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Rodolfo Carrera, Editor
WEEK OF FEBRUARY 17, 2025 [No. 1615]
Nuclear-spin dark state observed:
researchers at University of Rochester in Rochester, NY have used dynamic
nuclear polarization to align atomic nuclei spins in a gate-defined Si double
quantum dot to provide direct evidence of the nuclear-spin dark state where
nuclei synchronize reducing their coupling with electron's spins, thus
decoupling nuclei and stabilizing electron spins. They show that the transverse
electronânuclear coupling rapidly diminishes in the dark state, and that this
state depends on the synchronized precession of the nuclear spins. The dark
state significantly reduces the relaxation rate between the singlet and triplet
electronic spin states.
For more information:, February 12 (2025); Nat. Phys.,
January 28 (2025).
Topological chiral superconductivity:
researchers at the MIT in Cambridge, MA have proposed conditions under which
superconductivity can arise from the electronsâ own mutual electrostatic
repulsion in a 2D lattice. They predicted different superconducting states, all
chiral. Some of the states have quartet charge condensations. The electron's
dispersion ~ k4 (rather than having the usual k2 energy
dependence). As in regular superconductivity their energies must be lower than
that of their cooled parent state. That parent state is one of two exotic
electronic states characterized by strong repulsive interactions (not clear yet
which one). The resulting superconductors break both time-reversal and
reflection symmetries in the orbital motion of electrons, and they exhibit
nontrivial topological order. Their findings suggest that this topological
chiral superconductivity is more likely to emerge near or between a fully
spin-valley polarized metallic phase and a Wigner crystal phase. These
topological chiral superconductors can be fully or partially spin-valley
polarized. For partial spin-valley polarization, the ratios of electron
densities associated with different spin-valley quantum numbers are quantized as
simple rational numbers. Many of these topological chiral superconductors
exhibit charge-4 or higher condensation, neutral quasiparticles with fractional
statistics, and/or gapless chiral edge states. Two of the topological chiral
superconductors are in the same phases as the âspinâ-triplet or spinless p +
ip BCS superconductor, while others are in different phases than from any
BCS superconductors.
For more information: Physics, February 11 (2025); Phys. Rev. B,
January 10 (2025) page 014508.
WEEK OF FEBRUARY 10, 2025 [No. 1614]
1D phase change observed:
researchers at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD and Duke
University in Durham, NC have observed a finite-energy phase transition in a 1D
ion array quantum simulator. They show that finite-energy states can be
generated by time-evolving prepared initial states and letting them thermalize
under the dynamics of a many-body Hamiltonian. By preparing initial states with
different energies, they study the finite-energy phase diagram of a long-range
interacting quantum system. They observe a ferromagnetic equilibrium phase
transition as well as a crossover from a low-energy polarized paramagnet to a
high-energy unpolarized paramagnet, in agreement with numerical simulations. The
researchers use Au electrodes to create electromagnetic fields that trap dozens
of ions in a chain geometry just above the surface of the electrodes. They use
laser beams to induce interactions between the ions, thus, establishing a
long-range interaction 1D magnet. The researchers simulated a system of 23
70Yb ions arranged into a 1D chain. The difficulty on effectively
heat the system and observe a phase transition as a function of energy lies in
coupling to a heat bath without disrupting the quantum state. To solve the
problem of realizing interactions over sufficiently long distances and preparing
equilibrium states, the researchers prepared the ions in a heated initial
condition and then allowed them to evolve following their own dynamics via long
range interactions. This evolution mimicked the effects that would follow an
increase in temperature. Using this method, they observed the system transition
from a ordered magnetized state to a disordered unmagnetized state, confirming
the occurrence of the phase change.
For more information: Phys,org, February 6 (2025); Nat. Phys.,
January 17 (2025).
Ambient pressure HTS superconductivity in bilayer nickelate
researchers at SLAC in Menlo Park, CA have demonstrated that lateral compression
from substrates can stabilize a superconducting state in thin film
La3Ni2O7 at room pressure. They present
signatures of superconductivity in La3Ni2O7
thin films at ambient pressure, facilitated by the application of epitaxial
compressive strain. The onset Tc varies approximately from 26 K to 42
K, with higher Tc values correlating with smaller in-plane lattice
constants. They observed the co-existence of other Ruddlesden-Popper phases
within the films and dependence of transport behavior with ozone annealing,
suggesting that the observed low zero resistance Tc â 2 K can be
attributed to stacking defects, grain boundaries, and O stoichiometry. The
nickelate studied here has been shown to have Tc â 80 K at high pressure. The
researchers observed that the sample's Tc â 26 K to 42 K depending on
the level of compressive strain. While the material enters the superconducting
phase at these temperatures, defects in the nickelate and the O atom ratio
produce Tc â 2 K. They have demonstrated that lateral compression
from substrates can stabilize the material, even though it differs from the
uniform compression achieved through squeezing it evenly from all directions,
similar to that produced by a diamond anvil cell. The researchers plan to refine
the material's crystalline quality and explore doping strategies.
For more information:, February 5 (2025); Nature, December
19 (2024) page 935.
WEEK OF FEBRUARY 3, 2025 [No. 1613]
Chirality-induced directional spin selection
researchers at the Johannes Gutenberg -UniversitÀt Mainz in Maiz have studied
the chirality effect on spin in hybrid metal/chiral molecule thin-film
heterostructures. Their observation of spin-dependent transmission of electrons
through chiral molecules has confirmed the existence of the chiral-induced spin
selectivity (CISS) effect with chiral-induced unidirectional spin-to-charge
conversion. They inject a pure spin current via spin pumping and investigate the
spin-to-charge conversion at the hybrid chiral interface, observing
chiral-induced unidirectionality in the conversion. Angle-dependent measurements
reveal that the spin selectivity is maximum when the spin angular momentum is
aligned with the molecular chiral axis. They did not pass the charge current
directly through the chiral molecules themselves. Instead, they created a hybrid
system that consisted of a thin film of Au with chiral molecules on it. Although
the major part of the current flows through the Au film, the presence of the
chiral molecules alters the state of the Au component. They were interested in
how the spin current was converted to a charge current. In a film consisting of
pure Au, ~ 3% of the spin current is converted to charge, regardless of electron
spin orientation. In the hybridized system of the Au layer with chiral molecules
if the molecules on the surface of the Au are right-handed, currents with
electron spin-up are converted much more efficiently to charge than those with
spin-down. The outcome is the opposite if molecules on the Au surface are
left-handed. This effect occurs only if the spin is in the same or opposite
direction to the helix structure of a chiral molecule. If the direction of spin
is not aligned with the direction in which the helix structure is arranged, the
effect does not occur. The researchers demonstrate the impact of chiral
molecules on the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE), which originates from a
collection of relativistic spin-orbit-coupling (SOC) phenomena. For this, they
inject a pure spin current generated by ferromagnetic resonance in a
ferromagnetic insulator into a hybrid metal/chiral molecule bilayer. The SOC of
the hybrid layer converts the spin current into an electromotive force via the
ISHE, measurable as a voltage signal across the metal layer. The results show a
chirality and spin polarizationâdependent unidirectional ISHE in the hybrid
chiral system confirming that SOC plays a key role in this CISS effect.
For more information:, January 30 (2025); Science Advances,
January 1 (2025).
Weakly-driven spin squeezing entanglement in atomic
researchers at JILA in Boulder, CO have investigated the driven-dissipative
dynamics of multilevel atomic arrays interacting via dipolar interactions at
subwavelength spacings. They find that unlike two-level atoms in the weakly
excited regime, multilevel atoms can become strongly entangled. The entanglement
manifests as the growth of ground state spin waves persisting after turning off
the drive. They propose the 2.9ââÎŒm transition between
3P2âïž3D3 in 88Sr
with 389Â nm trapping light as a platform to test their predictions. In
dipole-dipole atom interactions in a lattice, the state of the system can become
correlated. In the absence of an external drive, the generated entanglement
typically disappears since all atoms relax to the ground state. If atoms have
more than two levels participating in the process, then system interactions and
complexity drastically increase. The researchers here have studied atom-light
interactions in the case of effective four-level Sr atoms, two metastable ground
and two excited levels arranged in specific 1D and 2D crystal lattices, with
atoms closer to each other than the wavelength of the laser light used to excite
them. The study concentrated on a set of internal levels with a much
smaller energy separation than typical optical transitions. Instead of using
truly ground-state levels, they proposed using long-lived metastable levels. By
creating a long-lived metastable excited state, a 2.9-”m wavelength transition
between this state 3P2 and another excited-state
3D3 state.(about eight times longer than the usual
separation between nearby atoms trapped in an optical lattice) is accessed here.
By having a transition wavelength much longer than the trapping light
wavelength, they can realize strong and programmable interactions via the photon
exchange that happens when the atoms are set close to each other. The atoms need
to be very close, as interactions weaken with distance, eventually becoming lost
due to other sources of decoherence. Keeping atoms close allows interactions to
dominate, preserving the growth of entanglement. They work in the weak and
far-from-resonance regime where atoms are allowed to virtually exchange photons,
moving them between ground states without permanently occupying an excited
state. In the metastable state dynamics, they observe growing correlations,
which can be preserved when the laser is turned off. In this regime where the
excited levels are only virtually populated, and only atoms can occupy the
metastable state levels, the four-level problem can be reduced back to a
two-level system although dealing with much more complex interactions including
multi-atom interaction. Considering the far-from-resonance regime (in leading
order, only two atoms interact at a given time), the Hamiltonian describing the
metastable state dynamics maps back to a know spin model. Thus, they studied
spin waves across the lattice arrangement. By controlling the polarization and
propagation direction of the photons of the laser exciting the atoms, the
researchers could determine which spin-wave pattern became dominantly entangled.
The entanglement observed was spin-squeezing with increased sensitivity to
external noise. The spin squeezing in the system can be experimentally measured
and serves as a witness of quantum entanglement. This finding implies that
quantum systems could maintain entanglement over long periods, without needing
constant intervention to prevent decoherence. One key limitation here is
dipole-dipole interactions, which involve long-range forces that couple atoms
both near and far in the lattice. These couplings are anisotropic and depend on
the relative orientation of the atomic dipoles, making the system more complex.
Each atom interacts differently with its neighbors spaced along different
directions in the lattice, leading to varying interaction strengths and signs
across the array.
For more information:, January 27 (2025); Phys. Rev. Lett.,
December 3 (2024) page 233003.
WEEK OF JANUARY 27, 2025 [No. 1612]
Rydberg state thermometry with mm blackbody emissions
researchers at NIST in Boulder, CO have performed primary quantum thermometry of
mm-wave blackbody radiation (BBR) via induced state transfer in Rydberg states
of cold atoms. Rydberg states of alkali-metal atoms are highly sensitive to
electromagnetic radiation in the GHz-to-THz regime because their transitions
have large electric dipole moments. The researchers track the BBR-induced
transfer of a prepared Rydberg state to its neighbors and use the evolution of
these state populations to characterize the BBR field at the relevant
wavelengths, primarily at 130Â GHz. They use selective field ionization readout
of Rydberg states and substantiate their ionization signal with a theoretical
model. Using this detection method, they measure the associated BBR-induced time
dynamics of these states, reproduce the results with a simple semiclassical
population transfer model, and demonstrate that this measurement is temperature
sensitive with a statistical sensitivity to the fractional temperature
uncertainty of 0.09 , corresponding to 26Â K at room temperature. This represents
a calibration-free SI-traceable temperature measurement, for which they
calculate a systematic fractional temperature uncertainty of 0.006,
corresponding to 2Â K at room temperature when used as a primary temperature
standard. They used 106 85Rb laser-excited Rydberg atoms
(size ~ 100 nm) and laser-cooled to 0.5 mK in a MOT. The researchers make
non-contact, calibration-free, 0-100 C, absolute temperature measurements by
tracking atomic energy jumps induced by the emitted BBR over time. Every 300 ms,
they load a new packet of 85Rb atoms into the trap, cool them and
excite them from the 5S energy level to the 32S Rydberg state. They then allow
them to absorb black-body radiation from the surroundings for around 100 ÎŒs,
causing some of the 32S atoms to change state. Then, they apply a strong, ramped
electric field, ionizing the atoms. The higher energy states get ripped off
easier than the lower energy states, so the electrons that were in each state
arrive at the detector at a different time. In that way they get the readout
indicating the population in each of the states. The researchers use this ratio
to infer the spectrum of the BBR absorbed by the atoms and, then, the black body
temperature. After pulsing a two-photon excitation to a Rydberg state, they wait
100 ”s for BBR to couple from this Rydberg state to other states. Then, they
sweep an electric field to selectively ionize Rydberg state atoms and collect
the ions and stripped electrons using electron avalanche detectors. Each
measurement takes 354 ms, consisting of 231 ms of experiment and 123 ms of dead
time. The 3D MOT consists of three retroreflected laser beams ( 20Â MHz detuned
from the D2 line with 80 mW of power in a 1-cm beam radius) and two coils in an
anti-Helmholtz configuration. The current through the coils is controlled with
an insulated-gate bipolar transistor which allows the field to be switched off
in 300 ”s. They estimate the cloud to contain 2Ă106 atoms, of which
5400 participate in the measurement. After the trap is released, the atoms are
excited to a Rydberg state via laser 1 (resonant to the D2 line with 9 mW in a
5-mm beam radius) and laser 2 (resonant on the 5S3/2â32S1/2 transition with 57
mW in a 5Â mm beam radius, locked to a two-photon electromagnetically induced
transparency in a reference cell). After the blackbody coupling time, ionization
is performed with two electrodes placed 56Â mm apart that are swept from 0 to 3
kV in 7”s, and the ions and their electrons are collected using CEM detectors).
The current incident on the anode of the CEM is converted into a voltage using a
transimpedance amplifier with a gain of 103 V/A and recorded on a
For more information:, January 23 (2025); Physicsworld,
February 2 (2025); Phys. Rev. Res., January 23 (2025) page L012020.
Topological electronic crystals in TBLG:
an international group lead by researchers from the University of British
Columbia in Vancouver, BC and the University of Washington in Seattle, WA has
identified topological electronic crystal states in 2D twisted bilayerâtrilayer
graphene. They report signatures of a generalized version of the anomalous Hall
effect driven by the moiré potential. The crystal forms at a band filling of one
electron per four moirĂ© unit cells (Îœâ=â1/4) and quadruples the unit-cell area,
coinciding with an integer quantum anomalous Hall effect. The Chern number of
the state is tunable, and it can be switched reversibly between +1 and â1 by
electric and magnetic fields. Several other topological electronic crystals
arise in a low magnetic field, originating from Îœâ=â1/3, 1/2, 2/3 and 3/2. The
quantum geometry of the interaction-modified bands is expected to be very
different from that of the original parent band.
For more information: Nature, January 22 (2025) page 1084;,
January 22 (2025).
WEEK OF JANUARY 20, 2025 [No. 1611]
High-fidelity long molecular entanglement demonstrated:
researchers at Durham in Durham have used rotationally magic-wavelength optical
tweezers to create a controlled stable environment that supports long-lived (â 1
s) coherence between entangled ultracold polar molecules. They prepared
two-molecule Bell states, using dipolar spin exchange and directed microwave
excitation, with fidelities 0.924 (+0.013/-0.016) and 0.76 (+0.03/-0.04),
respectively, limited by detectable leakage errors. When correcting for these
errors, the fidelities were 0.976 (+0.014/-0.016) and 0.93 (+0.03/-0.05),
respectively. This despite the Hz-scale interactions at their 2.8âÎŒm particle
spacing. They have shown that the second-scale entanglement lifetimes are
limited solely by these errors. The speed and fidelity of their Bell-state
preparation may be improved by changing the confinement of the molecules to
access smaller separations. Transferring the molecules into a magic-wavelength
optical lattice should give access to sub-”m separations and increased molecular
confinement, resulting in increased interaction strengths with reduced noise.
For more information: Nature, January 15 (2025) page 827;,
January 15 (2025).
252Rf nucleus produced and decay measured:
researchers at the GSI in Darmstadt have discovered the shortest-lived
superheavy nucleus, from the most neutron deficient 104Rf isotope, at
the boundary of the stability island in the sea of unstable superheavy nuclei.
They report the discovery of 252Rf with ground state fission
half-life 60(+90 / â30)âns, shorter than the previous minimum for spontaneously
fissioning nuclei, thus, expanding the range of half-lives of the known
superheavy nuclei by about 2 orders of magnitude. The researchers utilized an
isomeric state with inverted fission stability for the measurement. The results
here confirm a smooth onset of decreasing ground-state spontaneous fission
half-lives in the neutron-deficient Rf isotopes toward the isotopic border of 10
fs (boundary determined as the time needed to form an atomic shell). The island
of stability predicted in the 60's has been confirmed with the observation of
increasing half-lives in the heaviest currently known nuclei as the predicted
next magic number of 184 neutrons is approached. The short-lived
252Rf was synthesized in a gas recoil separator and guided to the
detection system in its high-K isomeric state 252mRf (for which they
measured a half-life of 13(+4 / â3)âÎŒs) taking advantage of inverted
fission-stability where excited states are more stable than the ground state.
The researchers used an intense pulsed beam of 50Ti available at the
GSI/FAIR UNILAC accelerator to fuse Ti nuclei with 204Pb nuclei on a
target foil. They used four different beam energies that resulted in excited
254Rf, that emits either one neutron to leave 253Rf or two
neutrons to leave 252Rf. These isotopes were separated in the
TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus TASCA. After a flight of 3.5 m
(flight-time â 0.6 ”s), those were implanted into a Si detector that registered
their implantation as well as their subsequent decay. The large beam energies
used here favored the production of 252Rf over 253Rf. In
total, 27 atoms of 252Rf decaying by fission with half-life 13 ”s
were detected. The electrons emitted after the implantation of the isomer
252mRf in its decay to the ground state, were detected using a
home-made fast digital data acquisition system. In all the three registered
cases, a subsequent fission followed within 250 ns. From these data, a half-life
of 60 ns was deduced for the ground state of 252Rf, making it the
shortest-lived superheavy nucleus currently known. It was determined that almost
all the 13-”s span belonged to the decay of the excited isomeric state in the
252Rf nucleus whose existence allowed the measurement of the 60-ns
ground-state fission because the excited state survived the time-of-flight of
the separator *so the ground state appeared and decayed in the detector rather
than in the separator). In future experimental campaigns, the researchers plan
the measurement of isomeric states with inverted fission stability in the next
heavier element 106Sg to further map the isotopic border of the
stability island.
For more information:, January 15 (2024); Physics, January
14 (2025); Phys. Rev. Lett., January 14 (2025) page 022501.
WEEK OF JANUARY 13, 2025 [No. 1610]
Fractional excitons observed:
researchers at Brown University in Providence, RI have observed excitons in the
fractional quantum Hall regime. They used a bilayer graphene sandwiching an
insulating hBN layer to control the movement of electrical charges and generate
excitons under a high magnetic field. Some of the excitons arise from the
pairing of fractionally charged particles and have non-bosonic properties that
are different from fermions and anyons as well. The researchers present
transport signatures of excitonic pairing in the fractional quantum Hall effect
states. By probing the composition of these excitons and their impact on the
underlying wavefunction, they discovered two new types of quantum phases of
matter. One of those can be viewed as the fractional counterpart of the exciton
condensate at a total filling of 1, whereas the other involves a more unusual
type of exciton that obeys non-bosonic quantum statistics. The researchers will
next study how these fractional excitons interact and whether their behavior can
be controlled.
For more information: Nature, January 8 (2025) page 327;,
January 8 (2025).
Proximity ferroelectricity detected:
researchers in Penn State University at University Park, PA have detected
proximity ferroelectricity in a non-ferroelectric polar material induced by one
or more adjacent ferroelectric materials (wurtzite ferroelectric
heterostructures). Proximity ferroelectricity enables polarization reversal in
wurtzites without the chemical or structural disorder that accompanies elemental
substitution. They had previously developed a ferroelectric material,
Mg-substituted ZnO thin films. The ZnO has desirable properties, but it is not
ferroelectric by itself. Adding Mg makes the material ferroelectric but degrades
properties like heat dissipation during device operation and the ability to
transmit light over very long distances. Using proximity ferroelectricity, the
researchers found they could turn pure ZnO ferroelectric by stacking it with a
ferroelectric material like the Mg-substituted ZnO thin films. The ZnO here can
exhibit polarization reversal in its pure state. The ferroelectric layer can be
just 3% of the total volume of the stack, meaning the vast majority is material
with the most-desired properties. The ferroelectric, or switching layer, can be
placed on the top or bottom or as an isolated internal layer. The researchers
observed proximity ferroelectricity in oxide nitride and combined nitride-oxide
systems, suggesting that there is a generic mechanism involved. The
non-ferroelectric layers here are AlN and ZnO, whereas the ferroelectric layers
are Al1âxBxN, Al1âxScxN and
Zn1âxMgxO. The layered structures include nitrideânitride,
oxideâoxide and nitrideâoxide stacks that feature two-layer (asymmetric) and
three-layer (symmetric) configurations. Ferroelectric switching in both layers
is validated by polarization hysteresis, anisotropic chemical etching, second
harmonic generation, piezo response force microscopy, electromechanical testing
and atomic resolution polarization orientation imaging in real space by STEM.
The researchers present a physical switching model in which antipolar nuclei
originate in the ferroelectric layer and propagate towards the internal
non-ferroelectric interface. The domain wall leading edge produces elastic and
electric fields that extend beyond the interface at close proximity, reducing
the switching barrier in the non-ferroelectric layer, and allowing complete
domain propagation without breakdown. DFT calculations of polymorph energies,
reversal barriers and domain wall energies support this model.
For more information: Nature, January 8 (2025) page 574;,
January 8 (2025).
Time-domain oscillations between distant on-chip spins
researchers at TU Delft in Delft have demonstrated coherent interaction between
two semiconductor electron spin qubits 250 ÎŒm apart, using a superconducting
resonator coupled to two gate-defined double dots. The separation is several
orders of magnitude larger than for the commonly used direct interaction
mechanisms in this platform. The researchers here demonstrate the time-domain
control of a dotâresonatorâdot system and realize two-qubit iSWAP oscillations
between distant spin qubits. The two qubits are encoded in single-electron spin
states and they are coupled via a 250-ÎŒm-long superconducting NbTiN on-chip
resonator. The resonator is also used for dispersively probing the spin states.
They demonstrate operations on individual spin qubits at the flopping-mode
operating point and characterize the corresponding coherence times. They realize
iSWAP oscillations between the two distant spin qubits in the dispersive regime.
They study how the oscillation frequency varies with spinâcavity detuning,
spinâphoton coupling strength and frequency detuning between the two spin
qubits, and compare the results with theoretical simulations. The researchers
operate the system in a regime in which the resonator mediates a spinâspin
coupling via virtual photons. Their observations are consistent with iSWAP
oscillations between the distant spin qubits, and suggest that entangling
operations are possible in 10âns. The fabricated device was characterized by
recording the microwave transmission from the input port via the resonator to
the output port. The researchers initialized one spin in the ground state and
the other in the excited state. When they activated the interaction between
these spins, the two qubits transferred their quantum states back and forth.
When one spin transitions to the ground state, the other simultaneously
transitions to the excited state, and vice versa. After previous spectroscopic
measurements relying on coherent spin-photon interactions, the researchers
observed time-domain oscillations here. The researchers plan to increase the
quality factor of the oscillations and study time-domain oscillations between
each of the spins and real photons in the resonator in the form of vacuum Rabi
For more information: Physics, January 7 (2025); Nat. Phys., December
9 (2024).
WEEK OF JANUARY 6, 2025 [No. 1609]
No electronic correlation at twist angle 4.4° in
dichalcogenide bilayers:
an international group lead by researchers at the University of Groningen in
Groningen has used nano-ARPES to investigate structural relaxation in small
angle twisted bilayer WS2 and found electronic behavior inconsistent
with theory predictions of collective behavior. They present here a systematic
nano-ARPES investigation of bulk, single-layer, and twisted bilayer samples with
a small twist angle (4.4°). The experimental results are compared with
theoretical calculations based on DFT along the high-symmetry directions. The
electronic band structure measurements suggest a structural relaxation occurring
at twist angle 4.4° and the formation of large, untwisted bilayer regions
replacing most of the twisted area with the twisted bilayer partially reverting
to a lower-energy, untwisted configuration.
For more information:, December 30 (2024); Phys. Rev. Mat.,
December 26 (2024) page 124004.
Spin-orbit coupled superconducting electrons:
researchers at the University of Minnesota have proposed that in certain
materials, pair spinâorbit interaction (PSOI) is strong enough to engender
unconventional superconductivity. They analyzed the PSOI arising from Coulomb
interaction in a class of materials that exhibit spinâorbit coupling associated
with a strong Rashba effect. This effect has been studied for decades, owing to
the possibility of creating spin-polarized currents of electrons without the
need to apply a magnetic field. The Rashba effect can arise in a crystal lacking
inversion symmetry, where spin-up and spin-down electrons split into different
conduction bands. PSOI can induce p-wave superconducting order without
the need for attraction mediator. Depending on the sign and strength of the PSOI
coupling, two distinct superconducting phases emerge in 3D systems, analogous to
the A and B phases observed in superfluid 3He. In contrast, 2D
systems exhibit order parameter like px ± iqy,
leading to time-reversal-invariant topological superconductivity. A sufficiently
strong PSOI can induce ferromagnetic ordering. It is associated with a
deformation of the Fermi surface, which eventually leads to a Lifshitz
transition from a spherical to a toroidal Fermi surface, with a number of
experimentally observable signatures. In pure Rashba materials, ferromagnetism
and p-wave superconductivity may coexist. This state resembles the
A1 phase of 3He, yet it may avoid nodal points due to the
toroidal shape of the Fermi surface. Their calculations show that the PSOI is
strong in the considered Rashba materials and can induce electrons to pair up
and produce a superconducting state. Although the pairing symmetry differs in 2D
and 3D, in both cases it has odd parity, meaning that the system would be an
unconventional superconductor. Such a state would be disrupted by modest
concentrations of impurities and could be detectable in ultrapure samples at
100's mK.
For more information: Physics, January 2 (2025); Phys. Rev. B,
January 2 (2025) page 035104.
NOTE: previous Research News (since WEEK OF MARCH 1, 1994 [No. 1],
around the time when the Quantum Cascade Lasers were demonstrated at
AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, N.J., as promising MIR
solid-state room temperature sources that would enable laser
spectroscopy in the spectral region where fundamental
rotational-vibrational transitions of most molecules take place) not posted.