerator-based high-energy H1-
implantation. The doping experiment uses a two-stage Tandem ion
accelerator (1.7 MV) located at the CSTAR center that consists of two
successive linear accelerators with the same power supply. A Cs
sputtering source is used on a solid target, which produces negative
ions that are then subjected to electron exchange with neutral Cs.
Negative ions are initially introduced into the first stage, where they
are accelerated toward the positive HV terminal. H1- was
chosen as the dopant here so as to not significantly alter the structure
of the sample. With this system, high-precision doping level control is
possible as the accelerator allows high precision control of the beam
energy and the ion flux. The researchers could set a doping target value
as defined through a combination of DFT and Monte Carlo calculations,
and showing quantitative agreement with experimentally obtained results.
By calculating the desired carrier density and controlling the
accelerator profiles, the Fermi level was experimentally fine-tuned from
5 meV below, to 3.8 meV below, and to 3.2 meV above the Weyl nodes.
High-resolution TEM with high-angle annular dark-field (STEM-HAADF) and
XRD imaging, show high-quality crystal preservation after ion
implantation with stacking faults within depth ~ 200 nm. Electrical
transport measurements indicate that Weyl nodes are preserved and
carrier mobility is largely retained.. Due to the H1- low
stopping power, its implantation, preserves the structural integrity of
TaP without generating visible amorphous tracks, voids, or defects.
Despite the observation of stacking faults within a 200-nm depth from
the sample surface, likely induced by the kinetic energy of
H− ion bombardment causing rigid lattice shifts, electric
transport and carrier mobility remains intact. Transport measurements
show increment in the charge neutral point temperature through precise
tuning of the Fermi level in proximity to the Weyl nodes. The
temperature needed to reach the charge neutral point is nearly doubled.
Inversion symmetry is not restored as required for Weyl node formation,
possibly explaining the preservation of Weyl nodes under irradiation.
The researchers doped the sample with H1- by substituting a
H1- for a Ta. When optimal doping is achieved, the Fermi
level coincides with the energy level of the Weyl nodes. For WSMs, the
Fermi level (and the Weyl nodes) is especially sensitive to doping. If
the Fermi level is not set close to the Weyl nodes, the material's
properties are significantly worse than ideally possible. The reason for
this extreme sensitivity is its peculiar geometry of the Weyl node.
Since the researchers cannot measure the Fermi level while the sample is
in the accelerator chamber, they used a theoretical model to predict how
many electrons were needed to increase the Fermi level to the preferred
level and to translate that to the number of negative H1-
that must be added to the sample (depending on the energy of the ion
beam, the exposure time, and the size and thickness of the sample) and
to the time the sample ought to be kept in the accelerator chamber. This
model results roughly agree with those of proven computationally
intensive models. The technique here can be used for any inorganic
material (bulk and thin film).
For more information:, August 13 (2024); App. Phys. Rev.,
June 25 (2024).
Leggett-Garg inequality measured with neutron interferometry:
researchers at TU Wien in Vienna have utilized the
S18 instrument at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble to demonstrate
the violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality (LGI) using ideal negative
measurements in neutron interferometry to conclude the LGI violation
and, thus, that no classical macroscopic theory can truly describe
reality. The final measured value of the Leggett-Garg correlator
K =1.120±0.007(stat)±0.019(sys), obtained in a neutron
interferometric experiment, is clearly above the limit K =1
predicted by macrorealistic theories. This reaffirms that a particle can
be in a superposition of two states associated with different locations
even when these locations are apart. If classical realism holds, Leggett
and Garg showed that the degree of these correlations cannot exceed a
certain level. Specifically, for a set of three measurements, the
quantity K ≡ C21 + C32
– C31 (Cij is a correlation
function in different measurements) must be < 1 (K > 1 if
quantum mechanics holds). Previous experiments have already demonstrated
LGI violations in several quantum systems, including photonic qubits,
nuclear spins in diamond defect centers, superconducting qubits and
impurities in Si. The neutron interferometer is a Si-based crystal
interferometer in which an incident neutron beam is split into two
partial beams (cms apart) at a crystal plate and then recombined by
another piece of Si. This configuration means there are three distinct
regions in which the neutrons’ locations can be measured: in front,
inside and behind the interferometer. The actual measurement of the
two-level system’s state probes the presence of the neutron in two
particular regions of the interferometer. Their measurement probes the
absence rather than the presence of the neutron in the interferometer
(ideal negative measurement, performed that way to prevent disturbance
of the time evolution of the system). After combining several neutron
measurements, the researchers showed that the LGI is indeed violated.
The obtained result cannot be explained within the framework of
macro-realistic theories, only by quantum theory. One consequence is
that the idea that maybe the neutron is only traveling on one of the two
paths and we just don’t know which one, cannot be true. There is no time
inside the interferometer when the neutron is in a given state ( either
in path 1 or in path 2). Instead, the neutron must be in a coherent
superposition of system states. The experimental results were analyzed
within the framework of dynamical theory of neutron diffraction
reproducing the obtained values as well.
For more information: Physicsworld, August 12 (2024); Phys. Rev.
Lett., June 24 (2024) page 260201.
WEEK OF AUGUST 12, 2024 [No. 1588]
Magnon-phonon Fermi resonance observed in antiferromagnet:
an international group lead by researchers at
Radboud University in Nijmegen and the University of Cologne in Cologne
has found evidence of strong coupling between the spin and the crystal
lattice in antiferromagnetic CoF2. The results revealed an
energy transfer channel between magnons and phonons in an
antiferromagnet under the condition of Fermi resonance. They have
uncovered a regime of magnon-phonon dynamics that in the vicinity of the
Fermi resonance condition, facilitates a mutual, anharmonic energy
exchange between magnons and phonons. The non-linearly coupled
magnon-phonon dynamics is accompanied by a nontrivial energy exchange
between the subsystems. They find that by tuning the eigenmode
frequencies, one can control this process, enhancing magnon-phonon
coupling. They demonstrate a broadening of phonon spectra and an
asymmetric redistribution of the phonon weight upon tuning the magnon
frequency with an external magnetic field. This suggests the formation
of a strongly coupled two magnon-phonon hybridization state. They study
the strongly coupled regime of Fermi resonance and propose that a
strongly coupled two-magnon-one phonon state in an antiferromagnet
allows to coherently control magnon-phonon dynamics. Utilizing intense
narrow-band THz pulses and tunable magnetic fields up to
μ0Hext = 7 T, they experimentally realize the
conditions of magnon-phonon Fermi resonance in the antiferromagnetic
CoF2. These conditions imply that both the spin and the
lattice anharmonicities harvest energy from the transfer between the
subsystems if the magnon eigenfrequency fm is half the
frequency of the phonon (2fm = fph). Performing
THz pump-IR probe spectroscopy in conjunction with simulations, they
explore the coupled magnon-phonon dynamics in the vicinity of the
Fermi-resonance to reveal the nonlinear interaction facilitating energy
exchange between these subsystems. Using the intense and spectrally
bright accelerator-based superradiant THz source at HZDR's ELBE Center
for High-Power Radiation Sources, the researchers selectively excited
the antiferromagnetic spin resonance and tuned its center frequency by
high external magnetic field (up to several T). This configuration
allowed them to tune the spin resonance frequencies to half the lattice
vibration frequency, thus satisfying the Fermi resonance condition. This
regime of coupled magnon–phonon dynamics allows energy exchange between
these two subsystems at the Fermi resonance. By tuning the frequencies
of the magnons, the researchers can control this process and enhance the
magnon–phonon coupling. This regime was observed as a broadening of the
phonon spectra and an asymmetric redistribution of the phonon spectral
weight. The results here suggest a hybridized two-magnon-one-phonon
state, and a way to manipulate spin-lattice coupling on demand. This
allows for an increase in operational frequency from the conventional
GHz using ferromagnetic materials up to the THz scale in
antiferromagnetic materials. The recently demonstrated nonlinear
excitation of a phonon mode mediated by a magnon state suggested the
strongly coupled regime of Fermi resonance in antiferromagnetic
CoF2. The researchers here anticipated that in the vicinity
of the resonance, two-magnon-one-phonon interaction would determine the
coupled dynamics. In zero applied magnetic field the double magnon
frequency 2f0 at T = 6 K is higher than the frequency
fph of the phonon (2f0 > fph) and
thus the system is not in resonance. Thus, they applied an external
magnetic field along the magnetic easy-axis, which splits the magnon
branches, while the phonon frequency remains unchanged. A field of
μ0Hext = 4T was expected to be sufficient to reach
the frequency matching condition with a lower energy magnon branch
2fm = fph, where the conditions of Fermi resonance
might be satisfied. Performing THz pump- IR probe spectroscopy in
combination with simulations, they revealed the corresponding
fingerprints of coherent energy exchange driven by a THz stimulus in the
vicinity of the Fermi-resonance. In contrast to previous theoretical
studies focused on incoherent lattice dynamics and thus revealing
stochastic acts of energy exchange between the modes, the experiments
here revealed the manifestation of the Fermi resonances for the case of
coherent dynamics. The nature of mode interaction opens the possibility
to control the modes’ scattering rate, which, in conjunction with the
pulsed excitation regime, provides a model system to study strong
coupling interactions in the time domain. Thus, using the methods of
coherent control one should be able to steer the energy flow between
spins and lattices.
For more information:, August 7 (2024); Nat. Comm., June 28
Hard XR-based nuclear quantum memory demonstrated:
an international group lead by researchers at DESY in Hamburg has used
the synchrotrons PETRA III in DESY and ESRF in Grenoble to
experimentally demonstrate a way of storing and releasing hard XR pulses
at the single photon level as proposed by researchers at TA&M
University in College Station, TX. The XR quantum memory protocol
utilizes mechanically driven nuclear resonant 57Fe absorbers
to form a comb structure in the nuclear absorption spectrum induced by
motion's Doppler frequency shift. A short pulse with the spectrum
matching a comb absorbed by such a set of nuclear targets would be
re-emitted with the delay determined by the inverse Doppler shift as a
result of the constructive interference between different spectral
components. This RT nuclear frequency comb (NFC) allows control of the
waveform of XR photon wave packets to a high accuracy and fidelity using
solely mechanical motions. Trying to extend the quantum memory concept
to the hard XR regime, the researchers experimentally have implemented a
robust NFC with up to seven teeth. After excitation with synchrotron XR
pulses, the prepared NFC reshapes the temporal response of the coherent
collective nuclear excitation of 57Fe nuclei in the forward
scattering direction. This results in the formation of XR wave packets
on the single-photon level with durations inverse to the frequency
comb’s bandwidth. When adding a thin-film XR cavity, spectrally designed
to match the frequency comb’s bandwidth, the wave packet of the emitted
weak coherent field by the cavity is stored and retrieved by the NFC
with efficiency and fidelity. The set of Doppler-shifted 57Fe
absorbers allows for reshaping the emission characteristics of the
nuclear polariton to produce strong and short echo signals well above
the noise level. The achieved storage time (~ 30 ns) exceeds the wave
packets duration by an order of magnitude. The quantum memory idea for
information storage and retrieval here is to imprint the photon
information into a quasi-stationary medium in the form of polarization
or spin wave with a long coherence time and release it back via
re-emission of the original photons. By using nuclear rather than atomic
ensembles this system delivers much longer memory times at high
solid-state densities and RT. The longer memory times are a direct
result of the lower sensitivity of nuclear transitions to perturbations
by external fields (due to small nuclei sizes). This together with a
tight focusing of the hard XR photons, could lead to long-lived
broad-band compact solid-state quantum memories. The idea is realized
here with one stationary and six synchronously moving absorbers forming
a seven-teeth frequency comb. Nuclear coherence lifetime is the limiting
factor that determines the maximum storage time for this type of quantum
memory. Thus, using longer-lived isomers than the 57Fe
isotope used here should result in a longer memory time. 57Fe
nuclear resonances (including its prominent 14.4 keV nuclear resonance)
exhibit ultrahigh quality factors and long coherence lifetimes (Q
~1013 and Ï„0 = 141 ns) at RT. These are important
prerequisites for quantum memories where phase and amplitude of the
stored qubit must be preserved. Coherent temporal control of the excited
nuclear quantum state was demonstrated here by induced phase shifts via
motion-induced Doppler shifts. This allows for the formation of a
quantum memory for hard XR photon wave packets using the set of moving
resonant nuclear 57Fe absorbers. With the small transition
linewidths and the typical high transition energies E0, a
sizeable Doppler shift ∆E = E0v/c, is achieved at
comparatively small velocities v (0.1 mm/s shifts the 57Fe
transition by its natural linewidth). This proposed quantum memory
concept is based on moving multiple resonant absorbers with different
but equidistantly spaced velocities to form a Doppler NFC in the
resonant absorption structure. An incident resonant photon wave packet
entering such a nuclear ensemble gets stored in the coherent collective
nuclear excitation and is reemitted with a high probability at certain
moments in time Tk (k = 1,2,3, …), which are determined by
the velocity spacing ∆v between neighboring absorbers as Tk =
k hc / E0 ∆v (periodic reemissions or echoes). With the
frequency comb parameters (bandwidth, teeth width, and number of teeth)
tuned correctly, an efficient and reliable quantum memory can be
constructed. Working at a single-photon level without losing information
is expected to qualify this nuclear frequency comb protocol as a quantum
memory. The tunable, robust, and flexible system demonstrated here
provides a platform for a compact RT solid-state quantum memory for hard
For more information:, August 9 (2024); ScienceAdvances,
June 23 (2024).
WEEK OF AUGUST 5, 2024 [No. 1587]
Hyper-Raman emission observed:
an international group lead by researchers at the University of Bath in Bath
have experimentally demonstrated the molecular hyper-Raman effect, a chiral
optical effect (less intense than the Raman effect) where two photons
impact the molecule simultaneously and then combine to create a single
scattered photon that exhibits the Raman wavelength shift. They use a
doubly resonant system of plasmonic Au nanohelices and crystal violet
(CV) molecules, where the chirality of the electromagnetic field of Au
nanohelices is conferred to the achiral molecules (1/100 in size). It
has been theorized (1979) that chiral light used for the hyper-Raman
effect could deliver 3D molecular information including its chirality.
The experimental difficulty has lied on the balance between molecular
absorbing light chiral purity and molecular non-damaging laser
illumination. The researchers here rather than measuring the effect
directly from chiral molecules, employed achiral molecules that are made
chiral by assembly on a chiral scaffold. They augmented the hyper-Raman
signal by depositing achiral molecules on Au nanohelices that made the
molecules chiral and served as nanoantennas to focus light onto the
molecules. This chirality conferral system was designed as doubly
resonant, with the nanohelices and molecules resonating at the
fundamental frequency and at the second-harmonic, respectively (thus,
helping with Fermi's golden rule compliance here). They took care to
eliminate possible experimental artefacts from extrinsic chirality in
the nanohelices, from the degree of light circularity, from
photodecomposition and from differences in the number of illuminated
molecules. The researchers demonstrate chirality conferral from the
electromagnetic field of chiral plasmonic nanoparticles (Au nanohelices)
to CV molecules that are achiral (on average). With illumination at
1,064 nm, they recorded the difference of hyper-Raman spectra (~ 532 nm)
for right- and left-handed circularly polarized light (RCP and LCP),
that is, the circular intensity difference (CID). The CID spectrum from
the achiral CV changes sign, depending on the handedness of the
nanohelices. They demonstrate that their results correspond to intrinsic
chirality. The arrays of Au nanohelices exhibit extrinsic chirality in
linear reflection, in second-harmonic generation circular dichroism (CD)
and in second-harmonic generation optical rotation. The extrinsic
chirality results in a sign change of the chiroptical response upon
rotating the sample (sample rotation effects also affect Raman
scattering). They demonstrate that the sign of the Raman and hyper-Raman
peaks in their CID spectra does not depend on sample rotation as
expected in chirality. They show that no hyper-Raman emission is
observed from achiral Au nanostructures coated with CV, thereby
confirming the role of the nanohelices’ geometry. The original paper on
hyper-Raman emission focused on chiral molecules with no use of
chirality conferral by plasmonic nanohelices to achiral molecules. To
take this difference into account, they expand the original theory to
surface-enhanced hyper-Raman scattering including the chirality
conferral mechanism. The origin of the effect is shown by identifying
the lead light–matter interaction processes and by calculating their
quantum amplitudes, whose modulus square produces the hyper-Raman signal
intensity observed. They show that the chiroptical response originates
from the sum of cross-terms between the leading, fully electric dipole
quantum amplitude contribution and terms that include contributions from
magnetic dipoles or electric quadrupoles. Further optimization of
surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) materials and substrates should
lead to greater enhancements in Raman signals, allowing for the
detection and analysis of lower concentrations of analytes.
For more information:, July 31 (2024); Nat. Phot., July 31
S superconducting gap measured at Mbar pressures:
researchers at MPI in Mainz and LANL in Los Alamos, NM have developed a
planar tunnel junction technique for diamond anvil cells to make
measurements of superconducting S at pressures over 100 GPa using
tunneling spectroscopy. At pressures greater than 90 GPa, S (part of the
high-temperature superconductor H3S) changes
from being a nonmetal to behaving like a metal. Then, at low
temperatures, it becomes superconducting. Here, a µm-sized S sample was
subjected to 160 GPa and 17 K in a diamond anvil. Extreme pressure
affects the properties and integrity of the tunneling barrier in the
planar tunneling junction (where an applied voltage allows electrons to
tunnel across an insulating barrier between two conductors) loaded into
the pressure cell transducer, and the device suffers leaked currents and
a reduction in the size of the potential energy barrier. Thus, the
researchers fabricated an in-situ planar tunnel junction within the
diamond anvil cell. The planar tunnel junction's tunneling gap (~ 50 µm
x 50 mm) was placed between S and Ta and made of
TaO5 (with its high density and stability
ensured the width of the tunneling gap would not change under high
pressures). This set up allowed tunneling spectroscopy to measure the S
energy levels, the local density of electronic states and the band gap
using an STM over 100 GPa. To measure the superconducting gap they used
its relation to the current that tunnels from a normal conductor to a
superconductor when the two materials sit on either side of an
insulating barrier. The researchers confirmed S's
Tc ~ 17 K and determined the β-Po phase S to
be a type II superconductor with a single s-wave gap with gap value 5.6
meV. They measured the S’s superconducting gap, finding a value that
matched theoretical predictions.
For more information:, July 31 (2024); Physics, July 17
(2024); Phys. Rev. Lett., July 17 (2024) page 036002.
WEEK OF JULY 29, 2024 [No. 1586]
Atomic clock with record systematic uncertainty demonstrated:
researchers in JILA at the University of Colorado
Boulder in Boulder, CO have created a highly precise optical lattice
clock (OLC) using 105 trapped Sr atoms as reference. They
measured the frequency of a Sr atomic transition with a systematic
uncertainty of 8.1 × 10−19 in fractional frequency units,
more than a factor of 2 over the previous record holder (another Sr
OLC). The clock relies on interrogating the ultranarrow
1S0 → 3P0 transition (the
least magnetically sensitive clock transition in Sr atoms) in a dilute
ensemble of fermionic Sr atoms trapped in a vertically-oriented,
shallow, 1D optical lattice. Using imaging spectroscopy, they had
previously demonstrated record high atomic coherence time and
measurement precision enabled by precise control of collisional shifts
and the lattice light shift. Here they revised the black body radiation
shift correction by evaluating the 5s4d 3D1
lifetime, necessitating precise characterization and control of many
body effects in the 5s4d 3D1 decay. In previous Sr
OLCs, accuracy was limited mainly by the uncertainty in the shift of the
3P0 level. They performed a precise calibration of
the second-order Zeeman coefficient. All other systematic effects have
uncertainties below 1×10-19. The Sr atoms probed by the clock
laser to determine the transition frequency, are trapped within a
standing wave of light produced by two mirrors (lattice parameter 0.5
µm) at UHV. When a light signal is resonant with the transition, its
frequency is defined precisely. After the frequency comb converts
optical frequencies into microwave frequencies, the periods of these
frequencies are analyzed by electronics to output 1 s (tied to the
frequency of the Sr transition). Every few seconds they shined the laser
on the atoms for 2.4s. If the laser has drifted from the atomic
resonance, they correct this drift. Every time the researchers make a
measurement of the Sr transition frequency they can simultaneously
measure many atoms, giving a precise measurement. This is in contrast
with ion optical clocks that use an electronic transition within a
single trapped ion, and thus, every measurement is noisier. Since the
trapping light could shift the transition frequency, the researchers
utilize lower intensity trapping light than in previous systems to boost
clock accuracy. The calibration here reduces the uncertainty due to the
second-order Zeeman shift to 1 × 10−19, twice better than in
previous calibrations. The OLC here operates at RT so the researchers
considered the dynamic black-body-radiation correction (Sr atom’s energy
levels shift via the radiation’s electric field). The size of the shift
of the 3P0 level is tied to the
3D1 transition that lies within the energy
spectrum of the black-body radiation and can be determined by measuring
the 3D1 state’s lifetime. In this way, the
researchers reduced the uncertainty in the black-body-radiation shift to
7.3 × 10−19 (down from the 1.5 ×10−18 value that
they had achieved before). Combining the reduction of
black-body-radiation shifts with other environmental control measures
including temperature stabilization, they determined the sum of all
systematic effects on the clock transition’s energy levels < one part
in 1 × 1018. In an optical lattice trap, the atoms’ energy
levels can be shifted by the electric fields of the laser beams. To
control and measure the atoms, the researchers used a magic wavelength
optical lattice (trapping potential is the same for all atoms regardless
of their electronic state), and thus, the relative energy shift that the
laser beams induce between the clock transition states is minimized and
the transition’s linewidth is made narrower. The size of the energy
shift induced by the laser beams is greater when the atoms are more
tightly confined, so they used a cooling process that allowed
confinement in a shallow lattice potential. These techniques made their
system to surpass the precision of all previous OLCs, with a timekeeping
error < 1 s / 39.6 By.
For more information:
Physics, July 29 (2024); Physorg, July 24
(2024); Phys. Rev. Lett., July 10 (2024) page 023401.
Spontaneous strain-induced nanopattern observed in
metal-insulator transition:
researchers at Cornell University
in Ithaca, NY have used XR nanodiffraction assisted by phase-retrieval
algorithms and machine learning, cryogenic electron microscopy, and
local resistivity measurements to observe a supercrystal state forming
spontaneously in a Ca2RuO4 Mott insulator thin
film, during a strain-engineered metal-insulator transition. They report
a hierarchically ordered supercrystal state with its intrinsic formation
characterized in-situ during a Mott transition. They show that under
strain the atomic structure in the sample forms an anisotropic,
organized nanopattern with multi-scale spatial periodic domain formation
during cryogenic cooling at and below the film transition temperature
(TFilm ≈ 200–250 K) and a separate anisotropic spatial
structure at and above that temperature. The 10-nm structure was
observed to be embedded in a larger supercrystal with the orientation of
this larger structure dictating the electronic properties and creating a
current switch in the current's preferred direction. Local resistivity
measurements imply an intrinsic coupling of the supercrystal orientation
to the material's anisotropic conductivity.
For more information:, July 23 (2024); Adv. Mat., June 17 (2024).
WEEK OF JULY 22, 2024 [No. 1585]
Isolated γ-γ nuclear decay
an international group lead by researchers at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität
Heidelberg in Heidelberg and Universite Paris-Saclay in Paris has
observed a 2γ decay (discovered in the 1980s at the MPIK in Heidelberg)
on a bare atomic nucleus and directly measured the partial half-life for
the 2γ emission. The measurements on 72Ge nuclei were carried
out at the experimental storage ring (ESR) at GSI in Darmstadt. To be
able to directly measure the 2γ decay rate in the low-energy regime
below the electron-positron pair-creation threshold, they combined the
isochronous mode of a storage ring with Schottky resonant cavities. They
report the direct measurement of the 2γ decay of the first excited 0+
state in stored, fully ionized 72Ge32+ nuclei.
This isomer, with an excitation energy of 691.43(4)Â keV, possesses a
half-life of 444.2(8)Â ns in neutral atoms. However, when it is fully
ionized, the partial half-life for this isolated decay can be estimated
to extend to several hundred ms, using the average value of the
previously determined Mγγ matrix elements. By combining the isochronous
mode of the storage ring with nondestructive single-ion-sensitive
Schottky detectors, the experimental technique here (Schottky plus
isochronous mass spectrometry, S+IMS), the researchers resolved the
isomeric state and measure the time evolution of the number of observed
isomers with resolution ~ ms. The nuclear 2γ decay involves the decay of
an excited nucleus through the simultaneous emission of 2γ via the
virtual excitation of intermediate states. The partial half-life of this
decay gives access to observables such as the (transitional)
electromagnetic polarizability and susceptibility, which constrain the
nuclear equation of state and the nuclear matrix elements of the
neutrinoless double-β decay, and determine the neutron skin thickness.
The experiment was conducted at the GSI accelerator facility, using a
primary 78Kr beam that was accelerated to an energy of
441  MeV/nucleon using the heavy-ion synchrotron SIS-18. After fast
extraction the beam was impinged on a 10-mm thick 9Be
production target placed in the transfer beamline towards the ESR.
Few-nucleon removal reactions at relativistic energies produce low-lying
isomeric states with relatively high probability (up to 10%). The
72Ge fragments emerged from the target with a mean energy of
367.9  MeV/nucleon. At this relativistic energy the 72Ge ions
were fully ionized and were transported and injected into the ESR. No
additional beam purification was necessary, allowing the storage of a
large number of fragments within the acceptance of the ESR. The stored
ions revolved in the ESR with frequencies ~ 2Â MHz. A beam of Kr ions was
accelerated to ~ 0.7c with the GSI accelerator facility and subsequently
passed through a Be plate with thickness ~ 1 cm. In the collision, the
required 72Ge ions are produced in a specific excited state,
which has the same spin-parity quantum number 0+ as the ground state. In
this situation, the usually dominating decay by the emission of a single
γ is forbidden due to angular momentum conservation, since the γ must
take away an intrinsic spin of one unit. Other competing decay modes,
such as the transfer of the energy to an electron of the atomic shell,
are also not possible here. Therefore, the 2γ decay becomes the dominant
decay mode. In a nuclear reaction at relativistic energies the produced
ions have a large velocity spread. To force the same ion species to have
identical revolution frequencies, they tuned the ESR into a isochronous
mode, such that the differences in velocities are exactly compensated by
the lengths of ion trajectories. Thus, they reliably separated the
ground and the isomeric states of 72Ge ions despite their
relative ppm mass difference. They tracked each ion in the isomeric
state non-destructively and precisely determined the time of its decay.
The measured half-life for the 2γ decay of the first excited 0+ state in
bare 72Ge ions was 23.9(6) ms, that is 5 x 104 longer than in
the atomic state and strongly deviates from theoretical expectations.
The measured half-life is by at least two orders of magnitude shorter
than the shortest lifetime directly measured previously for stored
highly charged ions. The technique here can be applied to isomers with
excitation energies down to ~ 100  keV and half-lives down to ~10  ms.
Additional experiments using direct γ spectroscopy of the 2γ decay
branch in 72Ge are planned to clarify the role of the
magnetic and electric-dipole terms.
For more information:, July 17 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett.,
July 11 (2024) page 022502.
Solid state electron motion measured with record
researchers at the University of Stuttgart have
used time-resolving STM (including pump-probe THz spectroscopy) to
record the collective movement of electrons at the atomic level with
ultra-high spatio-temporal resolution. By utilizing THz pump–probe
spectroscopy in a STM, the researchers measure the ultrafast collective
dynamics of the charge density wave (CDW) in the transition metal
dichalcogenide 2H-NbSe2 with atomic spatial resolution. The
tip-enhanced electric field of the THz pulses excites oscillations of
the CDW that vary in magnitude and frequency on the scale of individual
atomic impurities. Overlapping phase excitations originating from the
randomly distributed atomic defects in the surface create this spatially
structured response of the CDW. After excitation by a THz pulse, the CDW
state relaxes through low-energy phase excitations in the sub-THz range
that are enabled by atomic-sized defects that pin the CDW and are
heterogeneous on the nm scale. The atomic spatial resolution of the
STM-based THz spectroscopy locally detects charge density dynamics. The
researchers used THz spectroscopy of collective CDW dynamics at the
atomic scale to study the collective motion of electrons in a CDW in
2H-NbSe2 and specifically how a single impurity can stop this
collective movement. The technique here allows direct real-space
observation of phase excitation dynamics of defect-induced charge
modulation. When applying a 1-ps electrical pulse to the sample, the CDW
is pressed against the impurity and sends nm-sized distortions into the
electron collective, which cause transient complex electron motion
distortions in the material. For high signal quality the developed
TR-STM system is operated at 41 THz and utilizes high isolation against
vibrations, noise, air motion, and temperature and humidity
fluctuations. The researchers here report direct real-space observation
of low-energy CDW dynamics in 2H-NbSe2 at frequencies ranging
from 0.15 THz to 0.9 THz. They use STM to spatially resolve the CDW and
excite the tunnel junction with single-cycle THz pulses to measure the
CDW’s ultrafast dynamics. They find that the oscillating electric field
of the THz pulses drives a strong screening current in the sample
surface that excites the phase of the CDW locally and creates a
spatially heterogeneous pattern of modes by the interplay between THz
excitation and pinning at atomic defects. NbSe2 hosts a
quasi-2D incommensurate CDW below a critical temperature ~ 33 K that
appears in STM images as a supermodulation of the charge density with
average periodicity of 3.06 unit cells of the host lattice. Thus, the
CDW’s complex order parameter (given by the amplitude of the charge
modulation and its phase relative to the lattice) can be resolved in
real space. Static STM shows that atomic impurities are strong pinning
sites that locally lock the CDW, making NbSe2 a good
candidate for observing phase excitations that emerge from the
interaction of the CDW state with the disorder potential of the randomly
distributed defects. This highly localized dynamics can be detected by
exciting the STM’s tunnel junction with pairs of THz pulses: the first
THz pulse excites the CDW, and the time-delayed second THz pulse probes
the resulting dynamics locally by THz-induced electron tunneling at a
defined time after excitation. Sweeping the time delay between the
pulses while recording the tunnel current constructs a time trace of the
junction conductivity that depends on the ultrafast modulation of the
surface charge density. The THz pulses used here consist of only one
optical cycle, which provides a time resolution of better than 0.4 ps.
The pulses have a peak electric field strength of 130 V cm−1
in the optical far field, which is too weak to alter the static
properties of NbSe2, but strong field enhancement under the
STM tip enables local excitation. Time traces recorded on
NbSe2 in the CDW phase at 20 K show an ultrafast relaxation
with a time constant ~ 0.6 ps followed by oscillatory dynamics that
persist for > 20 ps The TR-STM capability to observe collective
charge order dynamics with local probes allows the study of the dynamics
of correlated materials at the intrinsic length scale of their
underlying interactions.
For more information:, July 16 (2024); Nat. Phys., July 15
WEEK OF JULY 15, 2024 [No. 1584]
Nuclear decay recoil measured in microsphere:
researchers at Yale University in New Heaven, CT have detected nuclear
decays in the recoil of a levitating SiO2 bead in a HV
optical trap. They report the detection of individual nuclear α decays
through the mechanical recoil of the entire µm-sized particle in which
the decaying nuclei are embedded. Momentum conservation ensures that
such measurements are sensitive to any particles emitted in the decay,
including neutral particles that may otherwise evade detection with
existing techniques. Detection of the recoil of an object more than
1012 times more massive than the emitted particles is made
possible by recently developed techniques in levitated optomechanics,
which enable high-precision optical control and measurement of the
mechanical motion of optically trapped particles. Observation of a
change in the net charge of the particle coincident with the recoil
allows decays to be identified with background levels at the µBq level.
The detections relied on two measurement schemes: a position detector
that recorded recoils to the microsphere from exiting α particles, and a
set of electrodes that recorded changes in the microsphere’s electric
charge. They used momentum conservation to determine when a radioactive
atom emitted a single He nucleus. Levitated nanospheres in optical traps
have been slowed via feedback to their quantum-mechanical ground state
of motion and it is possible to measure forces ~ 10−20 N and
accelerations ~ 10−7g with observation time ~ 1 s. They
implanted SiO2 microspheres with radioactive 212Pb
atoms with half-life =10.6 h (a few dozen atoms within 60 nm from the
surface). Following implantation, one microsphere at a time was
levitated using a focused circularly polarized laser beam (optical
tweezer) with laser induced rotation frequency > 100 kHz (providing
gyroscopic stability that fixed the orientation of the particle’s
rotational axis). Then, the chamber enclosing the microsphere was pumped
down to ~ 10−10 atm and recoil data were continuously
recorded for each of 6 microspheres over 2-3 d. The researchers were
looking for evidence of nuclear decay to the stable isotope
208Pb through α and β emissions The microsphere’s response to
an oscillating electric field revealed how much excess charge it
carried, which could be determined at the level of a single electron or
proton. Any change in this value signaled that a nuclear decay had
caused the ejection of charged particles. A microsphere without
implanted 212Pb showed no change in the excess charge over
three days. Light scattered by the microsphere provided precise
information about the microsphere’s motion in the trap. The researchers
used the charge data to identify 83 events in which charge was carried
away, then reconstructed the impulse received by the microsphere for
each event from the scattered light. A histogram of the reconstructed
impulse amplitudes were found to be consistent with the predicted
response from α and β decays. It is the α decays that contribute to the
recoil signal; the β decays contribute to the background but do not
carry away sufficient momentum for the recoil to be resolved. By
measuring both recoil and charge in parallel, the researchers boosted
the sensitivity of their measurement so that it can detect events that
occur up to once per day. The recoil-based detection addresses a
shortcoming of conventional nuclear-decay detectors, which rely on the
decay products to interact with the detection medium. The researchers
propose studying neutrino properties with a sphere mass 100 times
smaller than the one used here.
For more information:
Physics, July 8 (2024);, July 26
(2024); Phys. Rev. Lett., July 8 (2024) page 023602.
Chiral Majorana edge state induced:
a group lead by researchers at the University of Cologne have shown induction of
superconducting (SC) correlations in a magnetic 2D thin film that is a
proximitized quantum anomalous Hall insulator (QAHI) in contact with a
SC Nb electrode. Theoretically this could give rise to topologically
protected Majorana fermions. The idea here is to induce Cooper pairing
in a thin film of ferromagnetic topological insulator material (that can
host the quantum anomalous Hall effect without the need for an external
magnetic field) to realize topological superconductivity with the
associated chiral Majorana edge states. They inject an electron into one
terminal of the insulator material that reflects at another terminal as
a hole.(crossed Andreev reflection), and that allows detection of the
induced superconductivity in the topological edge state in cryogenic
conditions. They demonstrate crossed Andreev reflection across a narrow
SC Nb electrode that is in contact with the chiral 1D edge state of the
QAHI. In the crossed Andreev reflection process, an electron injected
from one terminal is reflected out as a hole at the other terminal to
form a Cooper pair in the superconductor. This is a signature of induced
SC pair correlation in the chiral edge state. The characteristic length
of the crossed Andreev reflection process is found to be much longer
than the SC coherence length in Nb, which suggests that the crossed
Andreev reflection is, indeed, mediated by superconductivity induced on
the QAHI surface. For the 1D helical edge state of a 2D topological
insulator (TI), the induced SC correlations have been detected in
Josephson junctions. The SC correlations in the quantum Hall edge states
are less trivial due to the chiral nature of the edge and large magnetic
fields required, but strong evidence has been obtained in terms of the
crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) or the formation of Andreev edge
states, which cause a negative nonlocal potential in the downstream
edge. In the CAR process, an electron in the chiral edge entering a
grounded SC electrode creates a Cooper pair by taking another electron
from the other side of the electrode, causing a hole to exit into the
downstream edge. This hole is responsible for the negative nonlocal
voltage observed experimentally. SC correlations are induced in the
chiral edge state through the CAR process. The CAR process has been
observed even in the fractional quantum Hall edge states. If the 1D edge
state of a QAHI can be proximitized, one could create a non-abelian
Majorana zero mode by coupling two counter-propagating edges by the CAR
process through a superconductor. If the 2D surface of the QAHI is
proximitized, a chiral Majorana edge state may occur. The QAHI can be
realized by doping Cr or V into a very thin film (≲10 nm thickness) of
the 3D TI (BixSb1−x)2Te3 in
which the chemical potential is fine-tuned into a magnetic gap that
opens at the Dirac point of the surface states as a result of a
ferromagnetic order. A QAHI is insulating in the 3D bulk and in the 2D
surface. Inducing SC correlations in bulk-insulating TIs is more
difficult than in bulk-conducting TIs (one of the reasons for the lack
of evidence for the SC proximity effect in a QAHI). The researchers here
observed the signature of CAR with a narrow Nb finger electrode (160 nm
width) in contact with the QAHI edge. The finger-width dependence of the
CAR signal gives the characteristic length of the CAR process that is
much longer than the SC coherence length of Nb, which suggests that it
is not the superconductivity in the Nb electrode but the
proximity-induced pairing in the QAHI beneath the Nb that is mediating
the CAR process. The researchers plan experiments to directly confirm
the emergence of chiral Majorana fermions.
For more information:, July 10 (2024); Nat. Phys., July 10
WEEK OF JULY 8, 2024 [No. 1583]
Laser excitation of 239mTh nucleus:
a group lead by researchers at UCLA in Los Angeles, CA has made the most
precise measurement to date of the excited nuclear state of
239mTh. They have induced the nuclear excitation by using a
laser on a highly transparent LiSrAlF6 crystal doped with
239Th . In analyzing the nuclear isomeric transition, two
spectroscopic features near the nuclear transition energy were observed:
a broad excitation feature that produces red-shifted fluorescence that
decays with a timescale of a few seconds. And a narrow, laser-line
width-limited spectral feature at 148.382 19(4)stat(20)sys nm
[2020 407.3(5)stat(30)sys  GHz] that decays with a lifetime of
568(13)stat(20)sys  s. This feature is assigned to the excitation of the
239mTh nuclear isomeric state, whose energy is found to be
8.355 733(2)stat(10)sys eV. The group has realized a series of
experiments to stimulate 239mTh nuclei in
239Th:LiSrAlF6 crystals with a laser over time.
Getting nucleons in the atomic nucleus to react to laser light is
difficult because they are surrounded by electrons, which react readily
to light and can reduce the number of photons actually able to reach the
nucleus. Since F can form especially strong bonds with other atoms, the
electrons were so tightly bound with the F that the amount of energy it
would take to excite them was very high, allowing lower energy light to
reach the nucleus 239Th known to have a low energy excited
state accessible to laser illumination. The 239Th nuclei
could then absorb these photons and re-emit them, allowing the
excitation of the nuclei to be detected and measured. By changing the
energy of the photons and monitoring the rate at which the nuclei are
excited, the researchers were able to measure the energy of the nuclear
excited state. As part of the demonstration of the laser excitation of
the nuclear isomeric transition, researchers also determined the energy
of the excited nuclear state more precisely than done two months ago at
PTB setting the value at 8.35574 eV. That previous result and the new
one were both achieved using different crystals doped with
239Th (CaF2 crystals in PTB vs.
LiSrAlF6 crystals in UCLA), an idea proposed by some members
of the group here over a decade ago. The experiments here indicate that
in some cases the host crystal can dampen the nuclear transition of
For more information:
Physics, July 2 (2024);, July 2
(2024); Phys. Rev. Lett., July 2 (2024) page 013201.
Superconductivity quantum bound states controlled:
an international group lead by researchers at Pohang University of
Science and Technology in Pohang has controlled the quantum mechanical
properties of Andreev bound states in bilayer graphene-based Josephson
junctions from short to long junction limits using gate voltage. They
have demonstrated that the mode number of Andreev bound states in
bilayer graphene Josephson junctions can be modulated by controlling the
superconducting coherence length. By exploiting the quadratic band
dispersion of bilayer graphene, they control the Fermi velocity, and
thus, the coherence length via the application of electrostatic gating.
The researchers here used gate voltage to control the quadratic energy
dispersion of bilayer graphene as well as the superconducting coherence
length in real time. The number of energy levels in the Andreev bound
states depends on the ratio of the conduction channel length to the
superconducting coherence length (the length along which the
superconducting state can be maintained in the normal conductor). In the
short junction limit, the conduction channel is short and the number of
Andreev bound state levels is limited to a pair; in the long junction
limit there are more than two pairs. Tunneling spectroscopy of the
Andreev bound states reveals a crossover from short to long Josephson
junction regimes as they approach the charge neutral point of the
bilayer graphene. They observed the Andreev bound states in the short
and long Josephson junction limits. The researchers observed the change
of the Andreev bound states at different gate voltages in real time and
confirmed that the experimental results matched theoretical predictions.
The phase-dependent Josephson current was estimated from the analysis of
different mode numbers of the Andreev energy spectrum. The researchers
anticipate that the number of energy levels can be adjusted by gate
For more information:, July 1 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett., May
30 (2024) page 226301.
WEEK OF JULY 1, 2024 [No. 1582]
Repulsive bound magnons observed:
a group lead by researchers at the University of Cologne in Cologne has found
evidence in BaCo2V2O8 synthetic crystals
(containing screw chains of magnetic Co atoms) that magnetic excitations
can be held together not only by attraction but by repulsive
interactions (that even in the lower stability state of the repulsively
bound states). The researchers studied the collective magnetic
excitations by THz radiation in the crystal structure in high magnetic
fields. In addition to the usual elementary magnetic low-energy magnon
excitations, they discovered two- and three-magnon bound states held
together by repusive interactions. They present spectroscopic signatures
of repulsively bound three-magnon states and bound magnon pairs in the
Ising-like chain antiferromagnet
BaCo2V2O8. In large transverse fields,
below the quantum critical point, they identify repulsively bound magnon
states by comparing THz spectroscopy measurements to theoretical results
for the Heisenberg–Ising chain antiferromagnet. Their experimental
results show that these high-energy, repulsively bound magnon states are
well separated from continua, exhibit notable dynamical responses and,
despite dissipation, are sufficiently long-lived to be identified.
For more information:
Nature, June 26 (2024);, June 27
Chiral excitations observed in kagome topologicsl
a group lead by researchers at ANL in Ames, IA have
observed chiral quasiparticle excitations in the kagome-lattice layered
topological magnet TbMn6Sn6. They confirmed the
existence of localized flat band magnons associated with a frustrated
kagome lattice geometry. They observe elementary magnetic excitations
within the ferromagnetic Mn kagome layers in
TbMn6Sn6 using inelastic neutron scattering (INS).
Specifically, they observe sharp, collective acoustic magnons and
identify flat-band magnons that are localized to a hexagonal plaquette
due to the special geometry of the kagome layer. They also observe a
chiral magnetic quasiparticle that is localized on a hexagonal
plaquette. The short lifetime of localized flat-band and chiral
quasiparticles suggest that they are hybrid excitations that decay into
electronic states. The researchers had previously mapped out the
material's magnetic excitations at low energies and studied how these
excitations evolve through a temperature-dependent magnetic spin
reorientation transition. The findings here come from studying the
material's high energy excitations. Based on theoretical models, they
expected to find localized flat-band magnons due the special geometry of
the kagome lattice. Aside from observing these expected localized,
flat-band magnons, they discovered a different hexagon-localized chiral
excitation. They concluded that while TbMn6Sn6 has
ferromagnetic kagome layers, they also harbor a competing chiral
antiferromagnetic instability. The ferromagnetic state is more stable
than the chiral antiferromagnetism but they believe that perhaps
tweaking the chemical makeup of the material they could stabilize the
chiral order. The researchers describe the discovery of magnetic chiral
quasiparticles in ferromagnetic kagome layers by measuring their
elementary excitations using INS. Recent INS studies of a variety of
ferromagnetic kagome metals, reveal well-defined and collective acoustic
magnon modes at low energies. However, the higher-energy optical and
flat band magnon modes and their associated topological features were
obscured by heavy damping. The researchers here perform experiments on
much larger sample volumes and with increased incident neutron energies
that reveal two broad, high-energy excitations in
TbMn6Sn6 that are better described as localized
magnetic quasiparticles, rather than collective magnon modes. The first
excitation consists of dynamical spin correlations around a hexagonal
plaquette, corresponding to the expected kagome Wannier states
associated with localized flat-band magnon quasiparticles, thereby
providing the clearest experimental evidence for a magnonic flat band in
a kagome metal. The second excitation exhibits unexpected chiral spin
correlations around a hexagonal plaquette which are truly anomalous and
cannot be captured from simple magnetic models. The observed
short-lifetime of chiral and flat-band magnetic quasiparticles is caused
by decay into other quasiparticles, likely of electronic origin. The
uniaxial ferromagnetic kagome layers in TbMn6Sn6
host conventional, collective acoustic magnon quasiparticles
representing the in-phase precession of Mn moments within a kagome
layer. The thermal population of acoustic spin-1 magnons controls the
magnetization of the kagome layer. However, chiral (optical) and
flat-band modes whose precessions are out-of-phase have an incoherent
character and remain localized to a single hexagonal plaquette with
heavy damping. The confinement of the flat magnon band to a hexagonal
plaquette is known to arise from the special kagome lattice geometry
which leads to phase cancellation of spin precession on the triangular
vertices surrounding a hexagon. The flat bands observed here would be
consistent with linear spin wave theory were it not for the heavy
damping. The observation of chiral magnetic quasiparticles is not
expected from linear spin wave theory. Unlike the flat-band magnons, the
kagome lattice geometry does not guarantee the localization of chiral
excitations to a hexagon. Chiral magnetic quasiparticles are often
associated with topological, vortex-like spin textures (ex: skyrmions),
that are localized by a balance of exchange interactions and spin-orbit
coupling. Skyrmions have a non-zero scalar spin chirality where broken
inversion symmetry of the crystal lattice imparts a handedness to the
quasiparticle’s spin texture. For TbMn6Sn6,
spatial inversion is preserved, yet the observed chiral magnetic
quasiparticles also consist of vortex-like excitations that possess a
vector spin chirality with left and right-handed versions.
For more information:, June 24 (2024); Nat. Comm., February
21 (2024).
WEEK OF JUNE 24, 2024 [No. 1581]
Electron spin control by spin polarized current:
researchers at ETH in Zurich have shown spin torque–driven electron
paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of a single spin in a pentacene molecule,
and thus, that the quantum state of a single electron spin can be
controlled by a spin-polarized electron current. They demonstrate
coherent driving of a single spin by a RF spin-polarized current
injected from the tip of a STM into an organic molecule. The researchers
use EPR excitation to establish dynamic control of single spins by spin
torque using a local electric current. They carried out the measurements
using a spin-polarized current to perturb the resonant magnetization
dynamics of a ferromagnet (or antiferromagnet) and then determined the
response. This approach has been used successfully over the past decade,
but only in macroscopic systems. The researchers here utilize a
spin-polarized STM to measure the spin-orbit torque effect of a spin
current on EPR at single-molecule scale. They characterized the electron
clouds in the molecule using the STM. Electrons with spins aligned in
parallel tunnel from the W tip to the sample's pentacene molecules on a
thin insulating MgO layer over an Ag substrate. The tunnel current is
spin-polarized by using the W tip to pick up a few Fe atoms from the
insulating layer. The researchers applied a constant voltage plus a
fast-oscillating voltage to the magnetized W tip, and they measured the
resulting tunnel current. By varying the strength of both voltages and
the frequency of the oscillating voltage, they observed characteristic
resonances in the tunnel current and thus studied the processes that
occurred between the tunneling electrons and those of the molecule. The
electron spins in the pentacene molecule reacted to the electromagnetic
field created by the alternating voltage in the same way as in ordinary
EPR. The shape of the resonances indicated that spin transfer torque
influenced the spins of the electrons in the molecule too. Spin control
by spin-polarized currents, in contrast to the use of electromagnetic
fields, acts with local precision (< 1 nm). The work here shows how
the dissipative action of the spin-transfer torque, in contrast to the
nondissipative action of the magnetic field, allows for the manipulation
of individual spins based on controlled decoherence. The researchers
demonstrated that it is possible to create quantum superposition states
of the molecular spin in this way.
For more information:
Science, June 20 (2024);, June 20 (2024).
Edge states from topological helix chains:
researchers at Tohoku University in Sendai have discovered a 1D Te-based
topological insulator (TI). Recent theoretical predictions have
suggested that single helix chains could be !D TIs. The
Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model (1979, well before TIs) describing conducting
polymers predicts a 1D analogue of 3D and 2D topological insulators,
hosting topological bound states at the endpoints of a chain. To
establish this state, one needs to identify the low-energy excitations
stemming from bound states, but this has remained elusive because of the
absence of suitable platforms. The researchers here found unusual
electronic states that support bound states in elemental Te, with single
helices as in an extended version of the SSH chain. Using ESR and ARPES
with a micro-focused beam, they have shown spin-polarized in-gap states
confined to the edges of the (0001) surface. Density functional theory
calculations indicate that these states come from interacting bound
states in a 1D array of SSH Te hexagonally patterned chains. To verify
this, the researchers needed to observe the electrical charges confined
to the endpoints of these chains. This required preparing clean edges of
the Te chains without structural damage which they did by using a
home-made gas-cluster ion-beam system capable to modify surfaces to
within 1 nm. They visualized the spatial distribution of electric
charges using ARPES with a micro-focused beam. The results confirmed the
electric charges at the endpoints of the chains, thus supporting the 1D
TI nature of the Te material.
For more information:, June 19 (2024); Nature, June 5
WEEK OF JUNE 17, 2024 [No. 1580]
Earth spin effect on entangled photons measured:
researchers at the University of Vienna in Vienna have observed the
effect of Earth's rotation on a maximally entangled two-photon state.
They set up a table-top experiment using maximally path-entangled
quantum states of light in a large-scale Sagnac interferometer with a
sensitivity of 5 μrad s−1 enough to measure the rotation rate
of Earth and a record in rotation resolution reached with optical
quantum interferometers. This result confirms the interaction between
rotating reference systems and quantum entanglement with a thousand-fold
precision improvement compared to previous experiments. More generally
this methodology should enable measurements of general-relativistic
effects on entangled photons. The researchers here built a large-scale,
quantum , optical-fiber Sagnac interferometer and kept the noise low and
stable for several hours. This enabled the detection of enough
high-quality entangled photon pairs to outperform the rotation precision
of previous quantum optical Sagnac interferometers. In the set up two
indistinguishable photons are incident on a beam splitter cube,
entanglement between them is created, and they are coupled in the fiber
Sagnac interferometer. With two entangled particles, they behave like a
single particle testing both directions simultaneously while
accumulating twice the time delay compared to the scenario where no
entanglement is present. The Sagnac interferometer was built with 2-km
of optical fibers wrapped around a 1.4 m-sided square Al frame. In the
experiment, two entangled photons propagate inside the 2-km-long optical
fiber wounded onto a large coil, realizing an interferometer with an
effective area of 715 m2. The researchers injected two-photon
states into the interferometer, using quantum interference to
demonstrate super-resolution while extracting Earth’s rotation rate.
This goes beyond previous laboratory demonstrations of measurements
probing Sagnac interferometers with quantum states of light, which
involved fiber interferometers with at most hundred-meter-length fibers
and were only used to measure synthetic and controllable signals. They
chose the detection of Earth’s rotation as a benchmark for their
large-scale fiber interferometer, as its minute rate, fixed direction,
and the absence of ways to manipulate its behavior, make it particularly
difficult to observe. The ubiquitous presence of acoustic- and seismic
vibrations and thermal fluctuations transduce directly into phase noise
in optical fiber and drive the motion of the large apparatus. To solve
these problems, they built their rotatable fiber interferometer with an
optical switch to turn Earth’s rotation signal on and off, allowing them
to fully characterize the angle-dependent Sagnac phase. This technique
allows the rotation signal to be referenced to an effectively
nonrotating frame. For operation the researchers needed to isolate and
extract Earth's steady rotation signal. They needed to establish a
reference point for the measurement, where light remains unaffected by
Earth's rotational effect. Thus, they split the optical fiber into two
equal-length coils and connected them via an optical switch from
parallel to anti-parallel propagation. By toggling the switch positions
(switching from straight vertical to X connection configurations), the
researchers effectively canceled the Earth's rotation signal at will,
which also allowed them to extend the stability of their large
apparatus. They confirmed an acquired Sagnac phase from Earth’s rotation
with an enhancement factor of two because of the two-photon entangled
For more information:
Science Advances, June 14 (2024); Physorg, June 14 (2024).
Kitaev chain generated in a 2D electron gas:
researchers at Delft University of Technology in Delft have extended
their previous work to a 2D domain by demonstrating creation of a Kitaev
chain with semiconductor quantum dots connected via superconductors as a
way to produce topologically Majorana qubits. They realized a two-site
Kitaev chain in a 2D electron gas by coupling two quantum dots through a
region proximitized by a superconductor. They demonstrate systematic
control over inter-dot couplings through in-plane rotations of the
magnetic field and via electrostatic gating of the proximitized region.
This allows them to tune the system to sweet spots in parameter space,
where robust correlated zero-bias conductance peaks are observed in
tunneling spectroscopy. By implementing the Kitaev-chain in 2D, they
show that the underlying physics is universal and platform independent.
To study the extent of hybridization between localized Majorana bound
states, the researchers probe the evolution of the energy spectrum with
magnetic field and estimate the Majorana polarization. They have shown
reproducibility and protection to local perturbations. The researchers
plan to increase the number of sites in the Kitaev chain and
systematically study the protection of Majorana bound states.
For more information:
Nature, June 12 (2024) page 329;, June 12 (2024).
WEEK OF JUNE 10, 2024 [No. 1579]
Condensation of dipolar molecules observed:
researchers at Columbia University in New York, NY have realized a
Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) of dipolar molecules. By strongly
suppressing two- and three-body losses via enhanced microwave
collisional shielding, they evaporatively cool NaCs molecules to quantum
degeneracy and cross the phase transition to a BEC. The BEC reveals
itself by a bimodal distribution when the phase-space density exceeds 1.
BECs with over 103 molecules, a temperature of 6(2) nK , and a
condensate fraction of 60(10)% , were created and found to be stable
with a lifetime of about 2 s. The researchers used a microwaves field to
create shields around each molecule and prevent them from colliding.
With the molecules shielded against lossy collisions, the hottest ones
were preferentially removed from the sample. They increased cooling by
adding a second microwave field. In addition to reducing collisions, the
second microwave field can also manipulate the molecules' orientation.
In stable molecules, the final stage of cooling, to turn molecule clouds
into a condensate, has been prevented by chemical reactions between
colliding molecules. These interactions heat the molecules and cause
them to escape the cloud, leaving too few to work with. The researchers
here applied two different kinds of microwave fields to the cloud, one
to make the molecules rotate and another to make them oscillate.
Together these fields oriented the molecules such that they always
repelled each other. This repulsion prevented collisions, allowing them
to cool the molecules by forcing out the hottest ones without losing too
many. That in turn is a means to control how they interact. The
researchers have a validated-experimentally theoretical description of
interactions between the molecules.
For more information:
Nature, June 3 (2024);, June 3 (2024).
22Al mass measured:
researchers at MSU in
East Lansing, MI have used isotope beams from FRIB to measure the
22Al mass with high precision. They report the mass
measurement of the proton-halo candidate 22Al performed with
the low energy beam ion trap facility’s 9.4 T Penning trap mass
spectrometer at FRIB. This measurement completes the mass information
for the lightest remaining proton-dripline nucleus achievable with
Penning traps. 22Al has been the subject of recent interest
regarding a possible halo structure from the observation of an
exceptionally large isospin asymmetry. The measured mass excess value of
ME = 18 092.5(3) keV, corresponding to an exceptionally small proton
separation energy of Sp = 100.4(8) keV, is compatible with
the suggested halo structure. The result here agrees well with
predictions from sd-shell USD Hamiltonians. While USD Hamiltonians
predict deformation in the 22Al ground state with minimal
1s1/2 occupation in the proton shell, a particle-plus-rotor
model in the continuum suggests that a proton halo could form at large
quadrupole deformation. This isotope probably has its nucleus surrounded
by a halo of protons that loosely orbit the nucleus beyond the pull of
the residual strong force. While all halo structures are rare fleeting
phenomena, neutrons are usually observed as halo particles but halos
made of protons are rarer. Measurements on nearby isotopes have
suggested that 22Al might be an isotope that could form a
proton halo. The researchers here created a high-energy isotope beam of
22Al using projectile fragmentation at FRIB. They created a
beam from a stable nucleus of an Ar isotope and then accelerated the
beam to about c/2 against a target. The collisions create rare,
short-lived isotopes from which a 22Al beam was filtered out.
Then they slowed it down into a uniform beam and measured the nucleus
mass. The researchers now plan to take the next step in verifying the
proton halo structure around 22Al by measuring the charge
radius (the distribution of protons around the nucleus) and how the
nucleus us deformed from the spherical shape.
For more information:, June 3 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett., April 9 (2024) page 152501.
WEEK OF JUNE 3, 2024 [No. 1578]
CMOS integration of spin-photon quantum elements:
researchers at MIT in Cambridge, MA have demonstrated a scalable,
modular hardware architecture that integrates thousands of
interconnected qubits onto a customized integrated circuit. They
introduce a modular quantum system-on-chip (QSoC) architecture that
integrates thousands of individually addressable Sn-vacancy spin qubits
in 2D arrays of quantum microchiplets onto an application-specific
integrated circuit designed for cryogenic control. They demonstrate
fabrication steps and architectural subcomponents, including QSoC
transfer by means of a lock-and-release method for large-scale
heterogeneous integration, high-throughput spin-qubit calibration and
spectral tuning, and efficient spin state preparation and measurement.
This QSoC architecture supports full connectivity for quantum memory
arrays by spectral tuning across spin–photon frequency channels. The
researchers have developed a modular fabrication process to produce a
QSoC which integrates an array of artificial atom qubits onto a
semiconductor chip. This QSoC architecture enables them to precisely
tune and control a dense array of qubits. They have shown the
heterogeneous integration of spin–photon interfaces with a CMOS
platform. Multiple chips could be connected using optical networking to
create a large-scale quantum communication network. By tuning qubits
across 11 frequency channels, this QSoC architecture allows for a
proposed protocol of entanglement multiplexing for large-scale quantum
computing. The researchers develop a process for manufacturing 2D arrays
of atom-sized, RT long coherence time qubit diamond color center (DCC)
microchiplets and for transferring thousands of them onto a CMOS chip in
a single step. The DCC provide photonic interfaces that allow for
entanglement with non-adjacent qubits. Each has its own spectral
frequency which allows the researchers to communicate with individual
atoms by voltage, tuning them into resonance with a laser. They
integrated a large array of DCC qubits into a CMOS chip that includes
digital logic that reconfigures the voltages, for full inhomogeneous
qubit connectivity. To build this QSoC, they developed a fabrication
process to transfer DCC microchiplets onto a CMOS backplane at large
scale. They started by nanofabricating an array of DCC microchiplets
from a solid block of diamond (19 steps) and associated nanoscale
optical antennas. Then, they designed and mapped out the chip from the
semiconductor foundry. They post-processed a CMOS chip to add microscale
sockets that match up with the DCC microchiplet array. They built an
in-house transfer setup in the lab and applied a lock-and-release
process to integrate the two layers by locking the DCC microchiplets
onto the sockets on the CMOS chip. Since the DCC microchiplets are
weakly bonded to the diamond surface, when they release the bulk diamond
horizontally, the microchiplets stay in the sockets. Because they can
control the fabrication of the diamond and the CMOS chip, they can make
a complementary pattern. In this way, they can transfer thousands of DCC
microchiplets onto their corresponding sockets all at the same time. The
researchers demonstrated a 500-µm x 500-µm area transfer for an array
with 1,024 DCC nanoantennas, although the process allows for larger DCC
arrays and larger CMOS chips. They found that for this architecture
tuning the frequencies with more qubits requires less voltage. They
demonstrated a chip with over 4,000 qubits that could be tuned to the
same frequency while maintaining their spin and optical properties. They
built a custom cryo-optical metrology setup to characterize the system
and measure its performance on a large scale. They also built a digital
twin simulation that connects the experiment with digitized modeling.
Design studies building on their measurements indicate scaling potential
by means of increased qubit density, larger QSoC active regions, and
optical networking across QSoC modules.
For more information:
Nature, May 29 (2024) page 70;, May 29 (2024).
Nucleation in supercooled liquids measured:
researchers at the European XFEL in Schenefeld have studied the random
process of vacuum nuclei crystallization in microcopic supercooled
rare-gas-based (Ar and Kr) liquid jets (only systems for which
theoretical predictions are considered) by fs XR diffraction and found
that it starts later than previously assumed. Their results provide
limits to the validity of classical nucleation theory in atomic liquids.
The atoms of the liquids used here interact in a particularly simple
way, which they hoped would give nucleation theory the best chance of
success. They investigated the crystal nucleation rate J(T), a measure
of the probability that a crystal will form in a certain volume within a
certain time. They bombarded the 3.5-µm liquid jets with 9.7 keV XR
pulses lasting < 25 fs, focusing them on a spot < 1 µm. When such
a jet travels through vacuum, evaporation at the surface drives rapid
cooling (M  °C /s). They XR probed the jets at many locations within the
range of 300–800 µm from the jet source. Spectra from these pulses
revealed the atomic configuration of each jet as it evolved, starting as
a liquid at the source and then showing signs of crystal formation
within a few 100's µm. Given the flow speed, the crystallization time
was < 10 µs (longer than for mm-sized droplets). They recorded
several million diffraction images. According to their results, the
crystal nucleation rates are much smaller than those predicted on the
basis of simulations and the classical theory. Classical nucleation
theory rests on many potentially incorrect assumptions, such as the idea
that newly nucleated crystal seeds will be roughly spherical. It assumes
that the first portion of a solid that forms from a cooling liquid will
adopt the most stable possible crystal arrangement, which would be a
face-centered cubic pattern for Ar or Kr. But some computer simulations
suggest that, in some cases, small portions of the initial solid adopt a
less stable arrangement (body-centered cubic). On the experimental side,
accurate measurements are difficult because nucleation happens over
ultrafast timescales (ps-ns), at least for the typical mm-scale droplets
used in experiments. Any microscopic impurities in a liquid sample can
also strongly affect the results. For both liquids, the theory combined
with simulations predicted a nucleation rate 100–1000 times higher than
the experimental value, but this result was still about 100 times closer
to agreement than previous experiments.
For more information:, May 27 (2024); Physics, May 17 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett., May 17
(2022) page 206102.
Excitonic monolayer Fresnel lens fabricated:
researchers at the University of Amsterdam in Amsterdam and Stanford
University in Stanford, CA have made a 0.6-nm thick, 0.5-mm wide,
metasurface flat lens with concentric WS2 rings and gaps in
between. The lens diffraction-focuses red light at 1 mm with the focal
length determined by the rings size and the distance between them. They
show how the excitonic decay rates dictate the focusing efficiency of
the atomically thin lens. By isolating the coherent exciton radiation
from the incoherent background in the focus of the lens, they obtain a
direct measure of the role of exciton radiation in wavefront shaping.
They investigate the influence of exciton–phonon scattering by
characterizing the focusing efficiency as a function of temperature,
demonstrating an increased optical efficiency at cryogenic temperatures.
WS2 absorbs light by sending an electron to a higher energy
level. Due to the ultra-thin structure of the material, the negatively
charged electron and the positively charged hole it leaves behind in the
atomic lattice stay bound together by the electrostatic attraction
between them, forming an exciton. These excitons quickly disappear again
by the electron and hole merging together and sending out light. This
re-emitted light contributes to the lens's efficiency. Quantum
enhancement effects allow the material to efficiently absorb and re-emit
light at specific wavelengths, giving the lens the built-in ability to
work better for these wavelengths. The researchers detected a peak in
lens efficiency for the specific wavelengths of light sent out by the
excitons. This effect is observed at RT operation with the lens becoming
more efficient when cooled down. Another unique lens feature is that,
while some of the light passing through makes a bright focal point, most
light passes through unaffected.
For more information:, May 30 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett., May 17 (2024) page 206102.
WEEK OF MAY 27, 2024 [No. 1577]
Surface solar dynamo generation:
a group lead by
researchers at MIT in Cambridge, MA has found that the sun's magnetic
field could arise from instabilities within the convection zone's
outermost layers which match observations better than deep solar dynamo
generation proposed mechanisms. Analytic estimates show that the
near-surface magneto-rotational instability explains the spatiotemporal
scales of the torsional oscillations and inferred subsurface magnetic
field amplitudes. Numerical simulations corroborate these estimates and
reproduce hemispherical magnetic current helicity laws. The solar
magnetic dynamo cycle features a propagating region of sunspot emergence
at ~ 30° latitude that vanishes near the equator every 11 yrs.
Longitudinal flows (torsional oscillations) closely shadow sunspot
migration.. Helioseismology pinpoints low-latitude torsional
oscillations to the near-surface shear layer (outer 5–10% of the Sun).
Within this zone, inwardly increasing differential rotation coupled with
a poloidal magnetic field strongly implicates the magneto-rotational
instability. The researchers generated a precise model of the solar
surface and found that when they simulated certain perturbations in the
flow of plasma within the top 5–10% of the sun, these surface changes
were enough to generate observed solar magnetic field patterns. Their
simulations in deeper layers produced less realistic solar activity.
Their findings suggest that sunspots and flares could be a product of a
shallow magnetic field, rather than a field that originates deeper in
the sun. They have shown that isolated perturbations near the solar
surface can grow over time to potentially produce the magnetic
structures observed in solar flares, sun spots, and solar corona. Rather
than conventionally simulating the complex flow of plasma throughout the
entire body of the sun, the researchers here wondered whether studying
the stability of plasma flow near the surface might be enough to explain
the origins of the dynamo process. They used helioseismologic solar
surface vibrations observations to infer the average sun structure.
Then, they figured if there were plasma flow perturbations that they
could superimpose on top of the average structure, that might grow to
cause the solar magnetic field. They developed algorithms that were
incorporated into a fluid dynamics code to find self-reinforcing changes
in the solar average surface flows. The algorithms discovered patterns
that could grow and result in realistic solar activity. They found
patterns that match the observed locations and timescales of sunspots.
In their simulations, they found that certain changes in the flow of
plasma, within just the top 5–10% of the sun's surface layers, were
enough to generate magnetic structures in the sun spot regions. Changes
in deeper layers produced less realistic solar fields that were
concentrated near the poles, rather than near the equator as observed.
The researchers considered flow patterns near the surface inspired by
those conditions resembling the unstable plasma flows in the accretion
disks around black holes.
For more information:
Nature, May 22 (2024) page 769;, May
22 (2024).
Proton gluon helicity analyzed:
researchers at the
Jefferson Lab in Newport News, VA have analyzed the gluon contribution
to the total proton spin to clarify their spin alignments. They studied
the gluon helicity from global analysis of experimental data and lattice
QCD Ioffe time distributions. They started with the combined data from
experiments taken in facilities around the world. They then added the
results from LQCD calculation into their 1D analysis. Their next step
will be to improve the datasets. As more powerful experiments provide
more detailed information on the proton, these data begin making a
picture that goes beyond 1D. The goal is to eventually produce a 3D
understanding of the proton's structure. The researchers here performed
a global analysis of spin-dependent parton distribution functions with
the inclusion of Ioffe time pseudodistributions computed in LQCD, which
are directly sensitive to the gluon helicity distribution, Δg. These
lattice data have an analogous relationship to parton distributions as
do experimental cross sections, and can be readily included in global
analyses. They focused on the constraining capability of current LQCD
data on the sign of Δg at intermediate parton momentum fractions
x, which was recently brought into question by analysis of data
in the absence of parton positivity constraints. They found that present
LQCD data cannot discriminate between positive and negative Δg
solutions, although significant changes in the solutions for both the
gluon and quark sectors were observed.
For more information:, May 24 (2024); Phys. Rev. D, February
27 (2024) page 036031.
Superconducting spin qubits coupled:
researchers at
Delft University of Technology in Delft have demonstrated the strong and
tunable coupling between two distant Andreev spin qubits in
semiconductor–superconductor hybrid nanowires. In these qubits, the spin
degree of freedom of a quasiparticle trapped in a Josephson junction is
intrinsically spin–orbit coupled to the supercurrent across the
junction. This interaction has previously been used to perform spin
readout, but it has also been predicted to facilitate inductive
multi-qubit coupling. The researchers here demonstrate a strong
supercurrent-mediated longitudinal coupling between two distant Andreev
spin qubits. They show that it is both gate- and flux-tunable into the
strong coupling regime and that magnetic flux can be used to switch off
the coupling in situ. Their results demonstrate that integrating
microscopic spin states into a superconducting qubit architecture can
combine the advantages of both semiconductors and superconducting
circuits and possibly allow to fast two-qubit gates between distant
spins. In earlier work, they studied an Andreev spin qubit created by
embedding a quantum dot into a superconducting qubit. The researchers
here use a method theoretically suggested (2010) to couple two such
qubits. They fabricated a superconducting circuit, deposited two
semiconductor nanowires on top of this circuit using a precisely
controlled needle. The combined nanowire and superconducting circuits
configured in two superconducting loops. The special part of these loops
is that a part of each loop is a semiconductor quantum dot where an
electron can be trapped. The current that flows around the loops depends
on the spin of the trapped electron. This effect allows the researchers
here to control a supercurrent of billions of Cooper pairs with a single
spin. The combined current of the two coupled superconducting loops
depends on the spin in both the quantum dots. This also means that the
two spins are coupled via this supercurrent. This coupling can be
controlled, either via the magnetic field running through the loops or
by modulating the gate voltage. The researchers here have demonstrated
that they can couple spins over long distances using a superconductor.
Normally, spin-spin coupling only happens when two electrons are very
close. When comparing qubit platforms based on semiconductors to those
based on superconducting qubits, this requirement of proximity is one of
the architectural downsides of semiconductors. The current coherence
times are low probably due to the nuclear spin bath of the InAs
semiconductor used here. A Ge platform is expected to boost coherence
For more information:, May 22 (2022); Nat. Phys., May 6
WEEK OF MAY 20, 2024 [No. 1576]
Electron vortices detected in graphene at RT:
researchers in ETH Zurich in Zurich have used a quantum sensing
microscope to image stationary electron vortices in a graphene layer.
Using a nanoscale scanning magnetometer, they imaged stationary current
vortices (hydrodynamic transport pattern) in a monolayer graphene device
at room temperature (RT). By measuring devices with increasing
characteristic size, they observed the disappearance of the current
vortex and thus verified a prediction of the hydrodynamic model. They
observed that vortex flow is present for both hole- and
electron-dominated transport regimes but disappears in the ambipolar
regime due to a reduction of the vorticity diffusion length near charge
neutrality. In graphene, electron-impurity collisions are rare and
collisions between electrons play the leading role. In this case, the
electrons behave more like a viscous liquid so vortices should occur in
the graphene layer. The vortices formed in 1-µm - 3.2-µm circular disks
that they had attached during the fabrication process to a conducting
1-µm wide graphene strip encapsulated by hexagonal BN. Electron–electron
interactions in high-mobility conductors can give rise to transport
signatures resembling those described by classical hydrodynamics.
Hydrodynamic calculations here suggested that electron vortices should
form in the smaller, but not in the larger disks. To make the vortices
visible the researchers measured the tiny magnetic fields produced by
the electrons flowing inside the graphene. They used a quantum magnetic
field sensor consisting of a NV center embedded in the tip of a diamond
needle moving at 70 nm from the graphene. The NV center behaves like a
quantum object whose energy levels depend on an external magnetic field.
Using laser beams and microwave pulses, the quantum states of the NV
center can be prepared in such a way as to be maximally sensitive to
magnetic fields. By reading out the quantum states with a laser, the
researchers determined precisely the strength of those fields at RT. The
researchers made the electron currents visible with a resolution <
100 nm (sufficient for observing the vortices). In their measurements,
they observed a reversal of the flow direction in the smaller disks
which is a characteristic sign of the expected vortices. While in normal
(diffusive) electron transport, the electrons in strip and disk flow in
the same direction, in the case of a vortex, the flow direction inside
the disk is inverted. As predicted by the calculations, no vortices were
observed in the larger disks. By applying an electric voltage from below
the graphene, they changed the number of free electrons so the current
flow was no longer carried by electrons, but rather by holes. They
observed vortices formed by hole carriers. Only at the charge neutrality
point, where there is a small and balanced concentration of both
electrons and holes, the vortices disappeared completely.
For more information:, May 13 (2024); Science, April 25
(2024) page 465.
Higher charge quasiparticle pairing discovered in kagome
a group lead by researchers at Peking University in
Beijing have observed charge-4e and charge-6e flux quantization and
higher charge superconductivity in kagome superconductor ring devices,
They report evidence for multicharge flux quantization in mesoscopic
ring devices fabricated using the transition-metal kagome superconductor
CsV3Sb5. They perform systematic magnetotransport
measurements and observe quantization of magnetic flux in units of h/4e
and h/6e in magnetoresistance oscillations. At low temperatures,
magnetoresistance oscillations with period h/2e are detected, as
expected from the flux quantization for charge-2e superconductivity.
They find that the h/2e oscillations are suppressed and replaced by
resistance oscillations with h/4e periodicity when the temperature is
increased. Increasing the temperature further suppresses the h/4e
oscillations, and resistance oscillations with h/6e periodicity emerge
associated to charge-6e flux quantization. The observations here provide
experimental evidence for the existence of multicharge flux quanta and
quantum matter exhibiting higher-charge superconductivity in the
strongly fluctuating region above the charge-2e Cooper pair condensate
in kagome superconductors. They have discovered in the superconducting
kagome metal CsV3Sb5 (CVS), that quasiparticles
that appear to have 4 and 6 times the charge of an isolated electron,
suggesting the formation of Cooper-pair molecules. In the CVS metal
crystals, the V atoms occupy 2D lattices with a kagome combination of
triangles and hexagons. The finding challenges the expectation that
electron binding forces grow substantially weaker with the number of
involved electrons. The researchers deposited CVS onto a substrate to
form a thin layer. Their sample had a hole in the middle, so that Cooper
pairs were compelled to go around the hole (either clockwise or
counterclockwise) and experience the Aharonov-Bohm effect. Bulk CVS has
a Tc of 2.5 K. However, the resistivity of the CVS layer
started to drop at about 4 K and vanished at ~ 1 K. Such a gradual drop
in resistivity starting well above the bulk Tc is expected
for a thin superconducting compound, marking a fluctuating regime of
superconductivity where Cooper pairs are present in a disorganized
fashion. One might have expected charge-2e Cooper pairs to persist even
up to 4 K, giving rise to h/2e resistance oscillation. Instead, the
researchers observed evidence of oscillations at the flux period of h/6e
between 2 and 3 K and of h/4e between 1 and 2 K, with the h/2e period
becoming dominant only in the zero-resistance regime below 1 K. The h/6e
and h/4e periodicities might imply the possibility that two or three
Cooper pairs somehow coalesced into Cooper molecules with a 4e or 6e
total charge. Theories predicting such a possibility have been around
for some time, like the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO)
superconductors. In FFLO superconductors, the Cooper pairing takes place
between electrons having momenta Q/2 + k and Q/2 – k, with a net
momentum of Q for the pair. By contrast, ordinary Cooper pairing takes
place between electrons of opposite momenta k and –k, with zero net
momentum. In the presence of hexagonal crystal symmetry, three types of
FFLO orders are possible. As the temperature rises over Tc,
the individual ordered states may melt away, but a composite order may
survive, according to the theoretical predictions. This state has
quasiparticles with charge 6e and could explain the h/6e resistance
oscillation observed here. Support for that explanation comes from
experiments, backed by theory, that pointed to a feature in the band
structure of CVS involving six valleys arranged in momentum space with a
60° angle between them. A potential wrinkle in this CVS experiment is
that, unlike the original Little-Parks setup, the magnetic field not
only penetrates the hole in the middle of the superconductor but also
the entire material. Defining paths for the Aharonov-Bohm effect under
such situations is difficult, and thus, the precise determination of the
flux periodicity. It has been argued that these higher-charge Cooper
pairs could follow the most efficient path, which happens to be the one
circling around the boundary of the hole in the middle of the
For more information: Physics, May 13 (2024); Phys. Rev. X, May 13
(2024) page 021025.
WEEK OF MAY 13, 2024 [No. 1575]
Anisotropic exchange interaction between two spin holes in Si
researchers at the University of Basel in Basel
have built a two-hole-spin-qubit system in a Si FinFET and controlled
the interaction between the two-qubits. They demonstrate electrical
tunability of the exchange splitting from above 500 MHz to close-to-off
and perform a conditional spin-flip in 24 ns. The exchange coupling is
anisotropic because of the strong spin–orbit interaction. Upon tunneling
from one quantum dot to the other, the spin is rotated by almost 180°.
The exchange Hamiltonian no longer has the Heisenberg form and can be
engineered such that it enables two-qubit controlled rotation gates
without a trade-off between speed and fidelity. This behavior applies
over a wide range of magnetic field orientations, making the system
robust with respect to variations from qubit to qubit. In previous work
(2022) it was shown that the hole spins in an existing electronic device
can be trapped and used as qubits. Now, the researchers here have
achieved a controllable interaction between two qubits within this
setup. They coupled two qubits and brought about a controlled flip of
one of their spins, depending on the state of the other's spin (a
controlled spin-flip). They have shown that hole spins allow creation of
fast and high-fidelity two-qubit gates. The coupling of two spin qubits
is based on their exchange interaction, which occurs between two
indistinguishable particles that interact with each other
electrostatically. Surprisingly, the exchange energy of holes is not
only electrically controllable, but strongly anisotropic. This is a
consequence of spin-orbit coupling, which means that the spin state of a
hole is influenced by its motion through space. The anisotropy makes
two-qubit gates possible without the usual trade-off between speed and
fidelity. All measurements were performed using a dry dilution
refrigerator with a base temperature of ~ 40 mK and a three-axis magnet
that provides arbitrary control of the magnetic field vector. The
researchers measured the dependence of the exchange splitting on the
magnetic field direction and found large values in some directions but
close-to-zero values in other directions. They have developed a general
theoretical framework applicable to a wide range of devices and identify
the spin–orbit interaction as the main reason for the exchange
anisotropy. From their measurements, they extracted the full exchange
matrix and hence accurately determine the Hamiltonian of the two coupled
spins, predicting the optimum operating points for the gates. For holes,
unlike electrons, the strong exchange anisotropy facilitates controlled
rotations with both high fidelity and high speed, for an experimental
setting that is robust against device variations. The researchers have
investigated the exchange coupling between two hole-spins in a Si FinFET
and found it to be both highly anisotropic and tunable, allowing for an
interaction strength > 0.5 GHz. They identify the strong spin–orbit
interaction as the main microscopic origin of this anisotropy and
propose a simple procedure for determining the exchange matrix. This
measurement and analysis scheme applies to a wide variety of devices. By
fully characterizing the Hamiltonian of the two coupled spins, the best
possible configuration for implementing two-qubit gates can be
identified. A strongly anisotropic exchange results in extended sweet
spots in magnetic field orientation, where both fast and high-fidelity
controlled rotations can be performed. By selecting a close-to-ideal
configuration they realize a controlled spin-flip in ≈ 24 ns.
For more information:, May 6 (2024); Nat. Phys., May 6
Optical microscopy with atomic resolution:
researchers at the
University of Regensburg in Regensburg have developed all-optical
subcycle microscopy on atomic length scales. The near-field optical
tunneling emission (NOTE) microscopy here directly observes a quantum
version of Hertz's spark jumping between just two atoms by measuring the
oscillogram of the light it emits with temporal precision faster than a
single oscillation cycle of the lightwave. Super-resolution optical
microscopy has circumvented the far-field diffraction limit by
controlling optical nonlinearities. By exploiting the linear interaction
with tip-confined evanescent light fields, near-field microscopy has
reached even higher resolution. Yet the finite radius of the nm-sized
tip apex has prevented access to atomic resolution. The researchers here
leverage atomic nonlinearities within tip-confined evanescent fields to
push all-optical microscopy to pm-spatial and fs-temporal resolutions.
On these scales, they discover a non-classical near-field response, in
phase with the vector potential of light and strictly confined to atomic
dimensions. This ultrafast signal is characterized by an optical phase
delay of ≈ π/2 and facilitates direct monitoring of tunneling dynamics.
They image nm-sized defects hidden to AFM by subcycle sampling of
current transients on a semiconducting van der Waals material. This
technique allows the study of quantum light–matter interaction and
electronic dynamics at short spatio-temporal scales in conductive and
insulating quantum materials. They used an atomically sharp tip to focus
light into the near-field region (a few atoms wide) with sub-atomic
precision. This ultrafast optical microscopy technique combines the
resolution of a scanning probe microscope with all-optical (light in,
light out) signal measurement. The oscillating electromagnetic fields
that carry light can cause electrons to tunnel back and forth through a
potential energy barrier. This alternating current can coherently emit
measurable light waves, used here to build an atomic resolution optical
microscope. An ultrafast tunneling current flows between the frontier
atom of a sharp tip and a sample in response to an incident
electromagnetic driving field. This atomically confined current leads to
the emission of light, carrying information about the inner workings of
quantum processes. The oscillating electric field of light flushes the
tunneling electrons back and forth between the frontier atom of the tip
and the sample, hence driving the quantum version of Hertz's spark. The
researchers detected the Hertzian emission from a handful of electrons
per oscillation cycle of light receiving a strong signal (this made
possible by the ultra-stable tip acting as an antenna transmitting this
wave from the atomic scale). To simulate from first principles the
quantum response of 1010 atoms, they used a supercomputer to reproduce
the signature time shift of the NOTE signal and provide insights into
the lightwave-driven quantum flow of electrons and distortion of atomic
orbitals. The electrons have to stay underneath the tip until the light
field changes its direction to be able to return. Direct observation of
ultrafast tunneling currents allow analysis of electronic dynamics in
quantum systems.
For more information:
Nature, May 8 (2024) page 329;, May 8
WEEK OF MAY 6, 2024 [No. 1574]
Targeted broadband optical excitation of the
229mTh nucleus:
researchers at PTB in Braunschweig and TU Wien in Vienna have resonantly
excited the nuclear isomer state
in 229Th in grown, heavily-Th4+-doped,
transparent, CaF2 crystals (229Th concentration up
to 5 × 1018/cm3) using a tabletop, home-made,
148-nm, broadband (measured spectral linewidth ≤10 GHz ), tunable, UV
laser system. While presently no 148-nm CW laser exists, the researchers
generated their laser here by mixing existing laser wavelengths. They
cooled the CaF2 crystal to ≤ 180 K by placing it on a cold
plate in a vacuum chamber (where it was exposed to the VUV laser light),
to avoid optically damaging it. They used a PMT to collect, focus, and
detect the crystal’s fluorescence as they gradually stepped the laser’s
wavelength from 148.2 to 150.3 nm. From 20 measurement cycles, each with
50 frequency steps, they observed a distinct fluorescence peak around
148.38 nm from two differently doped CaF2 crystals. A control
measurement on a crystal doped with 232Th emitted no
fluorescence signal. The nuclear resonance for the Th4+ ions
in Th:CaF2 is measured at the central wavelength 148.3821(5)Â nm with
frequency 2020.409(7)Â THz. The observed central wavelength of the
nuclear transition amounted to a transition energy of 8.35574(3) eV,
thus consistent with the 1 σ-uncertainty of the value reported in
radiative-decay experiments but with 800-fold improved precision here.
In addition, measurements of the fluorescence decay time revealed an
overall radiative lifetime of 229mTh embedded in the
CaF2 crystal matrix of 630(15) s. This corresponds to a
isomer half-life of 1740(50) s for a 229mTh nucleus isolated
in vacuum, consistent with earlier findings and theoretical expectations
that take into account polarization effects in the crystal (these
effects reduce the isomer’s half-life with the inverse third power of
the refractive index). The researchers here have developed many-nuclei
crystal set ups, determined and proven the involved energy transition
(with the required µeV precision), and used a laser to transfer a
nucleus into a state of higher energy and then precisely tracked its
return to its original state. The large number of 229Th
nuclei in the crystals amplifies the laser absorption effect, shortens
the required measurement time, and increases the probability of actually
locating the energy transition. Because CaF2 crystals have a
band gap larger than the isomer’s excitation energy, they should prevent
the isomer’s deexcitation via interaction with its electron shell. The
researchers achieved what is the first targeted laser excitation of an
atomic nucleus on November 21, 2023. The correct energy of the
229Th transition was hit exactly, and the 229Th
nuclei delivered a clear signal. The laser beam had actually switched
the state. Now, a narrowband CW VUV laser needs to be developed to allow
the efficient driving of a nuclear clock.
For more information:
Physics, May 6 (2024);, April 29
(2024); Physicsworld, April 18 (2024); Phys. Rev. Let., April 29 (2024)
page 182501.
Strange metallicity in a kagome metal:
an international group lead by researchers at MIT in Cambridge, MA has
discovered hopping-frustration-induced flat band and strange metallicity
in a kagome lattice metal. They show transport and thermodynamic
hallmarks of heavy fermion and strange metal behavior that arise in the
kagome metal Ni3In, with the source of localized states being
destructive interference-induced band flattening of partially filled Ni
3d states. With magnetic field and pressure tuning, they find evidence
that the system is proximate to quantum criticality, extending the
analogy to f-electron Kondo lattices. The observations here show the
role of hopping frustration in metallic systems as a source for strong
correlations. In previous work the researchers reported that their new
Kagome metal produced Dirac fermions as expected. However, the strange
metal behavior discovered now was unexpected. After that they tried to
determine if there existed a flat band at the Fermi level with
correlated still electrons. They found it, and began exploring the
system's electrical properties while subjected to high pressure and to a
magnetic field. They discovered that the electrons in the flat band
interact strongly with other electrons in the system resulting on a
strange metal behavior.
For more information:, May 1 (2024); Nat. Phys., January 25 (2024) page 610.
WEEK OF APRIL 29, 2024 [No. 1573]
Landau levels observed in Si photonic crystals:
researchers at Penn State University in State College, PA have detected
Landau levels that arise due to a strain-induced pseudomagnetic field in
a Si photonic crystal slab. The Landau levels are dispersive (not flat
bands) due to the distortion of the unit cell by the strain. They employ
an additional strain of a different form that induces a pseudoelectric
potential to flatten them. By acting akin to cavities that are
delocalized across space, flat bands such as these have the potential to
strongly enhance light–matter interaction as a result of the photonic
structure. The researchers developed an analytical framework for
understanding the effects of inhomogeneous strain in photonic crystals
via gauge fields that helps to guide the design of multiscale
non-periodic photonic structures. Although photons do not experience the
Lorentz force because they do not carry charge, they can be made to
experience pseudomagnetic fields as a result of periodicity-breaking
strain. Within the crystal, the light spun in circles and they observed
that it formed discrete energy bands (Landau levels) as in electrons.
They employed a method of emulating a magnetic field (pseudomagnetic
field) for light by precisely manipulating the structure of a photonic
crystal. They created these crystals in 100-nm Si slabs with a
honeycomb-like lattice of holes. They shined laser light into the
crystal-containing slab, and the lattice pattern caused some of the
light to bounce around within the crystal. Then, they measured the
spectrum of the light when it exited the crystal. To mimic the effects
of a magnetic field, they added a strain to the pattern of the lattice.
For the unstrained lattice, they fabricated a honeycomb structure out of
nanoscale triangular holes that repeats throughout space in 2D. To add
the strain, they made another slab, but deformed the pattern. The new
pattern looks as if they pulled up on the two sides, while pulling down
on the bottom side. When the researchers shined the laser into the
unstrained lattice, the light spreaded out evenly in the crystal. In the
strained lattice, the light instead moved in circles and the energy
spectrum of the light changed, forming discrete bands just like Landau
levels. The Landau-level energy spacing is a linear function of strain
strength. Unlike Landau levels in electrons, the energy bands are not
flat. Instead, they are curved (dispersion), which the researchers
believe results from the curved pattern in the strained crystal. To try
to mitigate the dispersion, they added an additional strain to the
pattern. This added strain, which acts as a pseudo-electric potential,
counteracts the dispersion, producing flat-band Landau levels just like
those from electrons. The flat bands represent a concentration of
photons at certain discrete energies, providing an avenue to increase
the interaction of light with matter.
For more information:, April 24 (2024); Nat. Phot., April 23
1D proximity superconductivity achieved in quantum Hall
an international group lead by researchers at the
University of Manchester in Manchester has made Josephson junctions
incorporating domain walls in minimally twisted bilayers achieving
robust superconductivity in high magnetic fields. They have shown that
domain walls in minimally twisted bilayer graphene support robust
proximity superconductivity in the quantum Hall regime, allowing
Josephson junctions to operate in fields close to the upper critical
field of superconducting electrodes. The critical current was found to
be non-oscillatory and practically unchanging over the entire range of
quantizing fields, with its value being limited by the quantum
conductance of ballistic, strictly 1D, electronic channels residing
within the domain walls. The built system supports Andreev bound states
at quantizing fields. When combining superconductivity and the quantum
Hall effect, Cooper-pair transport between superconducting electrodes in
Josephson junctions is mediated by 1D edge states. So far no
supercurrents through quantum Hall conductors have been detected. The
initial experiments here were on line with proximity superconductivity
induced along quantum Hall edge states. Then they used previous work
demonstrating that boundaries between domains in graphene could be
highly conductive. By placing such domain walls between two
superconductors, they achieved the desired ultimate proximity between
counterpropagating edge states while minimizing effects of disorder.
They observed large supercurrents at temperatures up to 1 K in every
device they fabricated. They figured that the proximity
superconductivity originated not from the quantum Hall edge states
propagating along domain walls, but rather from strictly 1D electronic
states existing within the domain walls themselves. These predicted 1D
states exhibited a greater ability to hybridize with superconductivity
as compared to quantum Hall edge states. The inherent 1D nature of the
interior states is believed to be responsible for the observed robust
supercurrents at high magnetic fields. In their devices, electrons
propagate in two opposite directions within the same nanoscale space and
without scattering. The researchers manipulate these electronic states
using gate voltage and observe standing electron waves that modulated
the superconducting properties.
For more information:
Nature, April 24 (2024) page 741;, April 24 (2024).
WEEK OF APRIL 22, 2024 [No. 1572]
Q value for electron capture in the 163Ho nucleus
the international ECHo collaboration at the
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik in Heidelberg has used a Penning trap
system to measure the change in mass of 163Ho when its
nucleus captures an electron and turns into 163Dy. They
realized a direct, microcalorimetry-independent determination of the Q
value by measuring the free-space cyclotron frequency ratio of highly
charged ions of 163Ho and 163Dy in the
Penning-trap experiment PENTATRAP. Combining this ratio with
calculations of the electronic binding energies yields a Q value of
2,863.2 ± 0.6 eV c−2 . They measured accurately the total
energy released in the decay: This corresponds to a maximum of the Q
value minus the rest mass of the neutrino released. From this, they
calculated its Q value 50 times more accurately than before (from a
kinematic study of tritium β-decay in KATRIN) and thus, they determined
the most precise upper limit to date of the electron neutrino mass (0.8
eV c−2). Complementary ECHo is also investigating the
electron capture in
163Ho → 163Dy + νe + Ecal,
where Ecal is the energy detected in a calorimeter. Within
the ECHo collaboration, metallic magnetic calorimeters are used for the
measurement of the energy of all emitted radiation, except for the
energy carried away by the neutrino. This is obtained by implanting
163Ho ions directly into the absorber material of the
detector (Au). The calorimetrically measured decay spectrum is subsequently
by fitting it to a theoretical spectral shape from which the Q value can
be determined. To quantitatively investigate systematic effects in the
interpretation of the calorimetrically measured spectra that might arise
due to the 163Ho ions being implanted into a metallic
material, this Q value is best compared to one obtained from an
independent direct measurement. The required accuracy of ~
1 eV c−2 can only be reached at present using high-precision
Penning-trap mass spectrometry. In Penning-trap mass spectrometry, the Q
value is addressed directly through a measurement of the mass difference
of the mother and daughter nuclides, 163Ho and
163Dy, respectively, by measuring the free-space cyclotron
frequency ratio of the two species in a strong homogeneous magnetic
field B. In a Penning trap, a superimposed weak quadrupolar
electrostatic potential confines the ion along the magnetic field lines
and modifies the ion’s radial motion: the free-space cyclotron motion
splits into the magnetron motion with a frequency ν− and the
modified cyclotron motion with a frequency ν+. The
quadrupolar electrostatic potential also induces a harmonic oscillatory
motion with frequency νz along the magnetic field lines. From
a measurement of all three motional eigenfrequencies, the free-space
cyclotron frequency can be reconstructed using the invariance theorem.
From subsequent measurements of the free-space cyclotron frequency, the
ratio is determined, which allows the Q value to be determined by
including calculations of the binding energy difference of the removed
electrons. The researchers here used the Pentatrap system consisting of
five identical Penning traps arranged one above the other within a
superconducting magnet. Deceleration electrodes with appropriately timed
voltage pulses are used to capture the ions in the Penning traps. In
these identically constructed traps, ions in the excited quantum state
and in the ground state can be measured in comparison. In order to
minimize uncertainties, the ions were also moved back and forth between
different traps for comparative measurements. They removed 38, 39 and 40
electrons from the atoms in three different series of measurements to
increase the cyclotron frequency of both nuclei ions and obtain better
precision in the mass difference measurements, and thus, in the Q value
for electron capture. In addition to the frequency difference between
the two ions, the energy stored in the remaining electron system of a
highly charged ion has a significant influence on the Q value
determined. The calculations resulted in almost exactly the same Q
values for the three measured charge states with 38, 39 and 40 electrons
removed so systematic uncertainties in experiment and theory could be
ruled out.
For more information:, April 19 (2024); Nat. Phys., April 19 (2024).
Spin texture created and stabilized by superconductor stray
fields at RT:
an international group lead by researchers at the
HZB in Berlin has uncovered an approach to create and stabilize complex
spin textures in a variety of compounds and conditions. The work
includes the study of the size-dependence and high temperature stability
of radial vortex magnetic textures imprinted by superconductor stray
fields. They have considered the imprint of magnetic radial vortices in
soft ferromagnetic compounds making use of the stray field of
YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) superconducting
microstructures in ferromagnet/superconductor (FM/SC) hybrids at
temperatures below the superconducting transition temperature
(Tc). They explore the lower size limit for the imprint of
magnetic radial vortices in square and disc shaped structures as well as
the persistence of these spin textures above Tc, with
magnetic domains retaining partial memory. Structures with circular
geometry and with FM patterned to smaller radius than the superconductor
island facilitate the imprinting of magnetic radial vortices and improve
their stability above Tc, in contrast to square structures
where the presence of magnetic domains increases the dipolar energy.
Micromagnetic modeling coupled with a SC field model reveals that the
stabilization mechanism above Tc is mediated by
microstructural defects. They show superconducting control of swirling
spin textures, and their stabilization above Tc by means of
defect engineering. Here, radial vortices are created with the help of
superconducting structures, while the presence of surface defects
achieves their stabilization. Samples consist of µm-sized islands made
of the high-temperature superconductor YBCO (Tc < 92 K) on
which a ferromagnetic compound is deposited. An external magnetic field
is applied and immediately removed. This process allows the penetration
and pinning of magnetic flux quanta, which in turn creates a magnetic
stray field. It is this stray field that produces new magnetic
microstructures in the overlying ferromagnetic layer: spins emanate
radially from the structure center, as in a radial vortex. As the
temperature is increased, YBCO transits from the superconducting to a
normal state, the stray field created by YBCO islands disappear and the
magnetic radial vortex should disappear as well. However, the
researchers have observed that the presence of surface defects prevents
the latter from happening: the radial vortices partially retain the
imprinted state, even when approaching RT. They use the magnetic field
generated by the superconducting structures to imprint certain magnetic
domains on the ferromagnets placed on them and use the surface defects
to stabilize those imprinted states. Smaller imprinted vortices were ~ 2
µm in diameter (size of typical skyrmions ~ 200 nm). They studied
samples with circular and square geometries and found that circular
geometries increased the stability of imprinted magnetic radial
vortices. A wide category of effects in FM/SC hybrids involves the
influence of the ferromagnet on the superconducting ground state. This
influence is mediated by the stray fields of ferromagnetic domains or
magnetic chiral structures (like magnetic vortices, skyrmions, or domain
walls) on the dissipation properties and critical current
characteristics of the superconductor. It is known that the use of
superconducting stray fields in the magnetic ground state of
ferromagnets, can craft swirling spin textures in ferromagnetic systems
by making use of the magnetic stray fields generated by the trapped flux
in structured type II superconductors. Below the superconducting
Tc , the application and removal of an out-of-plane magnetic
field yields the generation of screening supercurrents due to the
penetration, pinning, and expulsion of magnetic flux quanta. Within the
mixed state, these supercurrents flow following the geometrical contour
of the SC structure, with a geometry and sense of rotation which depend
on magnetic history. Supercurrents present after removal of the external
magnetic field, give rise to a stray magnetic field whose strength and
direction varies locally. Typical values of the vortex density for 100
mT used here, yield 4.8 × 1013 vortices/m2, which
corresponds to an intervortex distance (assuming a square lattice for
YBCO) of 140 nm. In ferromagnetic systems with perpendicular magnetic
anisotropy, the out-of-plane component of the superconductor stray-field
can be employed to imprint unusual magnetic textures. The imprint is
stabilized by the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy so that it remains
even when supercurrents have vanished for temperatures above
Tc. It is known that in ferromagnetic layers with in-plane
magnetic anisotropy, the in-plane components of the SC stray-field can
be utilized to imprint magnetic domain distributions akin to radial
vortices with a lateral size of 20 μm. In these, the in-plane
magnetization can point toward or away from the core along radial
directions orthogonal to the contour of the superconducting
microstructure. This type of magnetization distribution is not
energetically favored due to large dipolar energies. While mm-size
structures are expected to retain some memory of the imprinted state at
T > Tc , for smaller structures, the disappearance of the
SC stray-field T > Tc , is expected to lead to its
relaxation to an energetically more favorable magnetic state, such as a
conventional vortex or a multidomain configuration. The researchers here
explore how the reduction of the lateral size of the SC structure
affects the SC imprint of radial vortex-like magnetic spin textures on
hybrids. Finite-difference micromagnetic modeling coupled with the YBCO
field modeling indicate that the radially inhomogeneous field
distribution of the superconductor enables the imprint of these
topologically nontrivial magnetic domain distributions below
Tc for lateral sizes down to sub-µm. The researchers here
obtain radial vortex-like imprints down to 2 μm, most likely limited by
the presence of surface defects. Although increasing the temperature
above Tc leads to the disappearance of the stabilizing SC
stray field and the relaxation of the imprinted magnetic domain pattern,
the remnant spin texture retains a significant memory of the imprinted
state. They discuss the robustness of this state and the origin of this
memory effect in terms of pinning of domain walls by YBCO surface
defects, which contribute to stabilize its topology.
For more information:, April 17 (2024); ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces., April 2 (2024) page
WEEK OF APRIL 15, 2024 [No. 1571]
Quantum phase change induced by THz laser at RT:
an international group lead by researchers at Stockholm University have
demonstrated THz electric-field-driven dynamical multiferroicity at RT
in the paraelectric perovskite STO (SrTiO3). They have shown
how laser light can induce quantum behavior at room temperature and how
to make non-magnetic materials magnetic. They subjected STO to short
intense polarized FIR laser beams to induced magnetism at RT. The
approach is based in the theory of dynamic multiferroicity that predicts
that when Ti atoms are stirred up with circularly polarized light in a
Ti-Sr oxide, a magnetic field is formed. That allows to make many
insulators into magnetic materials. The researchers resonantly drive the
IR-active soft phonon mode with an intense circularly polarized THtz
electric field and detect the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect.
A simple model, which includes two coupled nonlinear oscillators whose
forces and couplings are derived with ab initio calculations using
self-consistent phonon theory at a finite temperature, qualitatively
reproduces the experimental observations. A quantitatively correct
magnitude was obtained by considering the phonon analogue of the
reciprocal Einstein–de Haas effect in which the total angular momentum
from the phonons is transferred to the electrons. The findings here show
a path for the control of magnetism by coherently controlling the
lattice vibrations with light. It has been shown independently by other
researchers that circular phonons induced by circularly polarized light
in a substrate can switch the magnetization of a ferromagnet on top of
it. This supports the observation that the induced magnetic moment must
be of the order of the electronic one. At low temperatures, intense
coherent THz excitation of the soft mode in STO can lead to nonlinear
phonon responses that overcome the quantum fluctuations to create a
ferroelectric order absent at equilibrium that is coupled to the induced
magnetic order. The induced magnetic moment can be seen as a
quasi-static magnetization created on ps timescale (an order of
magnitude faster than the fastest spin switching to date).
For more information:
Nature, April 10 (2024) page 534;,
April 10 (2024).
Dimensional crossover observed in ultracold bosons:
an international group lead by researchers at Universität Innnsbruck has
observed how continuous changes in dimensionality affect collective
properties of a superfluid. Specifically, they have analyzed the 2D–1D
crossover in strongly interacting ultracold bosons. Starting from a 3D
BEC, they generate an ensemble of 2D layers and 1D tubes. In mixed
dimensionality, they found a characteristic two-slope decay for the
one-body correlation function, consistent with particles being 1D and 2D
simultaneously. They used the correlation measurements to numerically
determine the temperature of quantum liquids in 1D, 2D, and in between.
They showed that strongly interacting ultracold bosons perceive their
dimensionality as either 1D or 2D, depending on whether they are probed
on short or long distances, respectively. They probed this dimensional
crossover considering the momentum distribution to study the
characteristic decay of the one-body correlation function in the two
dimensionalities and track how the decay is modified during the
crossover. The observations here demonstrate how quantum properties in
the strongly correlated regime evolve in the dimensional crossover as a
result of the interplay between dimensionality, interactions and
For more information:, April 10 (2024); Nat. Phys., April 9
WEEK OF APRIL 8, 2024 [No. 1570]
Ultrafast Kapitza-Dirac effect used to visualize electron phase:
an international group lead by researchers at Goethe University Frankfurt
in Frankfurt am Main have observed the ultrafast Kapitza - Dirac effect
with complete temporal resolution and used it to visualize and ,
theoretically describe, the quantum mechanical phase of electrons
(temporal evolution of the electron waves). Kapitza and Dirac predicted
(1933) that electrons should be diffracted from a strong standing wave
of light in a static description. The researchers here have added a time
dimension when probing the evolution of a photoelectron wavepacket using
an intense pulsed standing wave. By tracking the spatiotemporal
evolution of a pulsed electron wave packet diffracted by a 60-fs
standing wave pulse in a pump-probe scheme, they observed time-dependent
diffraction patterns. The electron wave packet was exposed to two
counterpropagating ultrashort laser pulses (time span from back to front
10 ps). The fringe spacing in the observed pattern differs from that
generated by the conventional Kapitza-Dirac effect. By exploiting this
time-resolved diffraction scheme, they accessed the time evolution of
the phase properties of a free electron. The researchers fired two
ultrashort laser pulses from opposite directions at a Xe gas. At the
crossover point, these fs pulses produced an ultrastrong transient light
field that ionized the Xe atoms. Then, they fired a second pair of short
laser pulses at the electrons released in this way, forming a standing
wave at the center. These pulses were slightly weaker than the ones
before and did not cause any more ionization. They interacted with the
free electrons so they could be observed using a home-made COLTRIMS
reaction microscope. At the point of interaction, either the electron
does not interact with the light or it is scattered (to the left or to
the right) with the wave function spatially concentrated accordingly.
The temporal evolution of the wave function and its phase is dependent
on how much time elapses between ionization and the moment of impact of
the second pair of laser pulses.
For more information:
Science, March 28 (2024) page 1467;,
April 3 (2024).
Josephson junction built with superconductor and topological
an international group lead by researchers at Julius-Maximilians-Universität
Würzburg in Würzburg has made a
magnetically tunable stable superconductor in a dilute magnetic
topological insulator-based Josephson junction. The researchers added
magnetic atoms into topological insulators so that they can be
controlled by a magnet. The combination generates a proximity-induced
Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (p-FFLO) state in which
superconductivity and magnetism coexist. A superconductor, when exposed
to a spin-exchange field, can exhibit spatial modulation of its order
parameter (the FFLO state). Such a state can be induced by controlling
the spin-splitting field in Josephson junction devices, allowing access
to a large phase diagram zone. The researchers here demonstrate that a
FFLO state can be induced in Josephson junctions based on the 2D dilute
magnetic topological insulator (Hg,Mn)Te. They do this by observing the
dependence of the critical current on the magnetic field and
temperature. The substitution of Mn dopants induces an enhanced Zeeman
effect, which can be controlled with high precision by using a small
external magnetic field. They observe multiple fluctuating behaviors of
the critical current as a response to an in-plane magnetic field, which
they assign to transitions between ground states with a phase shifted by
Ï€. Whereas the FFLO state is determined by the properties of the bulk
superconductor, the proximity-induced version of the effect depends on
the properties of the weak link, which, as shown here, can be a
semiconductor. Given the relative ease with which the transport
properties of semiconductors (as opposed to those of metals) are
affected by magnetic and electric fields as well as currents, the set up
used here provides the flexibility to explore FFLO phenomena in ways
that were previously experimentally inaccessible.
For more information:, April 4 (2024); Nat. Phys., April 1
WEEK OF APRIL 1, 2024 [No. 1569]
Quantum Barkhausen noise detected:
researchers at Caltech in Pasadena, CA have found that quantum Barkhausen noise
is dominated by correlated domain electron tunneling. The spin
alignment avalanche effect and its associated noise was classically
demonstrated in magnets (Barkhausen, 1919). The researchers here examine
the dynamics of a uniaxial rare-earth ferromagnet deep within the
quantum regime, so that domain wall motion, and the associated
hysteresis, is initiated by quantum nucleation, which then grows into
large-scale domain wall motion observable as a form of Barkhausen noise.
They observe noncritical behavior in the resulting avalanche dynamics
that can not be explained using conventional renormalization or
classical domains. They find that this quantum Barkhausen noise exhibits
two quantum mechanical domain wall movements with different dependences
on an external magnetic field applied transverse to the spin (Ising)
axis. These observations can be understood in terms of the correlated
motion of pairs of domain walls, nucleated by cotunneling of plaquettes
(sections of domain wall), with plaquette pairs correlated by dipolar
interactions; this correlation is suppressed by the transverse field.
Similar macroscopic correlations may be expected to appear in the
hysteresis of other systems with long-range interactions. The
researchers here have done the experiment in the quantum material
LiYHoF4 at near 0 K wrapping a coil around it and measuring
voltage spikes (the Barkhausen noise) indicating when domains of
electron spins sequentially flip their magnetic orientations. They
demonstrate that spin flipping occurs by correlated domain electrons
quantum tunneling in sync (with domains here containing ≈
1015 electrons in a crystal with ≈ 1021
electrons). By analyzing this noise, the researchers showed that a
magnetic avalanche was taking place even without the presence of
classical effects. These effects were insensitive to changes in the
temperature of the material. Based on this and other analytical work
they concluded that quantum effects were responsible for the
For more information:, March 28 (2024); PNAS, March 19
Parity anomaly detected in a topological insulator:
researchers at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg in Würzburg have
observed fluctuating quantum Hall effect (QHE) with increasing magnetic
field, , and have identified it as a signature of parity anomaly, in a
microscopic sample of MBE-grown, 3D paramagnetic topological insulator
(Hg,Mn)Te. The band inversion of topological materials in three spatial
dimensions is connected to the parity anomaly of 2D massless Dirac
fermions. At finite magnetic fields, the parity anomaly shows as a
non-zero spectral asymmetry (an imbalance between the number of
conduction and valence band Landau levels, due to the unpaired zero
Landau level). QFT predicts that a single massless 2D Dirac fermion
exhibits the parity anomaly. In a metal, the anomaly induces an
ambiguity in the sign of the transverse conductivity in the limit of
vanishing magnetic field. A connection between the parity anomaly and
topological surface states is predicted but there has not been yet an
observation of the parity anomaly in the limit of zero magnetic field
because topological surface states come in pairs and the anomaly can
occur only within a single Dirac state. While in the anomalous QHE one
of the entangled surface states is removed, the effect occurs only in
ferromagnets and then, the hysteresis connected with ferromagnetism
makes the observation of the anomaly at zero field very difficult. An
unconventional fluctuating sequence of quantized Hall plateaus in the
measured Hall resistance is related to the occurrence of spectral
asymmetry in a single topological surface state. The effect should be
observable in any topological insulator where the transport is dominated
by a single Dirac surface state. As theoretically predicted in the 80's,
relativistic Dirac particles at the material top/bottom surfaces should
be subject to parity anomaly that leads to spectral asymmetry with an
unusual change in the electrical resistance. The researchers here have
identified and verified this and another related consequence of the
parity anomaly that is generic for any topological insulator, not
specific to (Hg,Mn)Te. The device here had to be controlled so the
effects from the top/bottom surfaces did not cancel each other. And the
signature of spectral asymmetry had to be differentiated from the other
features in the measured electrical resistance. The researchers here
make the experimental observation of a spectral asymmetry in the
transport characteristics of the material. The spectral asymmetry
induces an anomalous Hall response (an extra contribution of
e2/h to the Hall conductance σH from the unpaired
zero Landau level when the bulk bands are in inverted order). In the
magneto-transport experiments it manifests as a sequence of ν = −1, −2,
−1 quantum Hall plateaus for increasing magnetic fields. This
observation requires the coexistence of topological Dirac surface states
and massive (non-topological) surface states, where the ν = −1 to ν = −2
transition marks the crossing of an unpaired topological zero Landau
level with the Fermi level, changing the Hall resistance Rxy
from −h/e2 to −h/2e2. The parity anomaly should be
accessible in any topological insulator device, provided that a single
surface can be accessed in magneto-transport and that the material is of
sufficiently high quality. The researchers demonstrate the observation
of a single 2D Dirac system, realized by separate control of the carrier
densities on both surfaces of a 3D topological insulator. The
fluctuating sequence of quantum Hall plateaus allows them to identify a
single 2D Dirac fermion. At this transition from ν = −1 (low-field) to ν
= −2 the contribution of e2/h from the bottom surface state
vanishes, which is evidence for the presence of a spectral asymmetry.
The contribution from spectral asymmetry persists in the limit of zero
magnetic field.
For more information:, March 26 (2024); Advanced Science,
March 13 (2024).
WEEK OF MARCH 25, 2024 [No. 1568]
Valley-coherent QAH state observed in semiconductor twisted
researchers at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY have
observed aligned spin polarization in semiconductor
MoTe2/WSe2 twisted bilayers. They have shown that
the recently discovered QAH state in AB-stacked
MoTe2/WSe2 moiré bilayers is not valley polarized
but valley coherent. Their layer- and helicity-resolved optical
spectroscopy measurements reveals that the QAH ground state possesses
spontaneous spin (valley) polarization aligned (antialigned) in two TMD
layers. Saturation of the out-of-plane spin polarization in both layers
occurs only under high magnetic fields, supporting a canted spin
texture. They found that, when this material exhibits quantum anomalous
Hall effect (Hall resistance quantized under zero magnetic field, QAHE),
electronic states are hybridized from different valleys (K and K′) of
the two layers, contrary to theoretical expectations. In TMD moiré
semiconductors, electrons can be labeled by their valley degree of
freedom, denoting which of the two valleys in momentum space the
electrons reside in. The researchers report that in one such
semiconductor the electrons are in a quantum superposition of the two
valleys (valley coherent), contrary to what has been thought up to now.
With the two layers’ atomic lattices in momentum space, the K and K′
valleys are coherent, leading to an aligned spin polarization. In 2021,
QAHE was observed in a twisted bilayer formed of MoTe2 and
WSe2 monolayers. This effect emerges when the material’s
electronic structure is engineered to yield topologically protected
states. The researchers here have used optical spectroscopy to study the
interaction between these two monolayers when they are in the QAH state.
They show that theoretical predictions about this interaction are not
correct. Their measurements are layer resolved as well as handedness
resolved (distinguish which valley the electrons are in). This
resolution reveals that the QAH ground state possesses spontaneous
valley coherence. The QAHE has been observed in graphene and twisted
graphene bilayers. It is thought to arise from the interaction-driven
valley polarization of the narrow moiré bands. Although, the origin of
the QAHE in twisted graphene multilayers is well established, it was
surprising to observe the phenomenon in twisted bilayers of TMDs such as
MoTe2 and WSe2, where the bilayer’s electronic
structure was thought to be described by a simple, existing theoretical
model. The QAHE’s origin in these moiré materials is still not
understood. The two momentum space valleys in the conduction band K and
K ′ have a spin polarization of up or down in materials with an
asymmetric crystal structure, such as MoTe2 and
WSe2. The K valley has a spin polarization of up in
MoTe2 and of down in WSe2, and the K ′ valley has
the opposite spin polarization. Such spin–valley coupling implies that
twisted MoTe2/WSe2 bilayers can exist in one of
two regimes. In the valley-coherent regime, the two layers have an
aligned spin polarization, and electronic states are hybridized from the
K valley of one layer and the K ′ valley of the other. In the
valley-polarized regime, the two layers have an antialigned spin
polarization, and states are hybridized from the same valley of the
different layers. Twisted graphene multilayers showing QAHE are valley
polarized, and the theoretical expectation was that twisted
MoTe2/WSe2 bilayers exhibiting the phenomenon
would be as well. To test this prediction, the researchers here used
helicity-resolved reflectance-contrast spectroscopy ( circularly
polarized light is used with no external magnetic field). If the
material is spin polarized, its optical response will be different for
the two possible helicities of the circularly polarized light (magnetic
circular dichroism, MCD). For twisted MoTe2/WSe2
bilayers, the two layers have identical optical responses for the same
spin polarization but are optically excited at different energies. This
feature allowed the researchers to determine the spin polarization of
each layer by measuring the bilayer’s optical response as a function of
energy, magnetic-field strength, and light helicity. The MCD
measurements revealed that, in the QAH state, the two layers had an
aligned spin polarization, corresponding to the valley-coherent regime
rather than the expected valley-polarized regime. They noted a
dependence of the MCD on the strength of the applied magnetic field with
the magnitude of the MCD at 0 T being about half the value at > 6 T.
The MCD probes the out-of-plane spin polarization, so this reduced value
at zero field suggests that the bilayer’s spin polarization has an
unanticipated in-plane component. These unexpected results indicate that
the current theory of the QAH state in this moiré material is deficient.
They also highlight the difference between TMD bilayers and graphene
For more information:
Physics, March 19 (2024); Phys. Rev. X, January
10 (2024) page 011004.
Weak fluctuations in superconductivity analyzed:
researchers at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Tokyo have discovered a
quantum critical point (QCP) in 2D superconductors and a broadened
quantum critical ground state in a disordered superconducting thin film.
They realized Nernst effect measurements with high sensitivity to the
fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter. From a mapping of
the Nernst effect in the B-T plane, they found a thermal-to-quantum
crossover line of the superconducting fluctuations, a temperature line
associated with the quantum phase transition and a field line associated
with a thermal transition. The QCP is identified as the T = 0 intercept
of the temperature line inside the anomalous metallic (AM) state
(confirming that the AM state is a broadened critical state of the
magnetic field-induced superconductor-to-insulator transition, SIT,
caused by quantum fluctuations). They measured the thermoelectric effect
in superconductors and analyze the fluctuations in superconductivity
over a wide magnetic field range and over a wide temperature range (from
over Tc ≈ 2.4 K to T ≈ 0.1 K). They demonstrate that the
origin of the AM state in a magnetic field is the existence of a QCP
(where quantum fluctuations are strongest). In a magnetic field of
moderate magnitude, magnetic flux lines penetrate in the form of defects
accompanied by vortices of superconducting currents. For samples with
relatively weak localization effects, an AM state appears in the
intermediate magnetic field region where the electrical resistance is
several orders of magnitude lower than the normal state. This is thought
to be produced by a liquid-like state in which magnetic flux lines that
penetrate into the superconductor move around due to quantum
fluctuations. However, this has not been demonstrated because most
experiments on 2D superconductors have used electrical resistivity
measurements that examine the voltage response to current, and it is
difficult to distinguish between voltage signals originating from the
motion of magnetic flux lines and those originating from the scattering
of normally-conducting electrons. Quantum motion of magnetic flux lines
occurring in an AM state was reported in 2020 by using the
thermoelectric effect with the motion of magnetic flux lines and the
superconducting fluctuations generate a voltage perpendicular to the
heat flow. The researchers here clarify the transition mechanism of the
SIT. They used Mox Ge1-x , 10-nm thin films with
amorphous structure. When a temperature difference is applied in the
longitudinal direction of the sample, the superconducting fluctuations
and the motion of the magnetic flux lines generate a voltage in the
transverse direction. In contrast, normal electron motion generates
voltage primarily in the longitudinal direction. In samples such as
amorphous materials, where electrons do not move easily, the voltage
generated by electrons in the transverse direction is negligible, so the
fluctuation contribution alone can be selectively detected by measuring
the transverse voltage. Thermoelectric effect measurements, can detect
superconductivity-amplitude fluctuations and superconductivity-phase
fluctuations (magnetic flux line motion). The superconducting
fluctuations survive in the liquid region of the magnetic flux (where
superconducting phase fluctuations are more pronounced), and over a wide
temperature-magnetic field region including where there is no
superconductivity. The researchers have determined the contour map of
the Nernst signal in the B-T plane, revealing an evolution of the
superconducting fluctuations in the disordered 2D superconductor
exhibiting the superconductor-anomalous metal-insulator transition. They
found the thermal-to-quantum crossover temperature line T*(B)
associated with the quantum phase transition, as well as the field line
B*(T) associated with a thermal transition. The T = 0 QCP
determined from T*(B → BQCP) → 0 is located inside
the AM state, indicating that the AM state is a broadened critical state
of the SIT.
For more information:, March 16 (2024); Nat. Comm., March 16
(2024) page 442.
WEEK OF WEEK OF MARCH 18, 2024 [No. 1567]
Cooperative Lamb shifts due to atom gas dipole-dipole
interactions measured:
researchers at the University of
Regensburg in Regensburg have studied the dynamics of atomically
localized energy levels and their interaction with the environment
enabling local control of discrete energy levels. They resolve in space,
time and energy the evolution of a spin–orbit-split energy level in an
isolated Se vacancy in a moiré-distorted WSe2 monolayer using
controlled excitation of lattice vibrations by lightwave-driven scanning
tunneling spectroscopy (LW-STS). By locally launching a phonon
oscillation and taking ultrafast energy-resolved snapshots of the
vacancy’s states faster than the vibration period, they directly measure
the impact of electron–phonon coupling in an isolated single-atom
defect. The researchers used scanning tunneling ultrafast, atom-scale
spectroscopy (combination of sub-ps temporal, Ã… spatial, and meV energy
resolutions) to observe and control how the energy of a single electron
is tuned by the vibrations of the surrounding atoms in a monolayer
crystal. A discrete energy level of an atomic vacancy in an atomically
thin material shifts upon excitation of a drum-like vibration. The
temporal evolution of the localized energy level is intricately linked
to the atomic excursions by the drum mode. They changed a discrete
energy level on a vacancy defect by triggering a drum-like vibration of
an atomically thin membrane: the atomic motion of the surrounding atoms
shifts and thus controls the energy level of the vacancy. The
researchers here introduce time-resolved LW-STS to demonstrate with
direct real-space access how atomic motion transiently modulates
spin–orbit-split energy levels of a single Se vacancy in a
moiré-distorted WSe2 monolayer on Au. Ultrafast snapshots of
electronic tunneling spectra reaching atomic spatial and 300 fs temporal
resolution reveal transient energy shifts of the lowest bound defect
state by up to 40 meV, and changing according to the amplitude and phase
of the locally excited coherent lattice vibration. The observed shift is
larger than thermal smearing at RT. The technique here allows to
directly correlate ultrafast electronic energy shifts with local atomic
displacement. The combination of atomic, sub-ps and 10-meV-scale
resolution in LW-STS allowed the researchers to observe how the energy
levels of a single Se vacancy evolve during dynamic atomic
displacements. They revealed how the excitation of an acoustic drum mode
adiabatically shifts the first defect level on timescales shorter than
the oscillation period. The unexpected unipolar and non-monotonic
behavior of the shift with the oscillation amplitude is caused by the
interplay of lattice distortions.
For more information:, March 14 (2024); Nat. Phot., March 14
Penning micro-trap built:
researchers at ETH in
Zurich have trapped a cooled ion using static electric and magnetic
fields and performed quantum operations on it, including moving the
trapped ion in a 2D plane and illuminating it with a laser beam. They
constructed a Penning trap based on a superconducting 3 T magnet and a
microfabricated chip with several electrodes. They demonstrate full
quantum control of an ion in this setting, as well as the ability to
transport the ion arbitrarily in the trapping plane above the chip.
Using a system of cryogenically cooled mirrors, they channeled the laser
light through the magnet to the ions. A single trapped ion (that can
stay in the trap for several days), was moved arbitrarily on the chip
(including connecting points as the crow flies) by controlling the
various electrodes. Since no oscillating fields are needed for trapping,
many of those traps can be packed onto a single chip. The researchers
demonstrated that the qubit energy states of the trapped ion could also
be controlled while maintaining quantum mechanical superpositions.
Coherent control worked both with the electronic (internal) states of
the ion and the (external) quantized oscillation states as well as for
coupling the internal and external quantum states (a prerequisite for
creating entangled states). They plan to trap next two ions in
neighboring Penning traps on the same chip and demonstrate that quantum
operations with several qubits can also be performed. On a QCCD
architecture, the Penning QCCD can be envisioned as a scalable approach,
in which a micro-fabricated electrode structure enables the trapping of
ions at many individual trapping sites, which can be actively
reconfigured during an algorithm by changing the electric potential.
Beyond the static arrays considered in previous work, the researchers
here conceptualize that ions in separated sites are brought close to
each other to use the Coulomb interaction for two-qubit gate protocols
implemented through an applied laser, before being transported to
additional locations for further operations. The transport of ions can
be performed in 3D almost arbitrarily without the need for specialized
junctions, enabling flexible and deterministic reconfiguration of the
array with low spatial overhead. The researchers demonstrate here the
basic building block of such an array by trapping a single ion in a
cryogenic micro-fabricated surface-electrode Penning trap. They show
quantum control of spin and motional degrees of freedom and measure a
heating rate lower than in any comparably sized rf trap. They use this
system to demonstrate flexible 2D transport of ions above the electrode
plane with negligible heating of the motional state. The experimental
setup involves a single 9Be+ confined using a
static quadrupolar electric potential generated by applying voltages to
the electrodes of a surface-electrode trap. They use a radially
symmetric potential, centered at a position 152 μm above the chip
surface. The trap is embedded in a homogeneous magnetic field ≈ 3 T
aligned along the z-axis, supplied by a superconducting magnet. The trap
assembly is placed in a cryogenic, ultrahigh vacuum chamber that fits
inside the magnet bore, reducing background-gas collisions and motional
heating. Using a 235 nm laser, they loaded the trap by
resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of the neutral atoms produced
from either a resistively heated oven or an ablation source. They
regularly trapped single ions for more than a day, with the primary loss
mechanism being related to user interference.
For more information:
Nature, March 13 (2024) page 510;,
March 13 (2024).
WEEK OF MARCH 11, 2024 [No. 1566]
Quark coalescence observed:
researchers of the LHCb
Collaboration. have used the LHC accelerator at CERN in Geneva to
observe enhanced production of Λb0 baryons in pp
collisions at COM energy √s = 13  TeV. The production rate of
Λb0 baryons relative to B0 mesons in pp
collisions was measured in the LHCb experiment. The ratio of
Λb0 to B0 production cross sections
shows a significant dependence on both the transverse momentum and the
measured charged-particle multiplicity. At low multiplicity, the ratio
measured at LHCb is consistent with the value measured in
e+e- collisions, and increases by a factor ≈ 2
with increasing multiplicity. At relatively low transverse momentum, the
ratio of Λb0 to B0 cross sections is
higher than what is measured in e+e- collisions,
but converges with the e+e- ratio as the
transverse momentum increases. These results imply that the evolution of
heavy b quarks into final-state hadrons is influenced by the density of
the hadronic environment produced in the collision. The researchers here
examined the production rates of Λb0 baryons and
B0 mesons. They monitored relative changes between these two
production rates for pp collisions that created charged particles in
different numbers and with different transverse momenta. The
collaboration found that the production rate of
Λb0 baryons increased relative to that of
B0 mesons as the number of charged particles increased or as
the transverse momentum of the particles decreased. These trends imply
that, as the particle environment becomes denser, bottom quarks are
increasingly more likely to be incorporated into baryons, as opposed to
mesons. The researchers conclude that this result disfavors conventional
models in which the consolidation of quarks is independent of the
particle environment. Instead, it fits with alternative models in which
baryon formation depends on the environment’s density. They have shown
that bottom quarks are increasingly more likely to exist in three-quark
states rather than two-quark ones as the density of their environment
increases. And thus, that quark coalescence (existing quarks with
overlapping wavefunctions combine when in a QGP rather than create new
quarks) plays a role in the evolution of quarks into hadrons following
proton collisions. It is most pronounced at low transverse momenta, and
gradually turns off as quarks escape rapidly from the collision point.
Coalescence in heavy ion collisions has been generally accepted to
explain the ratios of protons to pions produced in experiments. The
researchers here studied the production of b quarks in pp collisions.
 The production of b quarks is almost certain to produce either a
Λb0 baryon or a B0 meson, with both
containing a b quark. The production ratio between these two has been
studied in experiments in which the b quark is produced by e-p
collisions. This leads only to fragmentation and with only
fragmentation, this ratio should be universal. The researchers here
combed through several years’ data on pp collisions and studied the
decay products from collisions that had produced b quarks. For
collisions with high transverse momenta relative to the colliding beams
and few other outgoing particles detected at the same time, the
baryon-to-meson ratio was approximately equal to the ratio in e-p
experiments. However, as the transverse momenta dropped and as the
number of other particles detected simultaneously grew, the proportion
of baryons gradually increased relative to the proportion of mesons. The
researchers thought that another process more likely to produce baryons
was at work in these collisions. In this scenario the b quark is
surrounded by other quarks but became increasingly disfavored as the
produced quark was more separated from the other particles. The
researchers concluded that coalescence was required to explain that.
They systematically showed how the effect goes away and recovers the
electron-positron limit as a function of how many hadrons are observed,
which is an observable measuring how many quarks and antiquarks there
are to coalesce with. The underlying assumptions used to calculate the
fragmentation fractions involve the quarks being isolated, so the
results at low transverse momenta might be incorrect when this is not
the case.
For more information:
Physicsworld, March 6 (2024); Physics, February
20 (2024); Phys. Rev. Let., February 20 (2024) page 081901.
Electron charge fractionalization observed in metallic kagome
an international group of researchers at the Paul
Scherrer Institute in Villigen has spectroscopically observed the
fractionalization of electronic charge at low temperature in the
topological ferromagnetic metal Fe3Sn2. The
researchers describe spectroscopy revealing non-Fermi-liquid behavior
for the studied material. They discover three C3-symmetric
electron pockets at the Brillouin zone center, two of which are expected
from DFT. The sharpest third band emerges at low temperatures and at low
binding energies by means of fractionalization of one of the other two
bands. This seems to be due to enhanced e-e interactions owing to a flat
band predicted to lie just above the Fermi level. The researchers
promoted strong interactions and collective behavior. by creating a
lattice structure that reduces electron kinetic energies and allows
electron interaction. In rhombohedral Fe3Sn2 , a
ferromagnetic metal with kagome lattice, the building blocks are
bilayers of distorted, three-fold symmetric kagome layers of Fe atoms
alternating with single layers of stanene. It has high Curie temperature
(640 K), and undergoes a first-order spin-reorientation transition near
120 K. Atoms assemble in Fe3Sn2 according to the
triangular kagome pattern, with all corner sites removed on a 2 × 2
superlattice (pattern of corner-sharing triangles, trihexagonal tiling
lattices). Initially, the researchers were just interested in verifying
whether flat bands existed as predicted for this ferromagnetic material.
Using micro-focused laser angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
(µ-ARPES) to overcome averaging over crystallographic twins and increase
the surface sensitivity of conventional synchrotron-based ARPES, they
probe the local electronic structure of the material at high resolution.
The band structure in kagome Fe3Sn2 is different
depending on which ferromagnetic domain is probed. Their interest was to
detect inhomogeneities in the electronic structure correlated to domains
that had been undetected previously. Focusing on certain crystal
domains, they identified electron pockets of minimum electron energy
where electrons behave as quasiparticles. They observed a dispersive
band not continuous but extremely sharp with sudden cut off, that did
not match with DFT predictions. They observed a dispersive band
interacting with a flat band, possibly allowing a new phase of matter to
emerge. When the two bands meet, they hybridize to make a new band. The
original dispersive band is occupied. The flat band is unoccupied as it
lies above the Fermi level. When the new band is created, the charge is
split between the original dispersive band and the new band. The
combination of high-resolution spectroscopy with single domain selection
allowed examination of the quasiparticles in the strongly correlated
kagome metal. At low temperature, after elastic scattering contributions
were subtracted (the scattering rates for the α band, predicted by DFT),
quasiparticles scaled with their momenta, implying marginal rather than
ordinary Fermi liquid behavior and associated strong correlation
phenomena. However, the peculiarities of the sharpest band (β, not
accounted for by DFT), indicate that Fe3Sn2 is
hosting anomalous strong correlations. The β-band spectral weight comes
at the expense of diminishing γ weight, raising the possibility that, on
cooling, electrons are fractionalized between β and γ bands in ratio ≈
1:2 (corresponding to charge 1/3 quasiparticles). The flat band seen in
DFT just above EF may be a relevant feature. Hybridization of
γ with this band could enhance the e-e interactions beyond the already
large U/W ( effective Coulomb interaction / kinetic energy) ≈ 10
obtained from the ARPES/DFT work, thus accounting for the sharp and
displaced β band, which appears < 70 K together with other anomalous
magnetotransport properties.
For more information:
Nature, March 6 (2024) page 67;, March 6
WEEK OF MARCH 4, 2024 [No. 1565]
Focused high energy electron beam demonstrated in Si dielectric laser
researchers at Stanford
University in Stanford, CA have built a 0.5-mm-long Si subrelativistic,
alternating phase focusing dielectric laser accelerator (DLA) that
speeds up and confines electrons, creating a focused beam of high-energy
electrons. They demonstrate a Si-based electron accelerator that uses
laser optical near fields to both accelerate and confine electrons over
extended distances. They built the Si structure with a sub-µ channel
placed in a vacuum system, injected electrons into one end and
illuminated the structure from both sides with a shaped laser pulse that
delivered leaps of kinetic energy, gaining 23.7 keV of electron energy
(25% greater than their starting energy). Periodically, the laser fields
flipped between focusing and defocusing properties, which bunched the
electrons together, keeping them from swerving off track. Two DLA
designs were tested, each consisting of two arrays of Si pillars pumped
symmetrically by pulse front tilted laser beams, designed for average
acceleration gradients of 35 and 50  MeV/m, respectively. The DLAs are
designed to act as alternating phase focusing (APF) lattices, where
electrons, depending on the electron-laser interaction phase, will
alternate between opposing longitudinal and transverse focusing and
defocusing forces. By incorporating fractional period drift sections
that alter the synchronous phase between ± 60° off crest, electrons
captured in the designed acceleration bucket experience half the peak
gradient as average gradient while also experiencing strong confinement
forces that enable long interaction lengths. The researchers demonstrate
APF accelerators with interaction lengths up to 708  μm and energy gains
up to 23.7 ± 1.07  keV FWHM, a 25% increase from starting energy. Their
ability to steer electrons has been limited to 2D so far; 3D electron
confinement will be required to allow the accelerator to be long enough
for greater energy gains to occur.
For more information:, February 26 (2024); Phys. Rev. Lett., February 23 (2024) page 085001
H2+ molecular vibration
researchers at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
in Düsseldorf have used laser spectroscopy to precisely measure a
rovibrational transition in the molecule
H2+, with results closely
matching theoretical predictions. They studied a first-overtone
electric-quadrupole transition and measured its two hyperfine
components. The determined spin-averaged vibrational transition
frequency has a fractional uncertainty = 1.2 × 10−8 and is in
agreement with the theoretically predicted value. They measured an
analogous electric-quadrupole transition in HD+ to estimate
systematic uncertainties. The researchers observed a much improved line
quality factor compared to previous electric-quadrupole spectroscopy of
molecular ions. H2+ although
being the simplest molecule, has remained relatively unexplored to date.
Due to the charge and mass symmetry of the two atomic nuclei, the
molecule absorbs and emits almost no VIS and IR radiation so it is
almost impossible to observe it with telescopes. The researchers here
have taken a direct look at how the
H2+ molecule can be made to
rotate and vibrate using laser light.
H2+ has no electric dipole moment
so they made use of the molecule's electric quadrupole moment although
their transition rate is substantially lower compared with electric
dipole moments. The researchers developed a laser system that proved
effective in exciting a transition between two vibrational states,
providing high power monochromatic laser radiation at 2.4 µm. They
confined the H2+ molecules in a
trap and used another laser to cool them near 0 K. The comparison of
precise predictions of the energy levels of
H2+ with measured vibrational
transition frequencies allows a direct determination of the
mp / me ratio
determined here with a relative uncertainty = 3×10−8. This
work demonstrates that first-overtone electric-quadrupole transitions
are suitable for precision spectroscopy of molecular ions and that
determining the mp /
me ratio with laser spectroscopy could
become competitive with mass spectrometry using Penning traps.
For more information:, February 27 (2024); Nat. Phys., January 12 (2024) page 383.
WEEK OF WEEK OF FEBRUARY 26, 2024 [No. 1564]
Non-Abelian anyons observed in a quantum processor
researchers at Quantinuum in Boulder, CO have produced non-Abelian
topological order and anyons on a trapped-ion processor. The researchers
started with a lattice of 27 trapped ions. They used partial, targeted
measurements to sequentially increase the complexity of their quantum
system, ending up with an engineered quantum wave function with the
exact properties and characteristics of the particles they were after.
They present the realization of non-Abelian topological order in the
wavefunction prepared in a quantum processor and demonstrate control of
its anyons. Using an adaptive circuit on Quantinuum’s H2 trapped-ion
quantum processor, they create the ground-state wavefunction of
D4 topological order on a kagome lattice of 27 qubits, with
fidelity per site > 98.4 %. By creating and moving anyons along
Borromean rings in spacetime, anyon interferometry detects an
intrinsically non-Abelian braiding process. Tunneling non-Abelian anyons
around a torus creates all 22 ground states, as well as an excited state
with a single anyon, a feature of non-Abelian topological order.
For more information:, February 21 (2024); Nature, February
14 (2024) page 505.
Fractional quantum Hall effect observed in graphene without
magnetic field:
researchers at MIT in Cambridge, MA have
observed fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect (FQAHE) with electrons
strongly interacting and passing through as fractions of their total
charge with no need for any external magnetic field in crystalline
pentalayer graphene / hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) moiré superlattices.
FQAHE is predicted to exist in topological flat bands under spontaneous
time-reversal-symmetry breaking.
Recently, researchers at the University of Washington observed FQAHE
in twisted MoTe2 at a moiré filling factor v > 1/2. The
researchers here prepared the material in a specific configuration
predicted to give the material an inherent magnetic field, enough to get
electrons to fractionalize without any external magnetic control.
Independently, the researchers here observed signs of anomalous
fractional charge in graphene. Then, they theoretically figured that
electrons might interact with each other even more strongly if the
pentalayer structure were aligned with hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). In
combination, the two materials should produce a moiré superlattice that
could slow electrons down in ways that mimic a magnetic field. The
researchers fabricated two samples of the hybrid graphene structure by
exfoliating graphene layers from a block of graphite and then using
optical tools to identify five-layered flakes in the steplike
configuration. They then stamped the graphene flake onto an hBN flake
and placed a second hBN flake over the graphene structure. They attached
electrodes to the structure and placed the sample in a dilution
refrigerator. As they applied a current to the sample and measured the
voltage output, they observed signatures of fractional charge with
voltage equaling the current multiplied by a fractional number. The
researchers report the observation of integer and fractional QAH effects
in a rhombohedral pentalayer graphene–hBN moiré superlattice. At zero
magnetic field, they observe plateaus of quantized Hall resistance at
v = 1, 2/3, 3/5, 4/7, 4/9, 3/7 and 2/5 of the moiré superlattice,
respectively, accompanied by clear dips in the longitudinal resistance
Rxx. Rxy equals at v = 1/2 and varies linearly
with v, similar to the composite Fermi liquid in the half-filled lowest
Landau level at high magnetic fields. By tuning the gate-displacement
field D and v, they observed phase transitions from composite Fermi
liquid and FQAH states to other correlated electron states.
For more information:
Nature, February 21 (2024) page 759;,
February 21 (2024).
WEEK OF WEEK OF FEBRUARY 19, 2024 [No. 1563]
Quantum squeezing in an optomechanical system at RT:
researchers at EPFL in Lausanne have built an ultra- low noise
optomechanical cavity achieving optical squeezing in a well-isolated
from the environment nanopillar-loaded, 4mm-drum mechanical oscillator
sandwiched by two periodically segmented mirrors, allowing the laser
light to strongly interact with the drum quantum mechanically at RT. By
demonstrating optical squeezing at RT, they could effectively control
and observe quantum phenomena in a macroscopic system without the need
for extremely low temperatures. By using phononic-crystal-patterned
cavity mirrors, they reduce the cavity frequency noise by more than
700-fold. In this ultralow noise cavity, they insert a membrane
resonator with high thermal conductance and a quality factor Q = 1.8
x108, engineered using recently developed soft-clamping
techniques. These advances enable the operation of the system within a
factor of 2.5 of the Heisenberg limit for displacement sensing, leading
to the squeezing of the probe laser by 1.09(1) dB below the vacuum
fluctuations. The long thermal decoherence time of the membrane
oscillator (30 vibrational periods) enables the researchers to prepare
conditional displaced thermal states of motion with an occupation of
0.97(2) phonons using a multimode Kalman filter. In recent years,
quantum control has been extended to solid-state mechanical resonators,
both with radiation pressure optomechanical coupling and piezoelectric
coupling with superconducting qubits. Cavity optomechanics, in which the
mechanical oscillator is dispersively coupled to an optical cavity, has
enabled advances like ground state cooling, optomechanical light
squeezing and entanglement of separate mechanical oscillators, all
necessitating cryogenic cooling to reduce thermal fluctuations. To enter
the quantum regime of optomechanics, the product between the total force
noise (including environment thermal force as well as
measurement-induced backaction) and the displacement measurement
imprecision must approach the limit set by the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle. Using an ultralow noise cavity in conjunction with a phononic
crystal structured, density-modulated membrane, the researchers here
operate in the quantum regime of cavity optomechanics at RT. With a
single-detector homodyne scheme countering thermal-intermodulation
noise, they demonstrate optomechanical squeezing and conditional state
preparation of displaced thermal states with single-phonon occupation, a
prerequisite for real-time quantum control of the macroscopic mechanical
resonator. Their work extends the quantum control of solid-state
macroscopic oscillators to RT. With reasonable improvement of the
mechanical quality factor and a wider mechanical bandgap, together with
a real-time digital feedback using the studied optimal Kalman filters,
the researchers expect measurement-based feedback cooling to the ground
state to be feasible with continuous or gated feedback. Non-Gaussian
states at RT can also be prepared using nonlinear measurements (like
photon counting), inherently compatible with the nonlinear noise
cancellation scheme.
For more information:
Nature, February 14 (2024) page 512;,
February 14 (2024).
Boson cooling in dimensional reduction shown:
researchers from the Universities of Innsbruck and Geneva in Innsbruck
and Geneva respectively have developed a new thermometry method to
measure temperatures for low-dimensional quantum gases and shown that a
strongly interacting quantum many-body system can experience cooling
when the dimensionality is reduced. They implement thermometry on
strongly interacting 2D and 1D Bose gases with high sensitivity in the
nK temperature range. Their method is aided by the fact that the decay
of the first-order correlation function is very sensitive to the
temperature when interactions are strong. They find that there may be a
substantial temperature variation when the 3D quantum gas is cut into 2D
slices or into 1D tubes. The temperature for the 1D case can be much
lower than the initial 3D temperature. The researchers find that the
temperature increases from 12.5 nK to 17 nK when compressing from 3D to
2D, and then decreases below 9 nK when further compressing to 1D. The
cooling occurs because of the interplay of the strong lateral
confinement in 1D and the strong interactions in the regime where the
bosons fermionize. The lowest temperatures for 2D and 1D systems have so
far been achieved by slicing low-entropy 3D samples such as essentially
pure atomic BECs into layers or tubes by means of lattice potentials.
This anomalous cooling effect needs very low initial temperatures,
strong interactions, and small 1D trapping frequencies.
For more information:
Science Advances, February 14 (2024);,
February 15 (2024).
WEEK OF FEBRUARY 12, 2024 [No. 1562]
Superfluid second sound observed:
researchers at MIT in Cambridge, MA have captured direct images of the
predicted second sound to be produced by
pure heat propagation as T-waves in a strongly interacting
6Li quantum gas superfluid held at nK in a box potential
independent of its constituent particles. They realized spatially
resolved thermography of the superfluid transition in the strongly
interacting fermionic gas by using RF spectroscopy to map out local
temperature changes with sub-nK resolution. Above the superfluid
transition, heat propagated diffusively, but below the transition,
wave-like propagation characteristic of second sound was observed. The
superfluid phase transition was directly observed as the sudden change
from thermal diffusion to second-sound propagation and is accompanied by
a peak in the second-sound diffusivity. This method yields the full heat
and density response of the strongly interacting fermionic gas with all
the defining properties of Landau’s two-fluid hydrodynamics. In the
Tisza two-fluid model for superfluidity (1938), a mixture of viscous
fluid and friction-free superfluid allows for density waves and for
temperature waves (named by Landau as second sound). In ultracold gases
so far only faint reflection of density ripples had been observed. Using
RF spectroscopy the researchers here found that the 6Li
fermions resonate at different RF frequencies depending on their
temperature. When the cloud is at warmer temperatures, and carries more
normal liquid, it resonates at a higher frequency. Regions in the cloud
that are colder resonate at a lower frequency. Applying the higher
resonant RF, prompted any normal, hot fermions in the liquid to ring in
response. Focusing on the resonating fermions the researchers tracked
them over time to create movies that revealed heat's pure wave motion.
They imaged the system as they cooled it through the critical
temperature, directly showing the transition from heat equilibration to
heat oscillation.
For more information:
Science, February 8 (2024) page 629;, February 8 (2024).
Chiral magnetization orders observed in spin ice:
researchers at University of Augsburg in Augsburg have used the
anomalous Hall effect (AHE) to uncover hidden symmetry in spin ice. They
have used electrical measurements at low temperatures to identify
discrete degeneracies in a metallic kagome ice compound, determining
chiral orders with similar magnetization but opposite sense of rotation.
The researchers here show that a time-reversal-like degeneracy appears
in the metallic kagome spin ice HoAgGe when magnetic fields are applied
parallel to the kagome plane. They find vanishing hysteresis in the
field dependence of the magnetization at low temperature, but finite
hysteresis in the field-dependent AHE. This suggests the emergence of
states with nearly the same energy and net magnetization but different
AHE signals and longitudinal magnetoresistance. By analyzing the
experimental data and a minimal tight-binding model, they identify a
time-reversal-like operation connecting these near-degenerate states,
which is related to the non-trivial distortion of the kagome lattice. In
magnetic crystals, despite the explicit breaking of time-reversal
symmetry, two equilibrium states related by time reversal are always
energetically degenerate. In ferromagnets, this time-reversal degeneracy
is reflected in the hysteresis of the magnetic field dependence of the
magnetization and, if metallic, of the AHE. Under time-reversal, both
these quantities change signs but not their magnitude. Unexpectedly
here, two such states with equal magnetization, produce distinctly
different AHE signals. The experiments here used the magnetic metal
HoAgGe, with a triangular configuration of atomic electron spins of Ho
atoms. Since it is impossible to simultaneously fulfill all the pairwise
interactions on each triangle, a magnetically frustrated state emerges.
It features several energetically degenerate configurations per triangle
(Kagome spin ice with spins located at the edges of corner-shared
triangles) and magnetic moments having complex chiral pattern. They are
created with an applied magnetic field at low temperatures and feature
fractionalized magnetization plateaus at values 1/3 and 2/3. The
researchers analyzed the AHE at low temperatures. Unexpectedly,
different values of the AHE were found for the two patterns of 1/3
magnetization. Modeling of the data revealed an underlying unique hidden
symmetry. The combination of a 180° rotation and a distortion reversal
is required for transforming one pattern into the other one. Conduction
electrons scattering off the two different patterns result in different
curvatures of their wave function phase, and this leads to a difference
in the AHE signals, even if the two patterns have similar energy and
For more information:, February 7 (2024); Nat. Phys.,
January 10 (2024) page 442.
WEEK OF FEBRUARY 5, 2024 [No. 1561]
Cooperative Lamb shifts due to atom gas dipole-dipole interactions measured:
researchers at JILA in Boulder, CO have
used a optical atomic 3D lattice, to measure spatially varying frequency
shifts produced by resonant atomic dipole interactions within a
high-density ultra-cold 87Sr quantum gas. The interactions
produce spatially dependent cooperative Lamb shifts when
spectroscopically interrogating the mHz-wide optical clock transition in
87Sr. They show that the ensemble-averaged shifts can be
suppressed below the level of evaluated systematic uncertainties for
optical atomic clocks. They demonstrate that excitation of the atomic
dipoles near a Bragg angle can enhance these effects by nearly an order
of magnitude compared with nonresonant geometries. These mHz-level
frequency shifts (theoretically determined in 2004 to limit clock
accuracy) were spatially studied and compared with calculated values
using imaging spectroscopy techniques developed in this experiment.
These shifts, normally neglected, arise from collective interference
between the atoms behaving as dipoles when they are prepared in a
superposition of the two clock states. Because the spatial ordering of
the atoms within the cubic lattice influences the dipolar coupling,
researchers could amplify or diminish the dipole interactions by
manipulating the angle of the clock laser relative to the lattice.
Operating at the Bragg angle the researchers expected strong
constructive interference and observed a correspondingly larger
frequency shift. With stronger dipole-dipole interactions occurring
within the lattice, they found that these interactions create local
energy shifts throughout the clock system. Left uncontrolled, the shifts
can affect the accuracy of atomic clocks as atoms are added to the
lattice. The researchers observed that the cooperative Lamb shifts were
not uniform across the lattice, but varied depending on each atom's
specific location. They observed that there was a close connection
between the cooperative Lamb shifts and the propagation direction of the
clock probe laser within the lattice. This relationship allowed them to
find a specific angle where a zero crossing (a quantum state that
experiences zero collective Lamb shift with equal superposition of
ground state and excited state) was observed and the sign of the
frequency shift transitioned from positive to negative. Playing around
with the connection between the laser propagation angle with respect to
the cubic lattice and the cooperative Lamb shifts allowed the
researchers to control and minimize the frequency shifts to fine-tune
the clock further to be more robust against them.
For more information:
Science, January 25 (2024) page 384;,
January 27 (2024).
Electron-nuclear spin interaction provides long-lived time
researchers at Technische Universität Dortmund in
Dortmund have made and imaged a robust continuous time crystal in an
electron–nuclear spin system of a semiconductor tailored by tuning the
material composition. Continuous, time-independent external driving of
the sample produces periodic auto-oscillations with a coherence time
exceeding hours. Varying the experimental parameters reveals wide ranges
in which the time crystal remains stable. At the edges of these ranges,
the researchers find chaotic behavior with a lifted periodicity
corresponding to the melting of the crystal. The periodic dynamics of
the nuclear spin polarization of the time crystal lived millions of
times longer than could be shown in previous experiments. According to
Wilczek's postulate (2012) in a time crystal one of the physical
properties would have to spontaneously begin to change periodically in
time, even though the system does not experience corresponding periodic
interference. Previous potential time crystal demonstrations were
subjected to a temporal excitation with a specific periodicity. A BEC
crystal that behaves periodically in time (for ms) with time-independent
excitation, was demonstrated in 2022. The researchers here used an
InGaAs crystal, in which the nuclear spins act as a reservoir for the
time crystal. The crystal is continuously illuminated so that a nuclear
spin polarization forms through interaction with electron spins. This
nuclear spin polarization spontaneously generates oscillations as in a
time crystal. The status of the experiments at the present time provide
a time crystal lifetime > 2/3 h (time duration for time translational
invariance is x 107 longer than has been demonstrated to date),
and it expected to be increased. It is possible to vary the crystal's period
over wide ranges by systematically changing the experimental conditions.
It is also possible to move into areas where the crystal melts by losing
its periodicity (chaotic behavior that can be maintained over long
periods of time and was analyzed theoretically here).
For more information:, February 1 (2024); Nat. Phys.,
January 24 (2024) page 631.
WEEK OF JANUARY 29, 2024 [No. 1560]
Distribution of the strong force inside a proton
researchers at the Jefferson Lab in Newport News, VA
have analyzed the gravitational form factors of the proton, and thus,
revealed a snapshot of the distribution of the strong force inside the
proton including details of the shear stress the force may exert on the
quark particles that make up the proton. The decades-old data used here
came from experiments conducted with the Continuous Electron Beam
Accelerator Facility (CEBAF). The high energy electron beam interacting
with the proton in a target of LH applies a force greater than the four
tons needed to pull out a quark/antiquark pair to the proton. The
experimental program studied deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS),
with an electron exchanging a virtual photon with the proton so the
proton remains the same and recoils, an energetic photon is produced,
and the electron scatters away). At the time the data were taken, the
researchers were not aware that beyond the 3D imaging intended with the
data, they were also collecting the data needed for accessing the
mechanical properties of the proton. It turns out that the DVCS process
can be connected to gravity interaction and that, by now the
relationship between the measurement of DVCS to the gravitational form
factor has been established. The researchers here used that data to
extract the proton pressure (2018), and now they have extracted the
normal force and the shear force. A detailed description of the
connections between the DVCS process and the gravitational interaction
is provided in this report plus some initial experimental results. The
researchers plan to use the same technique to determine the proton's
mechanical size as well.
For more information:, January 23 (2024); Rev. Mod. Phys.,
December 22 (2023) page 041002.
Dynamical phases of superconductivity observed in a cavity
QED simulator:
researchers at JILA in Boulder, CO have
simulated superconductivity under excited conditions using an
atom-optical cavity quantum system with laser-cooled (10 µK) levitated
88Sr atoms. Their system encodes the presence or absence of a
Cooper pair in a long-lived electronic transition in the 88Sr
atoms coupled to the optical cavity and represent interactions between
electrons as photon-mediated interactions through the cavity. To fully
explore the phase diagram, they manipulate the ratio between the
single-particle dispersion and the interactions after a quench and
perform real-time tracking of the subsequent dynamics of the
superconducting order parameter using nondestructive measurements. They
observe regimes in which the order parameter decays to zero (phase I),
assumes a non-equilibrium steady-state value (phase II) or exhibits
persistent oscillations (phase III). In this simulator, the presence or
absence of a Cooper pair was encoded in a two-level system and
photon-mediated interactions between electrons were realized between the
atoms within the cavity. Three distinct dynamical phases for a
superconductor to experience when it evolves in out-of-equilibrium are
predicted here. In Phase I, the strength of superconductivity decays
rapidly to zero. Phase II represents a steady state in which
superconductivity is preserved. In phase III the strength of
superconductivity has persistent oscillations with no damping. In the
phase III regime, instead of suppressing the oscillations, many- body
interactions can lead to a self-generated periodic drive to the system
and stabilize the oscillations. In their quantum simulator, the atoms
emulated Cooper pairs and experienced a collective interaction that
parallels the attraction experienced by electrons in BCS
superconductors. An atom in the excited state simulates the presence of
a Cooper pair, and the ground state represents the absence of one. They
prepared the cavity atoms in a highly collective superposition state
between ground and excited states. Then, they induce a quench by turning
on a laser beam that gives all the atoms different energies. By changing
the nature of this quench, the researchers could see different dynamical
phases. They devised a trick to observe the elusive Phase III, which
involved splitting the cloud of atoms in half. Using two clouds of atoms
with separate control over energy shifts turn out to be key to achieve
Phase III. In superconductors, energy levels of electrons can be split
into two sectors, largely occupied or barely occupied, separated by the
Fermi level. In the setup here with a spin system there is no intrinsic
Fermi level, so the researchers take that into account by using two
atomic clouds: one cloud simulates the states below the Fermi level,
while another cloud simulates the other quantum states. To measure the
dynamics of the superconductor within the cavity, the researchers
tracked the light leaking from the optical cavity in real time. Their
data found distinct points where the simulated superconductor
transitioned between phases, eventually reaching Phase III.
For more information:
Nature, January 24 (2024) page 679;, January
24 (2024).
WEEK OF JANUARY 22, 2024 [No. 1559]
Microscopic topological-skin-effect based semiconducting device built:
researchers at IFW Dresden in Dresden have created a 2D AlGaAs
semiconductor device with size 100 µm where high robustness and
sensitivity are ensured by a quantum topological skin effect that
shields the functionality of the device from external perturbations. The
researchers here directly observe one of the characteristic signatures
associated with non-Hermitian topology in the quantum regime of a
condensed-matter system. Rather than relying on gain and loss, they
build on the quantum transport properties of a Hermitian topological
phase: the quantum Hall phase. Its unidirectional edge modes provide a
link to non-Hermitian topology that can be accessed in conventional
multi-terminal conductance measurements. Non-Hermiticity is often
associated with gain and loss, which requires precise tailoring to
produce the signatures of non-trivial topology. The researchers here
instead of gain and loss, use the non-reciprocity of quantum Hall edge
states to directly observe non-Hermitian topology in a multi-terminal
quantum Hall ring. Their transport measurements evidence a robust,
non-Hermitian skin effect, characterized by currents and voltages
showing an exponential profile that persists across Hall plateau
transitions away from the regime of maximum non-reciprocity. Introducing
gain and loss in a quantum device is easily achieved, for instance, by
not shielding it sufficiently well from its local environment. However,
customizing these two processes such as to reach a topological phase is
not, and no quantum, condensed-matter devices showing non-Hermitian
topology have been reported to date. The existing experimental
observations have used ultracold atoms and optical systems and
metamaterials through non-quantum mechanical effects. Their operating
principle is based on the fact that Kirchoff’s laws, Newton’s laws and
Maxwell’s equations can be used to mimic the Schrödinger equation
describing the dynamics of quantum particles. The non-Hermitian topology
in this multi-terminal quantum Hall device results from the setting of
contacts on the AlGaAs material. The material impurities or temperature
changes can disrupt the flow of electrons in semiconductor devices,
leading to instability. In the device built here, electron flow, usually
susceptible to interference, is safeguarded by a topological quantum
phenomenon. The topological skin effect makes all of the currents
between the different contacts on the quantum semiconductor to be
unaffected by either impurities or other external perturbations. This
quantum phenomenon was initially demonstrated at a macroscopic level
three years ago in an artificial metamaterial. In the quantum device
here, the I-V relationship is protected by the topological skin effect
because the electrons are confined to the edge. Even with impurities in
the semiconductor material, the current flow remains stable. The
contacts can detect even the slightest fluctuations in either I or V.
The design used here sets materials and contacts on a 2D AlGaAs
semiconductor device, inducing the topological effect under ultra-cold
conditions and a strong magnetic field. The contacts were set in such a
way that the electrical resistance could be measured at the contact
edges, directly revealing the topological effect.
For more information:, January 18 (2024); Nat. Phys., January 18 (2024) page 395.
Long-lived valleys in bilayer graphene QDs observed:
researchers at ETH Zurich in Zurich have found evidence of long-lived
valley states in bilayer graphene (BLG) quantum dots (QD). They measured
the characteristic relaxation times of the spin and valley states in
gate-defined BLG-QD devices. Different valley states were distinguished
from each other with fidelity > 99%. The relaxation time between
valley triplets and singlets is > 500 ms (more than one order of
magnitude longer than for spin states). In the BLG double QD used in
this work, electrons have both an intrinsic angular momentum (spin) and
a pseudo-spin (valley, by the spins rotating in opposite directions).
BLG is semimetal with a tunable band gap by application of an electric
field perpendicularly to the plane of the sheets. For BLG to host a QD,
a band gap needs to be established. Here spin-orbit coupling and
hyperfine interaction are both weak. The hexagonal symmetry observed in
real space is also present in momentum space. In momentum space, free
electrons are found in the local minima and maxima of the energy
landscape, valleys where the conduction and valence bands meet. In BLG,
the hexagonal symmetry dictates the existence of two degenerate energy
valleys with same electron energy. These pseudo-spins corresponding to
opposite electron momentum values have relaxation time > 0.5 s. The
spin relaxation time measured in the BLG double QD is < 25 ms, in
good agreement with spin relaxation times measured in semiconductor QDs.
The relaxation time is shown to increase with higher energy detuning,
which does not match observations in other systems. Varying the
inter-dot coupling leaves the valley relaxation time unaffected. In
addition, the symmetry of the hexagonal Bravais lattice of BLG gives
rise to a valley degeneracy, which behaves analogously to spins. This
unique valley degeneracy in BLG with electrically tunable valley
g-factor provides an additional degree of freedom to realize and
manipulate qubits with the prospect of realizing highly robust qubits
with valley states. Whereas charge qubits couple to electric fields and
spin qubits to magnetic fields, valley qubits consist of two degenerate
states with the same charge distribution and the same spin
configuration, but differ in their locations in reciprocal space.
Theories have proposed various intervalley scattering mechanisms,
requiring a short-range event on the scale of the lattice period. Hence,
for sufficiently low atomic defect density, the valley lifetimes are
expected to be limited not by intrinsic mixing mechanisms such as
phonon-mediated spin–valley coupling but by the finite size of the dot
ultimately breaking translational invariance. So far, however, only very
short valley lifetimes have been observed, not in graphene but in
optically addressed valley qubits in other 2D materials. In recent
experiments, the researchers here found spin-relaxation times
T1 of up to 50 ms measured with the single-shot Elzerman
readout technique in a single quantum dot, comparable with values from
other semiconductor quantum dot systems, such as in III–V, Si-based and
Ge-based heterostructures. The researchers here demonstrate single-shot
readout with both spin and valley Pauli blockade in gate-defined BLG
double quantum dots and the associated measurement of characteristic
spin and valley relaxation times T1 between spin- or
valley-triplet and singlet states. Using a property unique to BLG, they
can select between spin- or valley-blockade regimes by choosing
appropriate perpendicular magnetic fields. The spin-T1 time
is measured to be up to 60 ms at B⊥ = 700 mT, corroborating
their recent findings in single quantum dots. By increasing the interdot
tunnel coupling, the spin-T1 time is reduced. They observe
very long valley-T1 times, longer than 500 ms at
B⊥ = 250 mT. Unlike in the relaxation of spin states,
intervalley relaxation times are found to be robust against variation of
the interdot tunnel coupling strength. This valley lifetime is
comparable with the state-of-the-art spin singlet-triplet T1
measured in Si/SiGe and Si/SiO2 and an order of magnitude
longer than their T1 reported at low magnetic field.
For more information:, January 17 (2024); Nat. Phys., January 17 (2024) page 428.
WEEK OF JANUARY 15, 2024 [No. 1558]
Anomalous 2D insulator-superconducting phase transition observed:
researchers at Princeton University in Princeton, NJ have discovered
an unconventional abrupt change in quantum fluctuations in the
transition from a superconductor to a resistive state in monolayer
WTe2. They identified an anomalous superconducting quantum
critical point in the gate-tuned excitonic quantum spin Hall insulator
WTe2 when extending Nernst experiments down to mK. The vortex
Nernst effect that they observe reveals singular superconducting
fluctuations in the resistive normal state induced by magnetic fields or
temperature, even well above the transition. Near the doping-induced
quantum critical point, the Nernst signal driven by quantum fluctuations
is large in the mK regime, an indication of the proliferation of
vortices. Unexpectedly, the Nernst signal abruptly disappears when the
doping falls below the critical value. The main way fluctuations destroy
2D superconductivity is by the spontaneous emergence of quantum vortices
(microscopic strand of magnetic field trapped inside a swirling electron
current). When the sample is raised above a certain temperature,
vortices spontaneously appear in pairs (vortices and anti-vortices) and
their rapid motion destroys the superconducting state. Superconductivity
in ultrathin films does exist below a certain critical temperature
(temperature-driven BKT transition). The researchers began with a bulk
crystal of the layered semi-metal WTe2, and converting it
into a 2D material by increasingly exfoliating the material down to a
single, atom-thin layer. At this level of thinness, the material behaves
as a very strong insulator. They controlled the observed switching
behavior between insulating and superconducting phases by building a
device that functions just like an on and off switch. Then they cooled
the sample to ~ 50 mK and switched the material from insulator to
superconductor by introducing some electrons to the material with a low
gate voltage. They controlled the superconductor properties by adjusting
the density of electrons in the material with the gate voltage. At a
critical electron density, the quantum vortices rapidly proliferate and
destroy the superconductivity through a quantum phase transition. To
detect the presence of the quantum vortices, they established a small
temperature gradient on the sample so the vortices drifted to the cooler
side and generated a detectable nV signal (Josephson effect). They
further verified the Josephson effect by reversing the magnetic field
and getting the detected voltage reversed. The direct detection of the
vortex current provides an experimental tool to measure quantum
fluctuations in the sample. From the measurement of these quantum
fluctuations, they discovered the robustness of the vortices persisting
to much higher temperatures and magnetic fields than expected in the
resistive phase of the material. The vortex signal abruptly disappeared
when the electron density was tuned just below the critical value at the
quantum phase transition. At this critical value of electron density
quantum fluctuations drive the phase transition. The researchers
expected the strong fluctuations to persist below the critical electron
density on the non-superconducting side, just like the strong
fluctuations persist well above the BKT transition temperature. Instead
the vortex signals suddenly vanish when the critical electron density
value is crossed. The researchers found that neither the Ginzburg-Landau
theory or the BKT theory explain the observed phenomena.
For more information:, January 12 (2024); Nat. Phys., January 5 (2024) page 269.
RT quantum coherence of entangled excitons shown:
a group lead by researchers at Kyushu University in Fukuoka has
achieved quantum coherence at RT of entangled quintets by embedding a
chromophore in a metal-organic framework (MOF) to suppress the molecular
motion sufficiently to maintain a well-defined state of the quintet
state for more than 100 ns without being affected by surrounding
disturbances. Singlet fission (ST) can generate an exchange-coupled
quintet triplet pair state 5TT, which could lead to the
realization of quantum computing and quantum sensing using entangled
multiple qubits at RT. The suppressed motion of the chromophores in
ordered domains within the MOF leads to controlled fluctuation of the
exchange interaction as needed for 5TT generation without
causing 5TT decoherence. Quantum coherence of 5TT
has been observed at cryogenic temperatures to date. Qubit
initialization by photoexcitation uses chromophores to excite electrons
with desirable electron spins at RT through SF although it causes qubits
to lose quantum superposition and entanglement so quantum coherence
needs LN. To suppress the molecular motion and have RT quantum
coherence, the researchers introduced a chromophore based on pentacene
in a UiO-type MOF hat can densely accumulate chromophores. The nanopores
inside the crystal enable the chromophore to rotate at a very
constrained angle. The MOF structure facilitated enough motion in the
pentacene units to allow the electrons to transition from the triplet
state to a quintet state, while sufficiently suppressing motion at RT to
maintain quantum coherence of the quintet multiexciton state. After
photoexciting the electrons with microwave pulses, the researchers
observed quantum coherence for > 100 ns at RT. Among the
photogenerated molecular qubits, SF has the unique ability to generate
high-spin quintet state. SF is a process in which two triplet excitons
(T1) are generated from one photoexcited singlet. A triplet
pair with singlet multiplicity 1TT (two T1
strongly coupled by an exchange interaction), arises from one
photo-excited singlet (S1), and the spin evolution of the
triplet pair leads to the formation of a four-spin entangled quintet
multiexciton 5TT. 5TT can be generated and
detected by light through the inverse process of SF (triplet-triplet
annihilation) and then, can be addressed in a single spin level. The
researchers report here RT observation of quantum coherence in
SF-derived 5TT by the suppressed molecular motion in a MOF
nanoporous crystalline material composed of metal ions and organic
ligands. By integrating chromophores into the ligand, the distance and
angle between chromophores can be precisely regulated in MOFs. Unlike
dense molecular crystals, MOFs have nanoscale voids in the crystals,
which allow the chromophores to move, and this movement can be
controlled by the topology of the network and the local molecular
density around the chromophores. The researchers prepared a UiO-type
pentacene-based MOF (Pn-MOF), synthesized by combining diamagnetic Zr
ions with a dicarboxylate ligand containing pentacene chromophore
exhibiting exothermic SF. The noninterpenetrated UiO-type structure can
prevent π-stacking between pentacene planes, which gives the pentacene
units enough motion to make the conversion from 1TT to
5TT . The dense integration in the Pn-MOF makes the pentacene
motion sufficiently suppressive that the quantum coherence of
5TT generated by microwave irradiation was observed for >
100 ns at RT. The decay of the echo signal from the quintet observed by
pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was longer than the decay
of the quintet-derived signal in continuous-wave time-resolved EPR
(CW-TREPR) measurements, suggesting that two components with different
degree of order exist and the highly crystalline domains, present as
minor components in the disordered MOF structure, exhibit long quantum
coherence. It has been unclear until now what kind of molecular motion
is required to obtain effective quintet generation and noise suppressed
qubits for quintet multiple excitons generated by photo-induced SF.
Conformational motion is necessary for the spin conversion from
1TT to 5TT. However, if the change in orientation
angle of the chromophore relative to the magnetic field is too large,
then exciton hopping cause dissociation and recombination between
excitons and 5TT quantum decoherence occurs.
For more information:, January 11 (2024); Science Advances, January 3 (2024).
WEEK OF JANUARY 8, 2024 [No. 1557]
Semiconducting graphene epitaxially grown on SiC:
researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA and
Tianjin University in Tianjin have fabricated a functional semiconductor
made from 2D semimetal graphene. In the past two decades, attempts to
modify the bandgap either by quantum confinement or by chemical
functionalization failed to produce viable semiconducting graphene. The
researchers here demonstrate that semiconducting epigraphene (SEG) on
single-crystal SiC substrates has a band gap of 0.6 eV and RT mobilities
> 5,000 cm2 V−1 s−1, which is ten
times larger than that of Si and 20 times larger than that of the other
2D semiconductors. When Si evaporates from SiC crystal surfaces, the
C-rich surface crystallizes to produce graphene multilayers. The first
graphitic layer to form on the Si-terminated face of SiC is an
insulating epigraphene layer that is partially covalently bonded to the
SiC surface. Spectroscopic measurements of this buffer layer
demonstrated semiconducting signatures, but the mobilities of this layer
were limited because of disorder. The researchers here demonstrate a
quasi-equilibrium annealing method that produces SEG (well-ordered
buffer layer) on macroscopic atomically flat terraces. The SEG lattice
is aligned with the SiC substrate. It is chemically, mechanically and
thermally robust and can be patterned and seamlessly connected to
semimetallic epigraphene using conventional semiconductor fabrication
techniques. By inducing a band gap in the intrinsic non-bandgap graphene
materials, the researchers produced a robust graphene semiconductor with
ten times the mobility of Si and unique properties not available in Si
including handling large currents and resisting heating. They achieved a
breakthrough on this work when they figured out how to grow epitaxial
graphene on SiC wafers using special furnaces. When properly made, the
epitaxial graphene chemically bonded to the SiC and started to show
semiconducting properties. To prove that their platform could function
as a viable semiconductor, the researchers needed to measure its
electronic properties without damaging it. They doped graphene with
electron donors which worked out without damaging the material or its
For more information:
Nature, January 3 (2024) page 60;, January 3 (2024).
Tetraneutrons searched in 235U thermal fission:
researchers at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Tokyo have
explored the possible emission rate of particle-stable tetraneutron via
thermal neutron-induced fission of 235U by performing γ-ray
spectroscopy in a 88SrCO3 sample irradiated in a
nuclear research reactor core. It was posited that stable
88Sr would produce 91Sr by a tetraneutron-induced
(4n,n) reaction and that observation of γ rays followed by β decay of
91Sr would indicate particle-stable tetraneutron emission.
However, the γ-ray spectrum of irradiated 88SrCO3
sample did not show any photopeak for 91Sr. The researchers
concluded that the emission rate of particle-stable tetraneutrons, if
they exist, is estimated to be < 8×10−7 per fission at the 95%
confidence level (using best guesses for the cross sections of the
reactions induced by hypothetical particle-stable tetraneutrons). The
existence of a tetraneutron comprising four neutrons has long been
debated. The researchers here motivated by a recent observations of
particle-stable tetraneutrons in bound and resonant states. However,
theoretical studies indicate that tetraneutrons will not exist in a
bound state if the interactions between neutrons are governed by the
common understanding of two or three-body nuclear forces. The
researchers here posited that the bound tetraneutron could be a ternary
particle in 235U fission (in addition to the binary fission
in thermal fission process for 235U there is ternary fission
with 0.2% probability). They used the instrumental neutron activation
analysis method. 88SrCO3 was chosen as the target sample and
it was irradiated for 2 h at a thermal power of 5 MW in a nuclear
research reactor. The 88Sr nuclei were posited to convert
into 91Sr with a Q value of 20 MeV minus the binding energy
of the tetraneutron. Since 91Sr is unstable, its radioactive
decay followed by the release of γ-rays would indicate the emission of
particle-stable tetraneutrons. The γ-ray spectroscopy results for the
irradiated 88Sr sample, however, did not show any photopeak
corresponding to the formation of 91Sr. The researchers plan
to increase the sample purity and the experimental sensitivity to
continue the search for tetraneutrons.
For more information:, January 4 (2023); Phys. Rev., C., November 22 (2023) page 054004.
WEEK OF JANUARY 1, 2024 [No. 1556]
Atmospheric neutrino oscillations measurements:
international group lead by researchers at Harvard University in
Cambridge, MA has found evidence indicating that additional measurements
of neutrinos generated in Earth's atmosphere when cosmic rays collide
with atmospheric atoms, could be used to reveal how the three types of
neutrino masses are ordered. They analyze the current shared systematic
uncertainties arising from the common flux and neutrino-water
interactions in several neutrino observatories. Then, they implement the
systematic uncertainties of each experiment and develop the atmospheric
neutrino simulations for Super-Kamiokande, with and without
neutron-tagging capabilities, IceCube Upgrade, ORCA, and
Hyper-Kamiokande detectors. They review the synergies and features of
these experiments to examine the potential of a joint analysis of these
atmospheric neutrino data in resolving the θ23 octant at 99% confidence
level, and determining the neutrino mass ordering above 5σ. They assess
the capability to constrain θ13 and the CP-violating phase (δCP) in the
leptonic sector independently from reactor and accelerator neutrino
data. A combination of the atmospheric neutrino measurements will
enhance the sensitivity to a greater extent than the simple sum of
individual experiment results reaching more than 3σ for some values of
δCP. The researchers have conducted an analysis of the expected
sensitivities of current and near- future water/ice-Cherenkov
atmospheric neutrino experiments as they may relate to the three types
of neutrino oscillations. By analyzing a large sample of such collisions
and the data they have revealed thus far, the research team found that
information is amassing at a rate that by 2030 a combined analysis of
these four leading atmospheric-neutrino experiments could determine the
neutrino-mass-ordering and set tighter constraints on CP violation.
Through an analysis of 24 years of data, Super-Kamiokande recently
showed that atmospheric-neutrino measurements are sensitive to mass
ordering. This sensitivity owes to the fact that the oscillation
probability for neutrinos propagating through Earth is modified by
matter effects, which would lead to different behavior for different
mass ordering. To assess what further information can be gleaned from
atmospheric-neutrinos experiments, the researchers here investigate the
sensitivity achievable through a combined analysis of data from
Super-Kamiokande and from three near-future atmospheric-neutrino
Cherenkov radiation experiments (Hyper-Kamiokande, KM3Net-ORCA, and an
upgrade to IceCube with 258-KT , 7 MT , 1 BT water detectors
respectively). Each of the detectors can provide unique contributions to
a global analysis. Due to their larger detector volume and
photon-detection scheme, IceCube Upgrade and KM3Net-ORCA will be
particularly sensitive to high-energy atmospheric neutrinos. The
expected statistics of their detections should allow precise
measurements of mixing angles and mass differences. With its higher
density of photon sensors, Hyper-Kamiokande will be more sensitive to
lower-energy neutrinos, which should enhance the sensitivity to CP
violation. With a LAr time-projection-chamber technique, DUNE (set to
start taking data with far detectors in 2029) will be better in probing
low-energy atmospheric-neutrino interactions The CP-violation phase is
the parameter that will benefit the most from the combined analysis. The
global analysis could yield a determination of neutrino mass ordering
with 5σ statistical confidence by 2030.
For more information:, December 27 (2023); Physics, December 20 (2023); Phys. Rev. X,
December 20 (2023) page 041055.
Condensate-like nuclear cluster structure observed:
an international group lead by researchers at Peking University in
Beijing and IKEN in Wako has observed the 02+ state of the neutron-rich
nucleus 8He, a cluster structure with two strongly correlated
neutron pairs (02+ state has dineutron clusters with spin 0, energy
state 2, and parity +). In its ground state, the 8He nucleus
includes a 4He nucleus and four neutrons. If, before decaying
(100's ms lifetime) it transitioned into its first 0+ excited
state, the four neutrons form two pairs (dineutron clusters). The
condensate-like bosonic cluster state made of a 4He nucleus
plus two dineutron clusters has been theoretically predicted in the
8He nucleus ground state but it has not been experimentally
observed until now. The researchers here observed it in nuclear
scattering experiments at the RIKEN Nishina Center. Together with
theoretical calculations, the results here provide evidence that the
four valence neutrons in the 02+ excited state of 8He form
two strongly correlated dineutron clusters and an exotic condensate-like
cluster structure. In the experiment the researchers fired a
high-intensity beam of 8He nuclei at PE and C targets. Some
collisions excited the nuclei into the condensate state, which quickly
decayed into a 6He nucleus and a neutron pair. The
6He nuclei were directed through dipole magnets to drift
detectors and plastic scintillators for characterization. The neutrons
struck a plastic scintillator whose layered construction made it
possible to identify which neutrons were correlated in a dineutron
cluster and which were not. The correlated neutron pairs and the
scattering count rate’s dependence on energy, angle, and type of target
were consistent with theoretical predictions. The researchers showed
that this observed state is characterized by a spin parity of 0+, a
large isoscalar monopole transition strength, and the emission of a
strongly correlated neutron pair, in line with theoretical
For more information:, December 28 (2023); Physics, December 13 (2023); Phys. Rev. Let.,
December 13 (2023) page 242501.
NOTE: previous Research News (since WEEK OF MARCH 1, 1994 [No. 1],
around the time when the Quantum Cascade Lasers were demonstrated at
AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, N.J., as promising MIR
solid-state room temperature sources that would enable laser
spectroscopy in the spectral region where fundamental
rotational-vibrational transitions of most molecules take place) not posted.